Reborn Movie Queen's Growth Story/C1039 Lady Qing Huan Is Here
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Reborn Movie Queen's Growth Story/C1039 Lady Qing Huan Is Here
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C1039 Lady Qing Huan Is Here

Rongge knew Qing Huan was scolding him, but he didn't feel angry. On the contrary, he would be surprised if Qing Huan didn't respond to his rude words.

After all, it had only been three short meetings, and Qing Huan was definitely not an ordinary girl that he had seen before. She was like a flower that bloomed from the dust, like a humble nun in a church. Like a cloud hanging high in the sky, every time he saw her, she would be a new her.

Just like at this moment, when she looked back and scolded him, or like the fierce woman he had seen in the market a few days ago, whether it was her expression or tone, they were all exactly the same.

Rongge looked at her and laughed.

Qing Huan scolded him and felt that she had said something wrong. When she saw Rongge smile again, although she was unhappy in her heart, she did not scold him anymore. She just threw the artemisia selengensis in her hand to him and turned around to sit on the deck.

Rongge did not ask. He picked up the artemisia selengensis and started to support the boat like she did. While supporting the boat, he asked her in a stumbling Tianjin language, "Why didn't you go to New Year's Eve?"

Qing Huan looked back at him in surprise. "So you can speak Tianjin language? I thought you could only speak English."

"I learned a few sentences and didn't know much." Rongge smiled. "You haven't answered my question."

"What's so good about being alone?" Qing Huan said.

Rongge realized that no matter what kind of country it was, a beautiful woman who lived a happy life would never want to be a prostitute. Not only was her status low, but she would also suffer a lot of humiliation if she earned money to settle down.

Therefore, Qing Huan could only live on New Year's Eve. She probably did not have a home.

After thinking for a while, he still said, "I can accompany you."

Qing Huan snorted lightly, "Don't bully me for not having studied before. You westerners don't have New Year's Eve."

Rongge was not angry either. "I'm only on New Year's Eve, and you're also no better than that. Didn't we have a good time together?"

Qing Huan cast a sidelong glance at him and said with a smile, "What a bunch of twisted logic."

"Are you from Y Country?"

"No." Rongge said, "D Country."

"The soldier?"

"The Air Force," ___ said.

After getting the answer he wanted, Qing Huan turned around and continued to look at the scenery on the water.

Qing Huan didn't say anything, and Rongge didn't know what to say either. He just kept propping up the boat. After the time it took to finish a cup of tea, Qing Huan shouted to stop, "Stop at the stairs."

Rongge pushed the boat closer. Qing Huan stood up and took out a small paper bag from the cabin. Then, she lifted her skirt slightly and jumped onto the stairs.

She took two steps up and stopped again, as if Rongge just wanted to get up. She turned around and asked him, "Do you want to come together?"

Of course Rongge wanted to go with her. Not only to accompany her, but also to see what she wanted to do.

Qing Huan walked in front. Her steps were bigger and lighter than usual. It seemed that she was looking forward to where she was going.

Even if she took a few turns in the alley, the distance was not far. Very soon, Qing Huan stood in front of a small courtyard and knocked on the door of the courtyard.

Rongge stood behind Qing Huan and heard the children laughing in the courtyard, as well as the sounds of chopping vegetables in the kitchen further away. There was also the sound of rushing children and the cracking of new firewood in the fire.

Judging from the noise, this must be a prosperous family.

But since Qing Huan came here, could it be that she actually had a home? This was her home?

The courtyard was too noisy. Qing Huan knocked on the door again before someone answered.

"Coming, coming." Before anyone could make a sound, there was the sound of a door bolt being opened. The yard door opened, revealing an aged face that was red to the point of purple.

She was wearing a blue cotton jacket and a black apron with patches on it around her waist. When she opened the door, she subconsciously put one hand on the apron to wipe it.

But when she saw Qing Huan, the purple-red face immediately smiled and said, "It's the lady. Come in quickly. The wind is strong outside."

After she greeted Qing Huan, she turned her head and shouted to the children, "The girls are here. Come out quickly!"

In an instant, Rongge saw the children rush out like fish and surround Qing Huan.

The children called her "the girls," one after another. She raised her hand and caressed the children one by one.

For a moment, Rongge almost thought that he had returned to the scene of her sprinkling sugar on the streets during the younger years. She also smiled warmly and sprinkled the sugar one by one, as if she was caressing the children one by one.

At this moment, he felt that perhaps she was still like a mother.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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