Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C30 You Used Your Husband's Beauty to Fish?
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Rebirth: The Petted CEO/C30 You Used Your Husband's Beauty to Fish?
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C30 You Used Your Husband's Beauty to Fish?

Bo Zhenting could sense something was amiss.

"You mean, Yiqin was with you last night?" Bo Zhenting asked.

"Yes, Uncle. We were together last night. What happened, Uncle? What happened?" Jing Shishi continued to pretend.

"Oh, nothing." Bo Zhenting hung up.

Jing Shishi let out a long sigh of relief and returned the phone to Bo Yiqin. "Although it has stabilized for the time being, I don't know how long it can last. After all, your father is so smart. It is not easy to find your record of getting a room."

"Shishi, then... what should we do?" Bo Yiqin was extremely afraid.

"I think we can only wait now." Jing Shishi said.

"Wait?" Bo Yiqin did not understand.

"Yes, wait. We can only prove that we have a clear conscience if we don't do anything. We can only argue when your father finds you with evidence. "

Bo Yiqin was completely dumbfounded." How? "

Jing Shishi looked at him. "Of course it's said that the video was photoshopped. You were framed. What else could he do? Could it be that you drank too much and played too much?"

Bo Yiqin did not have the time to care about her attitude anymore. He just asked," But can my dad believe it? "

"Even if he doesn't believe it, as long as I am by your side as a witness, he has no reason to expel you from the family. How can there be a witness who can prove that you are not guilty, but he must convict you? Even in court, you won't get a sentence like this."

Bo Yiqin felt that what she said made sense.

"Shishi, you... Are you still willing to help me?" Bo Yiqin was somewhat moved.

Jing Shishi sighed and hugged Bo Yiqin, "Yiqin, when I saw you fooling around, I wanted to kill you and take you down with me. But if you calm down, how can I really let you die?"

"Yiqin, I love you. Even if I have to risk my life, I will still protect you."


Jing Zhiwei saw the news online and guessed Jing Shishi's plan.

As for whether this plan was benevolent or not, she was too lazy to care. After all, this was a matter that a scumbag, a scumbag, was willing to hit and was willing to suffer. What she wanted was for these two people to plot against each other.

These few days, she first let Jing Shishi and Bo Yiqin tie each other down. She just had the time to relax and cooperate with Fuyuan, as well as deal with her own love rival.

On the night three days later, Jing Zhiwei changed into a dress and was about to go downstairs when she saw Jing Shishi happily enter the house.

"Sister, are you going out?" Jing Shishi stopped her.

"Siyan and I are going to listen to the concert." Jing Zhiwei did not bother with it.

"Sister, don't you care about my progress?" Jing Shishi stopped her and refused to let go.

Jing Zhiwei smiled, "Is there even a need to ask? You haven't been home for three days and you have such a happy expression when you return home. It is very obvious that your progress is not bad."

"Yes. I just came back today to get some clothes to change into. I will continue to accompany Yiqin later," Jing Shishi stroked her hair proudly. "Sister, to be honest, you have been feeling very uncomfortable these few days, right?"

"Actually, I didn't expect that when I wanted to marry into the Bo family... Yiqin got drunk and got into trouble. Although I am very sad, I can help him and make him rely on me. I think it's worth it to bear with this affair."

"I don't know if the heavens are helping me or not. After all, Yiqin can't leave me now."

Jing Zhiwei really felt that her worldview was shattered when she saw her being so serious.

Jing Zhiwei smiled, "Whether it is the heavens helping you or whether you are 'doing things in person', you and I both know it in our hearts."

"They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of chatroom are you playing with me for?"

After saying that, she bypassed Jing Shishi in disgust.

This woman really made people nauseous just by looking at her one more time.

"Jing Zhiwei, just pretend! Wait till the day Yiqin and I get married, you will cry!" Jing Shishi shouted at her back.

Jing Zhiwei just smiled coldly and walked away in the car.

She had arranged a lot of dates in the past few days, but Bo Siyan had completely given up on his mysterious principles. He went to the mall with her, the online restaurant with her, and even the most inconvenient movie theater with her.

Moreover, this kid was not tired of it. He took the initiative to buy tickets to the concert and invited her to listen.

Jing Zhiwei calculated the time and felt that the fish she was going to catch should be hooked.

"Siyan!" Jing Zhiwei had just arrived at the music hall when she saw Bo Siyan already waiting there.

She threw herself into his arms and instantly slapped the faces of the onlookers.

When she entered just now, she saw that there were some young people who did not know Bo Siyan. They all looked at him with a very sympathetic gaze. Some even said: “ He's so handsome. It's such a pity that he's a cripple.

Although Bo Siyan did not care about the gazes of these people, Jing Zhiwei could not bear to let him bear these gazes.

"Why did you come so early again? Didn't I say that I will wait for you?" Jing Zhiwei's heart ached so much.

Bo Siyan did not mind." How can there be a reason for wife to wait for a date? If not for the fact that I was afraid that there would be too many eyes around me, I would have been able to walk as fast as flying."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a man in his forties walking towards him. He looked like an elite. "CEO Bo, I really didn't expect to meet you here!"

The man stretched out his hands and was about to shake hands with Bo Siyan.

Bo Siyan looked at Jing Zhiwei. His proud little eyes were practically saying, "You see, I'm famous, right?"

"CEO Bo, are you on a date with your wife today?" The elite man saw that Bo Siyan did not respond to him and withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

"Oh, CEO Bo, I met you once at the venture capital meeting. This is my business card." This person quickly introduced himself.

Bo Siyan only gave a slight signal and let Jing Zhiwei take the business card. He himself walked into the hall in a wheelchair.

This posture seemed to be driving not the wheelchair but the Nine Heavens Emperor.

Jing Zhiwei looked at his back with a sigh. This man was really amazing!

"Director Wang, I remember you. Let's talk another day!" Jing Zhiwei took the business card and ran after Bo Siyan.

When she was walking, she glanced behind the pillar from the corner of her eye and clearly saw a paparazzi hidden there.

"Siyan, Wei Wei, what a coincidence!"

As soon as Jing Zhiwei and Bo Siyan sat down, a familiar voice came from Bo Siyan's side.

Because it was inconvenient for him to move, he bought a seat at the very edge, so when everyone in this row came in, they had to pass Bo Siyan.

Wan Zimeng was naturally no exception.

"This concert is done well. Friend, please introduce me... Aiyo! Aiyo! " Wan Zimeng said as she walked past Bo Siyan. Suddenly, her feet slipped and she threw herself into Bo Siyan's arms.

Bo Siyan frowned and quickly pushed her away!

"Ah!" Wan Zimeng's back hit the chair in the front row. She was in pain and rushed over again!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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