Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C25 The Alliance of Fools Didn't Know How to Repent Even If They Died
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C25 The Alliance of Fools Didn't Know How to Repent Even If They Died
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C25 The Alliance of Fools Didn't Know How to Repent Even If They Died

Outside the hotel, in the woods.

The dinner was almost over, but Bo Yiqin still could not find Jing Zhiwei.

"You said that this matter was foolproof, that's why I did it. What about now? I was messed up by you!" Bo Yiqin cursed at the woman standing in front of him. She was not gentlemanly at all.

Wan Zimeng felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She was still immersed in the pain of Bo Siyan rejecting her.

She could not figure out what was wrong with her. She clearly went in under Bo Siyan's most serious condition. Why would Bo Siyan chase her out?

"You are useless yourself. Now you have the nerve to blame me?" Wan Zimeng's head hurt even more because of Bo Yiqin's argument.

"It is better now. The medicine I spent a lot of money to get is useless. Bo Yiqin, do you think I have time to joke with you here? Why are you so useless? You can't even handle a woman! "

"You still have the face to say that to me?" Bo Yiqin clenched his fists, wishing he could hit Wan Zimeng in the next second.

He was now full of fear. He was worried that Jing Zhiwei had already discovered his scheme! If that was the case, he would have even less of a chance to get close to Jing Zhiwei in the future!

"I don't care. Anyway, this matter was not arranged by you. You must think of a way to solve it!" Bo Yiqin might as well break the jar and rely on Wan Zimeng.

"It seems that we can't be soft. We can only use force on them." Wan Zimeng endured the pain on her ankle and said fiercely.

"What method?" Bo Yiqin asked.

Wan Zimeng whispered into his ear.

Bo Yiqin felt that this matter was too dangerous. Once it got out of hand, he would not be able to fool her with just a few words.

"It depends on whether you dare or not." Wan Zimeng looked at him with disdain.

Bo Yiqin hesitated a little. "Just like this time. You are the one who prepared everything. I only need to send someone out."

Wan Zimeng nodded. "Of course."

Bo Yiqin looked at the brightly lit hotel building.

He did not know where Jing Zhiwei was, nor did he know how Bo Siyan could cure her. When he thought about Jing Zhiwei being with Bo Siyan, his heart ached like a knife.

No matter what, he had to get Jing Zhiwei.

No matter the cost!

"Okay, I promise you!" Bo Yiqin made up his mind.

Wan Zimeng nodded and showed a fierce look in her eyes.

Although this matter did not succeed, it was fortunate that Bo Siyan did not suspect her.

Whether it was the fragrance in the hotel presidential suite or the door that just happened to loosen, she did not come out to do it.

In this matter, the only thing she came out to do was pretend that she had something to do and went upstairs to look for Bo Siyan. She just happened to notice Bo Siyan's strange behavior.

Not only that, she even cursed the person who poisoned him and said that she must help Bo Siyan find the person who poisoned him.

In addition, Bo Siyan had never put her intelligence and means in his eyes. She should be safe now.

What they did not know was that at this time, in the presidential suite upstairs, Jing Zhiwei had told Bo Siyan everything that happened tonight.

"The woman who knocked Bo Yiqin down. I saw her with Wan Zimeng before. So I suspect this matter has something to do with Wan Zimeng. It was very likely that Bo Yiqin and Wan Zimeng had discussed it beforehand. The two of them would work together. At the same time, they attacked you and me to ensure that they can break our engagement."

Jing Zhiwei looked at Bo Siyan with anticipation, waiting for Bo Siyan to be enlightened and praise her for being smart.

She did not expect Bo Siyan to actually say, "I had long guessed that this was done by Wan Zimeng. Other than this vicious and brainless woman, no one else has the courage."

"Huh?" Jing Zhiwei was immediately defeated.

"Then, what do you plan to do?" Jing Zhiwei asked.

Bo Siyan's cold eyes revealed killing intent, "She naturally only has one outcome for daring to plot against me."

"No, no, no, you were impulsive!" Jing Zhiwei hurriedly interrupted his dangerous thoughts.

This kid was indeed not an ordinary person. Solving problems was always the most ruthless and direct method.

But to Jing Zhiwei, this was far from enough.

She felt that catching a cat and mouse was more satisfying.

"I have a way. If you believe me, then don't bother about this matter anymore. Let me deal with this stupid alliance. How about it?" Jing Zhiwei asked.

Bo Siyan looked at her lovingly.

It was very obvious that the little girl bore a grudge against Wan Zimeng.

Did this mean that she was jealous for him?

Bo Siyan changed his mind and immediately agreed to her request.

To him, Wan Zimeng was just an unrelated person. Since his little girl was willing to play around, he would let her play.

"By the way, your leg..." Jing Zhiwei looked at Bo Siyan's long legs, which were comfortably stretched, and could not help but swallow her saliva.

"What? They are long and straight. Do you want to touch them?" Bo Siyan asked.

"Annoying," Jing Zhiwei glared at him. "I mean, since your legs are good, why are you still sitting in a wheelchair?"

"Because it should have been a cripple." Bo Siyan's eyes darkened, and he fell into a painful memory. "If it wasn't for my big life, I would have been a complete cripple, or a dead person."

Jing Zhiwei suddenly thought of some rumors in the circle.

In her previous life, people had always said that Bo Siyan's legs were caused by Chung Minru. She originally wanted to kill Bo Siyan, so she caused a car accident, but Bo Siyan did not die.

However, Bo Siyan's mother died in that car accident.

"Do you know why I kept Bo Zhenting and Chung Minru in Cloud City after I seized power?" Bo Siyan asked.

"Are you looking for evidence that Chung Minru caused the accident and killed your mother?" Jing Zhiwei really knew everything.

"That's right. So, this is one of the reasons why I continue to pretend to be crippled. If that's not the case, I can't let them lower their guard... "

"There is another reason." Bo Siyan did not hide anything from Jing Zhiwei. "Five years ago when I took over the Bo Group, it was a mess that looked strong on the outside but was actually weak on the inside. If the mess that Bo Zhenting left behind was not resolved, the Bo Group would not be able to advance to the top five in the world. I am afraid that they will fall out of the list of merchants in China in a short period of time."

"Therefore, all these years, in order to stabilize Bo Group, I didn't clean up the remaining old men in the group. Keeping this injured leg is giving them a chance to rebel."

Jing Zhiwei did not expect that she would be able to hear Bo Siyan say so much in one breath while she was still alive!

When she decided to love Bo Siyan well in this life, she was already prepared to spend the rest of her life with him. But now, she was simply delighted!

"Now, the Bo Group is under your lead as the overlord. So, you are going to put away the net very soon?" Jing Zhiwei's eyes were filled with admiration.

Bo Siyan's eyes were also full of love. He looked at her with admiration, "So smart."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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