Peasant Girl Reborn To Revenge/C5 An Item That Brought Ye Ziqing Great Help
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Peasant Girl Reborn To Revenge/C5 An Item That Brought Ye Ziqing Great Help
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C5 An Item That Brought Ye Ziqing Great Help

"We can't raise you for free. Hurry up and pick out the fishbone." Ye Ziqiao ran over and wanted to snatch Ye Ziqing's bowl. He was the little overlord of this family. No one had ever dared to disobey his words. Not only did Ye Ziqing not listen to him, she even dared to ask him why he did that. This aroused his ferocity.

"Who said I did not contribute to the family? I did all the housework. In the past, if I were a servant girl of the landlord family... I still have my salary and clothes as compensation. I can't even eat my fill in this family. The clothes I'm wearing are things that others don't want. Who did I offend? " Ye Ziqing avoided Ye Ziqiao, threw down these few words, and ran towards the third floor with the bowl in her hands. They lived on the second floor, but Ye Ziqing's bedroom was on the third floor.

Ye Ziqing returned to her room and locked the door. She sat on the stool and chewed the rice grains in her mouth. She knew that today's food was this bowl of rice.

After she finished eating, she took out her junior high school textbooks and started to study. Although she was an outstanding student in her previous life and had always insisted on learning, she had not come into contact with these basic knowledge for twenty years. She had forgotten a lot of knowledge, so she had to seize the opportunity to study as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome when she was in high school.

She wanted to be in a quiet environment, but there were some people who didn't want her to be quiet. After the family finished eating, Zhang Ziying went upstairs to ask her to wash the dishes. She ignored Zhang Ziying and Zhang Ziying kicked the door. Ye Ziqing had no choice but to use some toilet paper to cover her ears. Now the whole world was quiet. She studied until ten o'clock in the evening and read all the textbooks for junior high school.

Ye Ziqing found that as long as she saw the beginning of the text, she could naturally remember the rest of the content. It was as if all these textbooks were recorded in a video recorder. As long as the machine was turned on, the content could naturally be displayed, which made her pleasantly surprised. If she could study so easily, she wouldn't need to fully participate in her high school studies. When she reached the second year of high school, she could participate in the college entrance exam. She believed that after two years, she would definitely be able to grasp all the knowledge of middle school and high school.

"Stupid girl, why aren't you turning off the lights? Is electricity free? You slack off during the day and use so much electricity at night. You deserve to be beaten up. " Ye Zhiyong's roar pulled her thoughts out of the book. She helplessly stood up and turned off the light.

Ye Ziqing sat by the window. The moonlight outside the window covered the ground with a layer of silver gauze. At this moment, she was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery outside the window. After she finished eating, she did not go downstairs. Until now, she did not take a shower either. When she was reading, she didn't feel uncomfortable all over. At this time, she felt uncomfortable all over. She just wanted to take a bath to her heart's content. However, it was very late now. If she went to take a bath... Ye Zhiyong would definitely teach her a lesson.

She was sweating so much during the day, and her body was sticky. She felt uncomfortable. If she did not shower, she would not be able to sleep well at night. Even if she risked being beaten and scolded, she had to take a shower. She could use cold water to wash her body.

Thinking of this, she felt her vision blur and she appeared in an unfamiliar environment. She stepped on a limestone floor, and there was a small courtyard in front of the limestone floor.

Behind the courtyard, there was a bamboo fence surrounding three to four acres of land, and on the east side was an acre of pond. On one side of the pond, there was a small well that was bubbling with water. However, no matter how much the spring water flowed out, the water would not exceed the edge of the well. And the water level was stable at 10 centimeters below the well.

The courtyard was surrounded by black soil, which was very moist. It was as if as long as she used her strength to grab the soil, she would be able to touch the oil. It seemed that the land was very fertile. The area of the land was about ten acres. To the north of the black land was a small mountain. The hillside of this mountain was not big, and the altitude was not high. The total area would not exceed a hundred acres.

She looked around and saw that there was nothing but a small tree as thick as an arm growing on the top of the mountain. There were some wild vegetables that looked like water parsley growing beside the pond. It seemed very desolate.

Ye Ziqing looked at everything blankly. She did not know where this place was, nor did she know why she suddenly came here.

She mechanically walked towards the courtyard. As she walked closer, the door of the courtyard automatically opened as if it was welcoming its master. Ye Ziqing walked into the courtyard just like that.

Although the courtyard was small, it was very exquisite. Although the house was made of wood, it looked very new. Other than the two rectangular flower beds built with bluestone outside the room, the open space was covered with bluestone, making it look clean and simple.

Ye Ziqing walked into the hall room, except for an eight-immortal table and four chairs. The two big bags on the table made her feel very familiar. They seemed to be the luggage that she did not have time to pack when she came back from the last business trip in her previous life. One bag contained two raw stones that she bought from Yun Province, and the other contained her change of clothes and laptop.

She opened the bag that contained the raw stones. One of the stones inside had turned into fragments, and the other stone was quietly lying there, no different from before.

In the bag that contained the clothes, the computer that she had put in her clothes was not damaged at all. When she turned on the computer, the computer's speed was still as fast as before. The interface was still as clear as before. It seemed like the only thing that had changed was the broken stone and herself.

She silently put away her clothes, turned off the computer, and continued to look around the house.

There was a bed, a wardrobe, and a dressing table in the east room. It seemed to be the bedroom of the former owner. She saw herself when she was sixteen in the bronze mirror of the dressing table. She had a small face the size of a palm and a pointy chin. Her nose was high and her lips were slightly thick. Her light yellow hair had no luster at all.

Ye Ziqing lowered her head and looked at her skinny body and flat chest. When she thought about her weight of less than 80 pounds, she sighed. She was too thin, even though her facial features were not bad. But malnutrition made her look like a 13 or 14 year old girl, not like a 16 year old girl at all.

The east and west side of the west room were bookshelves on both sides. The south side was a large desk. A chair was placed in front of the desk and a pen was placed on the desk.

There was a small round table under the window in the north and two chairs on both sides. On a jade plate on the table, there was a white jade teapot and four jade cups of the same color. The jade cup that appeared in Ye Qing's hand earlier was one of them. It was very obvious that this was the study room. Ye Ziqing was thinking about the scene of sitting in front of the window with a book and reading a book. A knowing smile appeared on her face.

There were some farming tools, hoes, axes, baskets and so on in the east room. Anything needed to do farm work was available. In the south side of the room, there were a few weapons, including swords, daggers, bows and knives. The west room was empty, it seemed like the previous owner did not use it.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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