Reborn Medicine King/C9 He Would Threaten!
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Reborn Medicine King/C9 He Would Threaten!
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C9 He Would Threaten!

After the young prince finished speaking, the inscrutable man at his side advanced a few steps.

He was a middle-aged man, his face devoid of expression, as he regarded the Jiang Family members with a detached coldness.

Jiang Fann, watching from within the doorway, caught sight of the man and furrowed his brow.

"The Spirit Refining Stage! That could be problematic."

A breakthrough from the Innate Stage leads to the Spirit Refining Stage. Once the nine spiritual wills reach the pinnacle of the Mortal Realm, another breakthrough is required.

The Spirit Refining Stage is comprised of nine levels, achieving mastery when one can harness all nine spiritual wills simultaneously. This allows for multitasking with ease, making both cultivation and enlightenment more accessible. While the Innate Stage signifies the body's completion, the Spirit Refining Stage represents the awakening of the mind.

Despite his recent advance to the Innate Stage, Jiang Fann felt uncertain about facing an expert of the Spirit Refining Stage.

Jiang Tianhai challenged, "What's this? You think you can just barge in here? Do you really believe the Jiang Family is defenseless? Regardless of your title, young prince, recognize where you are—this is the Jiang Family's domain!"

The young prince scoffed, "This isn't the Jiang Mansion. It's merely a branch in a remote region, and yet you dare claim the name of the Jiang Family?"

Unyielding, Jiang Tianhai stood his ground.

"Even so, we will not be bullied. Are you looking for a fight?"

Jiang Tianhai's presence was undeniably formidable. Had he devoted himself to cultivation, his potential achievements would be boundless.

But the young prince was recklessly arrogant, fearless in the face of any challenge, and Jiang Fann's kick to his face was something he couldn't let go.

"Uncle Liu! Enter and bring Jiang Fann to me. If anyone interferes, deal with them. Spare their lives, but if any issues arise, they're on my head."

"As you command, Young Prince!"

In a heartbeat, the Jiang Family braced for conflict, with nearly everyone poised for action.

Then, Jiang Tianhai received a telepathic message from Jiang Fann.

"Let him come in."

Though puzzled by Jiang Fann's request, Jiang Tianhai knew better than to engage in a direct confrontation.

Jiang Tianhai raised a hand.

"Hold on! If you're so eager to search, then by all means, proceed. Mutual destruction benefits no one. Just don't harm my family. As for Fann's whereabouts, I'm as in the dark as you are."

The Jiang Family elders opened their mouths to protest, but Jiang Tianhai cut them off.

"My decision is final! Stand aside! Let the elder through."

Reluctantly, the Jiang Family members cleared a path.

The young prince smugly savored his triumph, reveling in the power to make others submit.

"Master Jiang is indeed wise. Uncle Liu, go fetch that scoundrel Jiang Fann for me. I intend to make him pay back a hundredfold."


The Spirit Refining Stage master swiftly entered the Jiang Mansion. The young prince and his entourage hung back, wary of potential traps within, and thus refrained from entering.

Jiang Fann, blending into the crowd at the entrance, suppressed his presence.

Little did they know, the very Jiang Fann they sought was hiding right under their noses.

As the expert ventured into the Jiang Mansion, the young prince instructed his guards, "Secure all other exits. If you spot Jiang Fann, signal Uncle Liu immediately!"


The guards dispersed, leaving only three Innate Stage masters to stand guard.

The Spirit Refining Stage master's silhouette vanished into the mansion. Seizing the moment, Jiang Fann lunged at the young prince, a pill materializing in his hand behind his back.

Jiang Fann acted with ruthless efficiency, deploying the Restricting Divine Pill. In these dire straits, there was no room for hesitation.

The three masters stood frozen, oblivious to the ploy they had just fallen victim to.

Jiang Fann now stood before the young prince, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"We meet again!"

In an instant, he had seized the young prince, a long blade appearing and pressing against his throat.

With his recent breakthrough, Jiang Fann's explosive speed was astonishing. By the time the Spirit Refining Stage master could rush back, it would be far too late.

The cultivator at the pinnacle of the Innate Stage snapped awake and upon spotting Jiang Fann, he bellowed, "Scoundrel! Release the young prince at once!"

Jiang Fann paid him no heed, merely offering a smile as he turned his attention to the young prince. "I hear you've been looking for me? Has the pain in your face subsided?"

Noticing the other two standing frozen in place, Jiang Fann realized they had fallen for his trick. He quickly pulled them back several steps and, using his Sound Technique, commanded forcefully, "Snap out of it!"

The pair jolted, their gazes clearing. They gaped at the unfolding scene, clearly taken aback.

The enraged Liu family expert seized a Jiang Family disciple. "Do you want him dead?"

Jiang Fann's brow creased, and then the young prince let out a wail as his arm was broken by Jiang Fann's forceful punch.

Jiang Fann regarded the expert with a smirk. "What's the matter? Is the life of your young prince so worthless to you?"

He was about to break the other arm when the expert, not anticipating Jiang Fann's ferocity and utter disregard for consequences, intervened. If Jiang Fann lost control and killed the young prince, his own life wouldn't last much longer.

"Stop!" he exclaimed, releasing the Jiang Family disciple. "Release the young prince, and we can negotiate."

Jiang Fann wasn't concerned about escalating the situation. With the young prince in his grasp, he could end his life at any moment. Should Guangnan King dare to harm the Jiang Family, it would be tantamount to declaring war on Jiang Mansion, a challenge they wouldn't dare to undertake without ample courage.

The immediate issue was the Spirit Refining Stage master before him. Unable to defeat him, Jiang Fann knew that leveraging a threat was his best option.

The Jiang Family members were astounded by his audacity. He showed no regard for the adversary's status, swiftly capturing the young prince.

Unfazed in the face of a Spirit Refining Stage master, his bravery was remarkable.

The young prince howled in agony, powerless to escape. He was baffled by Jiang Fann's rapid ascension; it had only been a matter of days, yet he had already advanced to the Innate Stage. What a prodigy he was!

The Spirit Refining Stage expert spoke with a calm authority, "I trust you'll conduct yourself with restraint. Are you aware of the consequences should you harm the young prince?"

Jiang Fann chuckled dismissively, "You all seem intent on trampling over the Jiang Family. And yet, you speak to me of consequences? Spare me the lecture."

With that, he produced a pill and tossed it to the man, "Swallow this, then we'll talk. If not, beat it. The Guangnan King can come to Jiang Mansion if he wants to discuss this further."

The expert's face paled as he regarded the pill in his hand, uncertain of his next move.

The young prince, seething with anger, demanded, "Housekeeper Liu, what are you waiting for? I'm in agony here!"

Despite his reluctance, Housekeeper Liu knew he had no choice but to take the pill; he didn't believe Jiang Fann would poison him. Above all, he had to ensure the young prince's safety.

The other three made to intervene, but Housekeeper Liu waved them off, fixing Jiang Fann with a steely gaze, "You'd better be a man of your word."

He swallowed the pill and waited, but felt nothing.

"Can we release him now?" he asked Jiang Fann.

Jiang Fann's reply was laced with sarcasm, "Did I ever say I'd let him go? I said we'd talk further. Don't twist my words."

"Scoundrel, playing us for fools!" the three Innate Stage experts exclaimed in fury.

Housekeeper Liu held them back, his brow furrowed as he addressed Jiang Fann, "What's your endgame here?"

"Let's not worry about him for the moment," Jiang Fann said, a sly smile playing on his lips as he locked eyes with Housekeeper Liu. "You've just ingested the Meridian Severing Pill, a secret concoction crafted by my master. Whoever takes it must consume another within a week or risk having a meridian blocked, reducing their cultivation by ten percent. Fail to take it for three weeks, and only half your cultivation remains. If..."

Housekeeper Liu cut him off, "Trying to scare me? And why should I take your word for it?"

Jiang Fann was unphased, "Check your palm for a white line. The first meridian severance is imminent. You'll feel it soon enough."

No sooner had he spoken than Housekeeper Liu's entire body shuddered. Despite his advanced cultivation level, beads of sweat instantly formed on his forehead, clearly in the throes of intense pain.

Jiang Fann didn't hesitate, promptly tossing another pill his way.

Housekeeper Liu quickly swallowed it, just like the last one, and the pain ceased at once.

Gasping for breath, he stared at Jiang Fann, his mind reeling. The capability to concoct such secret pills surely marked Jiang Fann as a formidable alchemist, and it was evident that a powerful figure stood behind him.

It was no surprise he acted with such boldness.

"What is it that you want? Where can I find the antidote for this pill?"

"What do I want? You pursue me to my family's doorstep, wreak havoc, and then ask me what I want? Perhaps we should start with an apology and discuss compensation."

Upon hearing this, the young prince bellowed, "You've deceived me repeatedly, and now you demand compensation from me?"

"Enough talk!"

With a swift palm strike, Jiang Fann knocked him out cold, sparing no sympathy.

Housekeeper Liu's brow furrowed, but before he could speak, a quiet reminder came from someone nearby.

"Housekeeper Liu, we've drawn quite a crowd. Though we're far from the imperial city, the dignity of the Guangnan King's household..."

Before Housekeeper Liu could respond, Jiang Fann interjected.

"If it's trouble you're giving me, then I'll lay it out. Apologize to my father first, then take this spoiled heir and leave Loongze County. And make a vow that the Guangnan King's people will never set foot here again. We'll settle the matter of compensation later."

Housekeeper Liu scowled. "Don't push your luck!"

The edge of Jiang Fann's blade pressed against the neck of the unconscious young prince, a faint line of blood already visible.

He fixed his gaze on the housekeeper and challenged, "Do you even have the option to refuse?"

Biting back his frustration, Housekeeper Liu instructed the three individuals beside him, "Take the men and exit Loongze County. Await my instructions in Mo Qiu Town."

With nods of agreement, they departed swiftly.

Jiang Tianhai, too, led the members of the Jiang Family back to their residence.

"Come with me!"

Jiang Fann hoisted the young prince and strode away decisively, with Housekeeper Liu trailing close behind. Despite his strength, he dared not gamble—be it for the sake of the young prince or his own well-being, caution was his only recourse.

Jiang Fann found a secluded spot, stopped, and dropped the young prince to the ground.

Housekeeper Liu finally broke the silence. "Young Master Jiang Fann, it seems there's been a misunderstanding between you and the young prince. We acted rashly this time. I assure you, I will personally apologize to the Jiang Family Master later. Please, refrain from harming the young prince."

Instead of responding directly, Jiang Fann posed a sudden question, "Do you have any medicinal herbs on you?"

After a brief pause, Housekeeper Liu answered, "I should have a couple of stalks."

"Hand over the medicinal herbs, and you're free to take this fellow with you."

Housekeeper Liu rummaged through the Hundred Treasures Bag and produced two finely crafted boxes, their contents exuding a strong medicinal scent that caught Jiang Fann's attention.

With the spirit medicine in hand, Jiang Fann removed the young prince's Hundred Treasures Bag and sent him flying with a kick towards Housekeeper Liu.

Catching the young prince effortlessly, Housekeeper Liu's gaze hardened, and a formidable presence bore down, almost suffocating.

This man could turn on a dime. Yet, Jiang Fann just smirked coldly, "No longer interested in the Meridian Severing Pill? Have you lost your will to live?"

Jolted to his senses, Housekeeper Liu realized he had been so consumed by his desire for retribution that he'd forgotten about the medicine he'd taken from Jiang Fann. But he wasn't about to remain on the defensive.

With a menacing stare, he retorted, "The Guangnan King employs numerous herbalists. I refuse to believe there's not a single one who can counteract the effects."

Libre Baskerville
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