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C6 She Bought It

The kitchen is full of cutlery, but these things are old. There was a big stove and a small stove here. There were pots on the stove. A few large and small iron pots were also placed on the rack beside them.

The utensils were all porcelain, and although the patterns on the plates were very simple, but it's lifelike, giving off a sense of simplicity and solemnity. Furthermore, these utensils were all complete sets, and they were very high-grade. When she looked at the bottom of the bowl, she was even more shocked. These plates were actually made in the official kiln during the Song Dynasty.

The bathroom was very high quality, and there was actually an automatic purification device inside. This was even higher quality than the toilet in her previous life.

"What kind of place is this?" After Ye Ziqing looked around the room, she became even more confused. She knew that although she had returned to more than ten years ago, she had never been to this place.

"This is the Wide Open Space. Since you have come in, you will be the owner of the Wide Open Space from now on. Take good care of this space. I hope the Wide Open Space can help you." A gentle voice sounded in the air.

"Who are you? Why did you give me such a valuable thing?" Ye Ziqing believed that there was no free lunch in the world.

"I didn't give this to you. You bought it yourself." With a soft sigh, the information of the Wide Open Space appeared clearly in Ye Ziqing's mind.

It turned out that the Wide Open Space was the work of Immortal Lord. However, the Wide Open Space only had a piece of land of more than ten acres and a small hill. She felt very disappointed.

The items that she spent so much effort to find were all used to refine this space. However, there were no vast plains, no boundless seas, and no dense forests here.

She had spent countless efforts to find the seeds of over ten thousand types of plants. However, there were only Herculean Fruit Trees and Spirit Wisdom Herb growing here.

The immortal spring had also turned into ordinary spring water. The land of the Wide Open Space could not provide a large amount of spiritual energy to the plants.

Immortal Lord thought that the Wide Open Space was not very useful to her, so she put some gold, silver, books and farming tools that she had collected in the secular world, as well as some low-grade treasures that she did not need into the Wide Open Space.

Then, she threw it casually. The stone bead that carried the Wide Open Space fell through the spatial rift and landed on Earth, where she had practiced before. The stone bead fell into a rock. A few centuries later, this rock was picked up by an unscrupulous merchant. Ye Ziqing bought this stone when she was shopping with her colleagues on a business trip.

Although Ye Ziqing did not have much hope for these two stones, she bought them after all. She was reluctant to throw them away, so she could only painstakingly carry them back home. The next morning, she was knocked down by her father with a slap. Her head hit the stone. She gave away her young life, but this also brought her back to twenty years ago.

Ye Ziqing saw this and felt somewhat helpless. But she did not care about what happened. God had given her such a good opportunity. She had to make good use of it. Immortal Lord didn't like this piece of black land, which was less than ten acres, but she didn't. She prepared to use a small piece of land to plant vegetables, and the rest to plant herbs. Linshi had built a new medicine market, and it would be the biggest medicine market in South Central in the future. She did not need to worry about the sales.

She could use the small hill next to her to plant fruit trees, and also plant some oil tea tree. In the future, she wouldn't need to buy fruits and oil.

Three times the time was even more surprising. In the future, as long as there was a chance, she could enter Wide Open Space to study and work. An hour for others to study was equivalent to three hours for her. This was the effect that she would not be able to buy no matter how much money she spent.

She went through all the places and made a rough plan. Only then did she remember that she came in because she wanted to take a bath. Right now, her top priority was to take a good bath. There was no firewood in the room, so she was unable to boil water. She could only take out a wooden bucket from the bathroom and go to the well to take a shower with cold water. Fortunately, the temperature of the well water was not low, so it was not cold to wash. She then took a bath to her heart's content.

After taking a shower, she was not in a hurry to go out. Instead, she went to the study to read the books Immortal Lord left behind. There were not many books inside. Most of them were medical books and martial arts books. There were also a small portion of travel and novels. There were also a few small porcelain bottles beside the book. According to the label on the bottles, these should be medicine and emergency medicine to aid martial arts practice.

She did not care about the medicine, but picked up a medical book and started to read. In her previous life, she worked at a pharmaceutical company. Although she was only an accountant, she often followed the purchasing staff to the mountainous areas in the southwest to purchase medicine. Not only was the transportation in the mountainous area not good, but there was also a lack of doctors and medicine. The company's medical consultants taught the people in the mountainous areas some common knowledge, such as bleeding control, emergency treatment, and so on. Later, she also learned some basic knowledge of TCM from her roommates who graduated from TCM, so she knew a lot of common herbs.

Later, because of work needs, she stayed in a stockade in the southwest for more than three years. She used her spare time to teach the children in the mountains about culture, because she did her best for the children in the stockade. So the old village chief was very touched. He knew that she often walked in the mountains. There were a lot of poisonous things in the mountains, so he taught her a few healing, detoxifying, and insect repelling techniques as well as a few defensive martial arts techniques. This way, she would be able to protect herself no matter how remote the mountains were in the future.

It was because of this that she was very interested in herbs. Now that she had so many medical books by her side, it was a good opportunity for her to further study. Although she didn't want to be a doctor, it was still good to know some medical skills.

She picked up a herbal medicine atlas. The book was filled with books. It recorded the medicinal properties, uses, production methods, growing environment and the best time to harvest and grow. The black and white illustrations on the book were vivid and lifelike. In addition to the detailed descriptions in the book, as long as she remembered the contents of the book, she would be able to easily recognize it when she saw the real thing. This was the most detailed book that she had ever seen.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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