Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C28 In Life What Was True Love?
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C28 In Life What Was True Love?
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C28 In Life What Was True Love?

Jing Zhiwei took the top-secret document envelope and went to Bo Siyan's office.

"I was just about to go and find you. Why are you here?" Bo Siyan just came back from the meeting.

Jing Zhiwei looked at Wang Ziyu.

Bo Siyan immediately understood and motioned for Wang Ziyu to leave.

Then Jing Zhiwei closed all the glass windows in Bo Siyan's office and closed the curtains.

"What do you want?" Bo Siyan's ears turned red.

"Huh?" Jing Zhiwei blinked her eyes. She was really going to be overwhelmed by his shy look!

This man was too much of a treasure!

"Do you have any safe or something like that?" Jing Zhiwei said and handed the document bag to Bo Siyan. "This is all of my assets. I will give it to you now as a betrothal gift for you. How about it?"

Bo Siyan frowned slightly. "Did Jing family bully you?"

"No, this is the inheritance my mother left me. But no one except myself knew about it. So it's not safe to keep it in my house. I plan to keep it with you. Can you keep it for me?" Jing Zhiwei could only give a brief explanation.

Bo Siyan nodded and took it. It took him a few minutes to put the document in a safe beside his desk.

"This is it?" Jing Zhiwei asked.

"The Bo Group Building hired a top security team, and no one dared to enter my office." Bo Siyan said.

Jing Zhiwei was a little worried, so she went forward to confirm.

"Huh? Didn't you put it in your safe? But why isn't it in there? "

There were only some contracts and gold notes about the Bo Group in the safe. Jing Zhiwei couldn't find her own folder no matter how hard she searched.

Bo Siyan pressed on the bottom of the safe. With a "Ka" sound, the floor under the safe actually loosened.

This was a secret compartment made of a small push type drawer. It should have the thickness of a brick inside. Jing Zhiwei saw that other than her folder, there was also a photo. It looked like a woman.

"Who is this?" Jing Zhiwei stretched out her hand to take it.

But Bo Siyan's hand was quick. He closed the drawer in an instant. "It's nothing."

Jing Zhiwei was a little angry.

She did not expect Bo Siyan to hide a secret from her!

Most importantly, she clearly saw that the person in the photo had long hair and a skirt. It was clearly a woman!

"It's not what you think." Bo Siyan saw her worry.

Jing Zhiwei refused to admit it. "What am I thinking? I am not such a petty person!"

"But are you sure you want to give such an important thing to me?" Bo Siyan changed the topic.

"Of course. I am not like you. If you hide anything from me, I will trust you." Jing Zhiwei was still jealous.

Bo Siyan smiled. To be honest, what happened yesterday and today made him feel like he was in a dream.

However, no matter what the reason was, as long as she trusted him, he would protect her with his life.


The more she looked at Jing Zhiwei and Bo Siyan as if they were glue, the more Jing Shishi could not keep her cool.

It seemed that the matter with Bo Yiqin could not be delayed any longer. Otherwise, she would be completely stepped on by Jing Zhiwei.

Jing Shishi asked her friend to inquire about it. She knew that Bo Yiqin was drinking at Nion Night tonight. She took the medicine and decided to make a move today.

Nion Night was the largest and most chaotic bar in the city. The bar was filled with both good and bad people. Some girls could use any means to hook girls and men to take away beautiful women.

As long as she borrowed the power of Nion Night, she would definitely be able to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

"Brother Ai Di." Jing Shishi quietly snuck into the lounge of the bar.

"You came to Shishi?" Eddie, who had been waiting here a long time ago, pulled her in.

"The thing is here." Jing Shishi stuffed a packet of medicine into Eddie's hands.

Eddie was the bartender here, and he specialized in serving high-end customers. He was very familiar with everyone and would not be suspected of doing anything.

"Shishi, how do you plan to repay brother this time?" Eddie hugged Jing Shishi's waist.

"Brother, don't forget that your brother still relied on my uncle's connections to get things done in prison." Jing Shishi said and gave him a card. "Is that enough?"

Eddie smiled and tactfully withdrew his hand.

"Go do it." Jing Shishi slightly raised her chin and held her head high.

She hid in the lounge and saw Eddie pour the medicine into the wine Bo Yiqin ordered.

Although Bo Yiqin had a lot of people in his seat, the only one who drank the "Black Noble" was Bo Yiqin. He had always wanted this kind of the most intense kind of heavy flavored wine.

Very quickly, Bo Yiqin picked up the "Black Noble" that had been drugged.

He was holding a beautiful woman in his arms. The two of them were so close that it was unknown what they were talking about. The woman drank a mouthful of wine and fed it to Bo Yiqin's mouth.

"Very good. This time, there is even a scapegoat." When Jing Shishi saw this scene, she was filled with hatred and pride.

She hated that Bo Yiqin had ignored her for so long. He was actually hugging a beauty outside and drinking with her. What she was satisfied with was that this mouthful of wine was fed to Bo Yiqin by the beauty.

Jing Shishi watched the beauty feed Bo Yiqin and finish the cup of wine before leaving Nion Night.

An hour later.

"Sister Shishi, that's enough. Come over." A younger sister who had been arranged earlier called.

"Okay, by the way, remember to delete all of our contact records."

Jing Shishi hung up the phone and headed towards the hotel where Lulu was located.

As she sped along, there was only a kind of excitement in her heart that seemed like her wish was about to be fulfilled. She was not the slightest bit sad.

She originally thought that in order to fulfill her wish, she would let Bo Yiqin touch another woman and her heart would be very sad.

However, it was only at this moment that she understood that she didn't love Bo Yiqin. She only loved his identity as the young master of the Bo family.

"Sister Shishi, Young Master Bo and a few of my little sisters are already in the room. I said that I went to buy a T and sneaked out. No one noticed." Lulu carefully went to the stairwell.

Jing Shishi was already wearing a cap, sunglasses, and face mask and was fully armed, hiding at the corner of the stairwell.

She handed the camera to Lulu, "Remember, you must hide. If Bo Yiqin finds out, I won't be able to live, and you won't be able to get your money either."

"I know, Sister Shishi. Don't worry."

"Is the woman who fed Bo Yiqin wine also here?" Jing Shishi confirmed.

As long as this woman was here, she would be able to get rid of the blame. This was a chance that she could not miss.

"Yes. She had always wanted to cling onto Young Master Bo. Although today's situation was special, she also went all out. After all, they were all in the circle, so there was nothing she hadn't seen before. " Lulu said.

Jing Shishi nodded her head in satisfaction, indicating for her to do it.

Jing Shishi then returned to her car and changed into an obedient white cotton dress. She took her book and went to the already booked 24-hour self-study room to make an alibi.

At the same time, the paparazzi that she had promised to take pictures of her were already in place.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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