Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C24 Bo Siyan I like You
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C24 Bo Siyan I like You
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C24 Bo Siyan I like You

But what could she do if she stayed? She didn't seem to think it through.

"Shall I help you take a cold shower in the bathroom?" Jing Zhiwei asked.

"Let's go!" Bo Siyan could not control himself when he heard her voice.

He did not know what kind of irreparable thing he would do if the little girl continued to tease him.

He could not let him hurt her, he could not!

If she was not willing to give it to him, even if he had to wait for another ten or twenty years, he would still be willing to wait!

He absolutely couldn't hurt her, he absolutely couldn't let her cry!

"How can I leave like this?" Jing Zhiwei was about to cry because of him!

"You don't need to care about me." Bo Siyan turned his head to the side and made up his mind.

Jing Zhiwei's heart ached when she saw the veins on his forehead popping out.

In her previous life, the way he blocked the knife for her kept appearing in Jing Zhiwei's mind.

He said, slightly, don't cry.

He said, Wei Wei, it's good to die in your arms.

In such a dangerous moment, in order to save her, he had given up his life out of instinct.

He didn't hesitate at all!

But now, what was she doing?

She was watching him endure the pain!

Jing Zhiwei, why are you such a scum?

She was willing to sacrifice her life to save you, but now it was time for you to repay her kindness, yet you just stood there without moving?

You can't even do such a small thing for him, why are you still saying that you want to repay her kindness in this life?

Jing Zhiwei gritted her teeth, stomped her foot, and threw caution to the wind!

She locked the door behind her and once again closed the heavy curtains tightly.

Then, she walked towards Bo Siyan step by step.

"Siyan, I'll help you." Jing Zhiwei sat in the wheelchair.

Bo Siyan's pupils dilated.

He looked at Jing Zhiwei in disbelief. "Stupid woman, do you know what you are doing?"

Jing Zhiwei directly used her own kiss to block his mouth.

Her firm voice came from between her lips and teeth, "I know..."

Bo Siyan held his breath.

He could no longer control himself as he felt the movements of the little girl's hands.

He picked Jing Zhiwei up and placed her on the floor.

Jing Zhiwei was shocked, "Your legs..."

However, Bo Siyan also used her actions to instantly block her noisy little mouth.


Two hours later, the temperature in the gym was as high as a sauna.

Jing Zhiwei was exhausted, but her heart was sweet.

It turned out that the feeling of giving her to the person she loved was actually so wonderful.

Bo Siyan carried her out of the gym and placed her on the bed in the bedroom.

"I'll go wash up." Bo Siyan planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm." Jing Zhiwei shyly covered her head with the blanket.

Is this guy that good at flirting? Why didn't she notice it in her previous life!

This is really a treasure!

Now, whenever she heard Bo Siyan's voice, her heart would start beating wildly.

The sound of the bathroom being washed could be heard. Jing Zhiwei could not help but recall their situation in the small gym.

Bo Siyan's figure was really too good. When he took off his clothes, it was obvious that he had practiced it before. So his legs were not by accident when he was driven by the sperm today, but they were already good!

This kid was really too good at lying!

Jing Zhiwei was so embarrassed that she rolled around on the bed. In the end, she was so embarrassed that she ran to the small bathroom to take a shower and wanted to wash the temperature off her body.

When she came back, she found that Bo Siyan was already lying on the bed.

Jing Zhiwei was at a loss.

At this time, Bo Siyan actually looked at her with a very excited look, which made her even more shy. The temperature that had just retreated instantly burned up, and her face was burning up.

"You... This is the first time?" Bo Siyan's voice was also filled with excitement!

When he went to the gym to get Jing Zhiwei's bathrobe and his clothes, he actually found a pool of blood on the ground.

When he returned to the bed, he saw that the white sheets were also stained with a bit of red.

"Hey!" Jing Zhiwei instantly exploded!

She picked up the pillow and threw it at Bo Siyan!

"What do you think of me? Am I that bad in your heart? Do you really think I'm as bad as the rumors say? " Jing Zhiwei sat on his body and threw a series of milk punches at him!

He was really going to explode from anger!

Was he going too far? It was simply a personal attack!

Bo Siyan smiled and grabbed the little girl's hand. "I thought you and Bo Yiqin had already..."

"Get lost!" Jing Zhiwei covered his face. She was really annoyed when she saw it!

"Phew..." The exhausted Jing Zhiwei finally collapsed on the bed.

Smoked and tired!

She did not expect that in Bo Siyan's heart, she would have been like Bo Yiqin a long time ago.

But... even so, he still liked her very much. Just now, he even cherished her so much. Didn't this mean that he was even more precious?

Jing Zhiwei's heart became even sweeter.

Bo Siyan was indeed a man worthy of her love. In this life, she finally did not make any mistakes!

"Wei Wei," Bo Siyan was still happy. "Why didn't you give it to Bo Yiqin?"

"Why? Hmm?"

Jing Zhiwei was annoyed by his question and simply hid in his arms to settle the matter. " Aiya, how can there be so many reasons? It's just that I don't like it or don't want it. It's that simple! "

"Then you..." Bo Siyan took the opportunity to hug her tightly.

CEO Bo, who had always been decisive and decisive, was so nervous that he did not dare to ask.

"You mean, you like it..."

"I like you!" Jing Zhiwei suddenly raised her head and bravely answered the question that he did not finish asking!

"Bo Siyan, I like you. I like you very much." Jing Zhiwei looked deeply into his eyes.

Bo Siyan's breathing stopped.

The peach blossom eyes of the little girl in his arms shone brightly. It was so beautiful that it was like a dream that was unreal.

However, the warmth of her body and her gentle voice reminded him that all of this was real.

The things that had appeared in his dream countless times and for more than ten years, he had never dared to dream of being real had actually happened!

"Wei Wei, is what you said true?" Bo Siyan's voice was filled with nervousness and gentleness that he had never felt before.

"Of course it's true!" Jing Zhiwei smiled sweetly and planted a deep kiss on his thin lips.

"Bo Siyan, listen..."

Jing Zhiwei held his handsome face with both hands, "I like you. I like you from the bottom of my heart. That's why I said I want to marry you, not because I want to anger Bo Yiqin, nor because of your wealth and status."

"I really want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Bo Siyan, do you understand?"

Bo Siyan looked at her in confusion.

His confused expression was very different from the cold and domineering face of the manga's male protagonist.

"Pfft..." Jing Zhiwei laughed out loud.

She once again hid in Bo Siyan's arms.

This time, she didn't ask whether he believed her or didn't understand.

This life was long. She had a lot of time to prove her feelings and let him understand her true feelings.

"Yes, I understand!" Suddenly, an answer that sounded like an oath came from above her head.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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