Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C29 One of Them Dared to Hit Her and the Other Was Willing to Take It
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C29 One of Them Dared to Hit Her and the Other Was Willing to Take It
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C29 One of Them Dared to Hit Her and the Other Was Willing to Take It

Tomorrow morning, she shows up at the entrance of the pay room with a book in her arms, and photos will be posted online, and everyone will say she's a good girl who works hard and changes herself.

And a few marketing accounts that were bought over would also guide the matter of cheating on Jing Zhiwei. It would create a false impression that Jing Zhiwei wronged her.

She wanted to wash her hair and marry into the Bo family. She wanted both of them!

Jing Zhiwei, you are still too young to fight with me!

The next morning, the Internet exploded.

The video of Bo Yiqin and a few women together spread crazily on the Internet. In one night, the public image of the Bo family's second young master, Humbly Gentleman, completely collapsed!

At the same time, the photos of Jing Shishi lighting up the lights at night in the paid study room also went viral. Under the guidance of a few marketing accounts, the image of the two of them instantly changed like heaven and earth.

Jing Shishi came out of the paid study room and immediately called Bo Yiqin. "Bo Yiqin, what did you do last night? This is the reason why you ignored me, right? I worked hard to be worthy of you, but you were free and unfettered outside. Are you worthy of me?"

She threw a barrage of questions at him.

She had never dared to speak to Bo Yiqin in such a way before, but now, she had to create the image of a victim so that Bo Yiqin would have no doubt about it. Therefore, she could only take the risk.

"Are you courting death? Didn't I tell you not to call me again?" Bo Yiqin was sound asleep, obviously not awake yet.

"You are too much!" Jing Shishi pretended to cry and hung up the phone.

She then drove to the hotel where Bo Yiqin was at and pretended to be caught.

On the other side, in the hotel.

Bo Yiqin, who had just woken up from his hangover, turned around.

Suddenly, he felt something pressing down on him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman looking at him coquettishly, "Young Master Bo..."

Then, someone said, "Young Master Bo is really powerful..."

Bo Yiqin suddenly jumped up from the bed!

When he saw the situation in the room, he was completely stunned!

He suddenly felt as if the sky above his head had collapsed!

How could this be?

What exactly happened last night?

He clearly remembered that he just drank too much and was then helped to the hotel by the beautiful woman who took the initiative to please him.

It's just a woman, it's not like he can't afford to play with her, so he naturally did not reject, but...

But now...

Bo Yiqin felt dizzy when he saw the beautiful girls in the room. He almost fainted!

If his father found out, he would be dead for sure!

"Bang! Bang! Suddenly, he thought of a fierce knock on the door.

The beautiful girls in the room were also frightened and hurriedly put on their clothes.

"Bo Yiqin, open the door!" Jing Shishi shouted.

Hearing Jing Shishi's voice, Bo Yiqin, who was originally pale with fright, heaved a sigh of relief instead.

He snorted coldly, put on a towel, and went to open the door.

"Bo Yiqin!"

The moment the door opened, Jing Shishi angrily pushed open the door and entered.

Bo Yiqin leisurely closed the door and sneered indifferently, "What is it?"

"You..." Jing Shishi pointed at the beautiful women in the room who had nowhere to hide and was so angry that her whole body trembled.

"What about me?" Bo Yiqin was very tough. "What are you? How dare you meddle in my business? Jing Shishi, I was in a good mood earlier to give you some face. You really take yourself seriously?"

"Bo Yiqin!" Jing Shishi was so angry that she stomped her feet." You said you wanted to marry me. You already proposed to me and I also took your engagement ring. How could you do such a thing? "

Jing Shishi raised her hand and showed the engagement ring on her hand to Bo Yiqin.

Seeing this ring, Bo Yiqin wished he could chop off her finger!

This ring constantly reminded him of the humiliation he had suffered!

"Bo Yiqin, tell me, have you done this kind of thing several times? If I hadn't seen your video online today, I would have been kept in the dark by you!" Jing Shishi was so angry that she almost cried.

Bo Yiqin, who was about to chase her away, suddenly became alert when he heard the word "online."

"What did you say?" He suddenly grabbed Jing Shishi. "You just said that you saw something somewhere?! Say it again!"

Jing Shishi was shocked by him. "I... I saw you on the Internet, I saw you... Your video, the room and the hotel were also posted in the video."

" What video? Quickly find it!" Bo Yiqin was so scared that his hands were shaking.

Jing Shishi also pretended to panic and hurriedly took out her phone and clicked on the trending page.

"It, it's all your videos." Jing Shishi handed it to Bo Yiqin in fear.

Bo Yiqin only clicked on one of the videos and his face turned ashen.

"It's over... It's over..." He staggered backwards, his legs went soft, and he fell to the ground.

"Yiqin!" Jing Shishi quickly went forward to support him.

"It's over. My dad saw this and must kill me..." Bo Yiqin's voice trembled.

Jing Shishi also became anxious, "Yes, Yiqin. Your dad is so strict with you and loves your face. If he knows this, he will kick you out of the house."

Bo Yiqin completely panicked. When he heard "kick you out of the house," he was so scared that his whole body trembled.

"No, no... I have to think of a way. I can't be kicked out of the house... "

"Shishi! Shishi, help me. Now, you are the only one who can help me..." Bo Yiqin grabbed Jing Shishi tightly as if he was holding onto a life-saving straw.

Jing Shishi felt proud in her heart, but she still maintained a painful expression on her face. "Yiqin, don't worry. I will definitely help you think of a way."

"You have to be fast! You have to be fast!" Bo Yiqin's entire person was like a frightened bird!

His appearance frightened all the beauties present. All of them were silent like cicadas in winter and looked at Bo Yiqin in fear.

"Still not getting lost?" Jing Shishi suddenly looked at these beauties and shouted angrily.

"Get lost! All of you get lost!" Bo Yiqin also came back to his senses and grabbed a pillow to throw at these beauties.

The beauties were really frightened. Although they worked hard for a night and did not get any money or gifts, they did not dare to stay any longer and ran out one after another.

"Yiqin, we can't stay here anymore. Otherwise, when your dad comes over later, we will not be able to speak properly!" Jing Shishi helped Bo Yiqin up.

"Yes, Shishi, you are right." Bo Yiqin had no idea what to do now.

The two of them left the hotel quickly and Jing Shishi drove to Bo Yiqin's apartment in the city.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the apartment, Bo Zhenting called.

Bo Yiqin looked at the vibrating phone and did not dare to answer for a long time.

Jing Shishi gave it a shot and snatched it over, "Uncle, Yiqin stared at American stocks very late last night and has not woken up yet. Do you need me to wake him up?"

"Where are you?" Bo Zhenting was extremely furious.

"We are in Yiqin's apartment. Uncle, what happened? Should I ask Yiqin to go home now?" Jing Shishi pretended to be stupid.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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