Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C27 Su's Secret Anti-cancer Medicine
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C27 Su's Secret Anti-cancer Medicine
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C27 Su's Secret Anti-cancer Medicine

Jing Zhiwei opened her mouth, feeling nervous.

There were two letters in the envelope.

The first one was a letter from her mother.

"Wei Wei, when you saw this letter, her mother left. Wai Jinli drugged my tea. Wei Wei, don't trust Wai Jinli and her daughter. Also, you must live well... "

Her mother's handwriting had always been neat and beautiful, but at this moment, the handwriting on the letter was crooked and crooked. Every stroke of the letter was trembling. It could be seen how painful her body was when she wrote these words.

The second letter was the password to a bank safety deposit box.

"Hubing Bank, 23206. Your name, your birthday."

In these two letters, everything was extremely concise, but it was filled with her mother's love and affection for her.

Jing Zhiwei fell to the ground, tears silently flowing down her face.

"Mother..." After a long time, she finally cried out.

She was so stupid, so stupid!

Her mother died in her room, and when she saw the corpse, her mother's hand that was hanging down was pointing in the direction of the bedside table!

But in her previous life, she actually didn't notice it at all. She completely didn't think that her mother was reminding her of something!

Also, when she just moved into this new house when she was ten years old, her mother had told her about it.

"Remember this, the nightstand is a girl's most private place. All your secrets can be kept here. So you absolutely can't let anyone open your bedside table, understand?

At that time, she didn't mind and even acted spoiled to her mother, "What secrets can I have? Mom, your precious daughter is transparent to you."

But Mom only emphasized, "In short, you have to remember, don't move this bedside table as you wish, and don't let anyone get close to it. When you need to clean, Mom will do it for you. Usually, you have to make it clear to everyone that this is a girl's secret territory. You can't touch it, understand? "

She agreed in a daze.

However, she did listen to her mother and put her diary, as well as some manga and secret drawings of the teenage girl's heart in the bedside table.

Now that she thought about it, it turned out that her mother had already prepared this top-secret secret secret compartment in case of emergencies.

"Mom..." Jing Zhiwei's tears fell like rain.

She missed her mother so much, so much so...

And this letter from her mother proved what Wai Jinli and her daughter said.

Her mother did not commit suicide by swallowing sleeping pills, but was killed by Wai Jinli's medicine!

She remembered clearly that at noon that day, her mother said that there was a friend that she wanted to meet with in the tea room and asked her to take a taxi to dance school.

She also asked her mother, what friend was so important?

But her mother only smiled and did not tell her.

Now that she thought about it, her mother's smile clearly contained bitterness.

She did not know what reason Wai Jinli used to threaten her mother to attend the appointment.

What he could confirm was that Wai Jinli was in this meeting. She placed a sleeping pill like poison in her mother's tea and... This poison could be delayed. It was only when his mother returned home that she noticed the abnormalities in her body.

Her mother, who was familiar with medicine, understood that it was too late to save her.

Thus, her mother could only use the last of her strength to come to her room and give her the final explanation.

That day, because she had to prepare for an international dance competition, she practiced in the dance room until late at night. That night, her father was also out on a business trip.

Because Auntie Zhang's only sister had a car accident, she also took a leave of absence from her mother in the afternoon.

During the outbreak of the poison, her mother was the only one in the huge Jing family villa.

When she left alone, her mother must have been so helpless and painful!

From that day onwards, Jing Zhiwei did not dance again, but her mother would never come back.

She would forever lose her mother.

"Wuwuwu..." A low whimper sounded in Jing Zhiwei's room.

It went through all the regret and resentment in her past life and present life.

Wai Jinli, I must kill you! Definitely!


Jing Zhiwei and Director Ma postponed their meeting and arranged to meet tomorrow.

She made a phone call and went out. "Siyan, I'll go to the company to find you right away. You should get off work early. I'll take you to my friend's noodle house to eat, okay?"

"Although it's a small restaurant, the taste is really good... I'll treat you! I'll go to the bank to withdraw cash later and book a table for you!"

Jing Zhiwei knew that her every move was under Jing Shishi's watch. No matter what, she could not let Jing Shishi and Wai Jinli become suspicious.

She had a premonition that the thing that her mother hid in the safe should be the secret anti-cancer medicine that Wai Jinli had forced her to take out in her previous life!

In this life, everything had a turn for the better. No matter what, she would not let the tragedy repeat itself!

Jing Zhiwei disguised herself in her car and dressed like a tomboy as she walked into Hubing Bank.

Because the safe was opened by her name, she smoothly completed the relevant procedures and came to the safe area.

The password to the safe was her birthday. Jing Zhiwei saw that there was no one around and quickly entered and opened it.

There was a file bag in the cabinet. Jing Zhiwei took the file bag and put the photo of her, her father, and mother's family, which she had prepared beforehand, in the safe.

Just now, she had already signed a 30 year contract renewal and continued to rent the safe in case of emergencies.

After leaving the bank, Jing Zhiwei drove the car to the underground parking lot of the nearby shopping mall and hid in the car to open the file bag.

The first few USB disks that fell out of the file bag were a few.

All the black disks were attached to the "liver," "kidney, 'lungs, and" stomach. "They represented the classifications of the content hidden inside.

In addition to the four USB disks, there were also two folders.

The cover of one of the thick documents read: Su Group's Super Technology Micromolecular Cancer Plan.

Jing Zhiwei simply flipped through it and recorded in detail the process of her grandfather developing the anti-cancer medicine. Every modification, experience, and usage of the anticancer medicine were all included in it.

Rather than saying that it was a document, it would be better to say that it was an era-defining medical book.

As for the other slightly thinner document, it was the ASR anticancer micromolecules that had already been developed.

In addition, there were two bank cards, two property ownership certificates, and some insurance policies that her mother had insured for her.

Looking at these things, Jing Zhiwei's eyes once again turned red.

Her mother had always shielded her from the wind and rain, plotted for her future, and planned every step of her life steadily.

But what about her?

In her previous life, she was so stupid that she didn't have the ability to take revenge for her mother!

If her mother knew that her beloved daughter had been imprisoned for ten years, living in a prison that was neither human nor ghost for ten years, how painful would her mother's heart be!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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