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C1035 A Motley Crowd

First of all, Shen Yi's conversation with the reporters caused a stir on the internet and caused deep thought in the entertainment industry. Next, one of Shen Yi's Weibo posts triggered a discussion about cyberviolence. One trouble after another had yet to be resolved, and it was Shen Yi who had led the trend.

Many people said that Shen Yi had a pair of hands that could split mountains and shake seas, and a mouth that could summon the wind and summon the rain. No matter what words or actions she said or did, it was always meaningful to let her speak and do it.

There were even people who exclaimed in horror, As long as she wants, this entertainment industry can be hers.

Although these words were a little exaggerated, it also proved that Shen Yi's influence on the entertainment industry and the netizens in recent years was very deep.

The fans were self-cute, and whatever they had to say was in their own family's superfluous words. Everything was not on the surface to fight for the limelight, but the black fans did not care about so much. Since there was a "Shen Yi's Danger Theory" on the Internet, as a loyal fan of hers, of course, she had to jump up and help her raise the flag high!

With Shen Yi's personal traffic, the black powder could make things worse and worse every time. With the accumulation of time and time again, who knew how many relationships she had lost. Every time the black powder saw their great achievements, they could not help but feel refreshed.

The people they hated were convinced by themselves to be hated by everyone. What a sense of accomplishment was this?

This move had been tested many times, so this time the black powder also joined in to cause trouble.

[As expected of Director Shen's daughter, Director Ni's girlfriend. No one can match this method!]

[Isn't that so?] She sneered. The entire entertainment industry belonged to her. Why did she have to be so ugly?

[She's not going to pretend anymore, is she? She's finally showing her true colors!] 】

[What kind of entertainment is this? One step at a time, just like when you stepped on Queen Shen's corpse to wash your face?] "

[That makes sense!] This ring is exactly the copy and paste from back then. Haven't you played enough tricks?

[Don't use your ears to understand you? Then use your body? Is using your body enough? []

I believe in you. I absolutely don't believe that there are no public relations and water army with such a big fanfare! If you stir up a storm in the entertainment industry, you can get out of it and get rid of yourself completely. [Is this what you mean when you say you don't need to use your ears to understand you?] This is your real goal!

[Little vixen!] Is this what you call honest when you say you don't want your body?] [Chuckling, then you are really an honest little b * tch]

[Requesting for a high price!] Which team gave her suggestions? I'll pay you ten times what you pay me to screw her!]

The fans tried their best to discredit her. The fans followed the principle of not causing trouble and turned a deaf ear to it. For a moment, the netizens actually let the fans show off their arrogance.

The fans could still tolerate it, but the pedestrians could not.

[You brainless people are jumping around every day. Did they kill your father or your mother? They are so indignant. They are a bunch of idiots who are trying to show off on the Internet!]

[I don't understand. Is your life too good?] Do you think she cares about you when you are blackmailing people on the Internet every day? ]

[She has money, a career, and a winner in life doesn't lack anything. You're the only one who's been chasing people around all day. You're the ones who are freeloading on their popularity, aren't you?]

I have an entire Apocalypse to inherit, what about you? Can he force you into the top 500 of the world? She doesn't have anything? And she cares about the entertainment industry?

[You guys are the ones that "entertainment to death" refers to! You're really great at making up stories. Lu Xun even wanted to praise you for being proficient in current affairs!]

[In order to make things a little difficult for you, you recklessly criticized me. It is not an exaggeration to say that those who cannot manage their emotions will be useless for the rest of their lives!]

[Although I am not Shen Yi's true love fan, I am still a high-level passerby who has seen her for three years. Let's not talk about how she got to this position today, but about how she is 19 years old this year. First place in the Beijing Film Academy, grand slam after the movie. She knows how to play the piano and dance. Her family was one of the top 500 in the world. No matter if it was her boyfriend or her parents, they were all famous entrepreneurs. His bedroom was 100 square meters, his swimming pool was the size of a football field, and he could hear the sound of jewelry and jade pieces smashing against each other. Do you think this is really a fiction? You don't understand the world of the winner in life! So, do you really think that you are noble just because you stepped on others? []

[What you said is wrong. We are trying to convince people with reason, not with power. However, what I said is right. These people who are used to being unreasonable in real life can only seek recognition and existence on the internet. I look down on you, and no one thinks highly of you.]

[Don't look at how Shen Yi is now standing at the top, standing at the top. A simple sentence would be the headlines, but those who truly understood her should know. How hard she has been on this journey, the sadness and difficulty involved. She might not be able to handle a single adult, but she had grown up as a minor. Yet you want to deny her hard work without any reason? This is your so-called sense of superiority? ]

Let's not talk about anything else. Let's talk about this extremely entertaining matter. The topic of conversation was indeed raised by her, but who had paid attention to why she had said that sentence? Was that sentence wrong? She had not said anything wrong. Instead, she was an artiste who rarely woke up in the entertainment industry. Those people who said that she had a way of saying things behind her back looked at her Weibo and social activities over the past few years. To be honest, I have never seen a female artiste as low-profile as her. She only has one set of street shots. High definition wall papers are all self-produced by fans, except for movies and magazines. She didn't release any form of portrait rights. In other words, she didn't even earn money from her fans. Such an honest and proactive artiste... How on earth did you go against your conscience to accuse her? ]

[In conclusion: Internet freedom has been misinterpreted as violent freedom. Entertainment has come to an end. A motley crew is celebrating. Please be self-aware.]

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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