Reborn Movie Queen's Growth Story/C1053 He Owed Her More and More
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Reborn Movie Queen's Growth Story/C1053 He Owed Her More and More
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C1053 He Owed Her More and More

Qing Huan's warning woke Rongge up.

What right did he have to use her kitchen to cook for her? What right did he have to think that she would know his intention to make breakfast? And why did he think that she would forgive him for letting him go and accepting everything he had?

Not to mention that he was just a cripple who could not move, even if he stood in front of her as a colonel in military uniform and military boots, he did not have the right to ask her to do so.

Indeed, the bad nature in the bones of humans would not change. He deceived himself, bullied the weak and feared the strong, and took an inch for an inch. Even if he knew that her kindness would not do anything to him.

For a moment, Rongge was frightened by his own reflection. It turned out that he was also such a person. In vain, he had confidently said to Qing Huan word by word, The children will definitely be grateful to her.

In fact, he was the ingrate that Qing Huan spoke of.

Qing Huan left the courtyard to work. Rongge slowly moved to the chair and sat down. He looked at the wall that had been smashed beyond recognition by his plane and felt flustered and short of breath.

He owed her more and more.

In fact, Qing Huan was not very angry that Rongge had taken the initiative to cook her rice for half a month. She rarely cooked. The rice was only prepared for emergencies. Even if Rongge did not cook it today, sooner or later, she would take it out for him to eat. She lost her temper and only obeyed her body's instinct to reject this kind of excessive intimacy and ingratiation.

She didn't need it, nor did she want this kind of intimacy. She didn't want anything from him, nor did she need him to express anything different to her. As long as Rongge could leave smoothly and not give her any trouble in her life... She would be grateful.

She liked her current life and did not want any more variables. Men, especially men like Rongge, made her especially uneasy.

She was not a person with a firm will, nor was she someone who could be ruthless to herself. The best way was to reject any opportunity to get close to him and send him away peacefully.

Ever since she left Tianjin, Qing Huan had not deliberately tidied up her appearance. She had chosen the most ordinary clothes and shoes, and the hairpins and accessories had been removed cleanly. Although she had not deliberately made her appearance ugly, as long as she did not jump around and show her face, hiding in the crowd was also very safe.

She persisted in this kind of low-profile lifestyle for three months and didn't make any mistakes along the way. So she naturally felt that her condition and the surrounding environment were safe. She had never thought that someone would wait for her at the intersection of her home and drag her into a dark alley.

The moment she pulled her in, Qing Huan was pressed against the wall by a strong man. "B * tch, you twist on the street every day. I've been looking at you for a long time."

Qing Huan wanted to shout, but he covered his mouth from behind. "Don't move! I can still make you feel good if you behave yourself. If you keep shouting, don't force me to hit a woman! "

With that, the man behind her reached out his hand and touched Qing Huan's thigh fiercely. "As expected, I was right. I told you that you're a girl with delicate skin and tender flesh. It would definitely be comfortable to touch you. Ha, I didn't expect you to be so slippery."

Qing Huan used all her strength to struggle and wanted to kick him down three steps, but he stopped her in midair.

"Don't f * cking move!" He fiercely slapped Qing Huan's thigh. "Do you believe that I won't take care of you right now!?"

This slap did not hold back. Besides the burning pain on her thigh, Qing Huan also felt a familiar humiliation and fear.

That was how Marshal Sun tortured her. His fingers, teeth, and every muscle were his tools to torture her.

Libre Baskerville
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