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My name is Atlas Andrea, I am 15 years old, and the only son of Andrea's family. My parents were among the survivors who escaped from the destruction of our world called Satanic Darkness, during the war between the humans and the aliens.

As a result, according to my father, they found themselves in the human world called the earth, with the Redivivus Stone, a very powerful weapon. On their arrival, they met four bodies and took over them. Out of the four bodies, two among were female Werewolves descendants, and two were humans. Their bodies fit in with the Werewolves and the human body.

They were able to change to different kinds, the Alien Vampires and the Vamwolves. For peace to reign, and for their secrets to be kept, they live far away from the humans. They found a place to live through the help of my father while he named the place after our home, ‘Darkness’ because for darkness we live and survive, daylight is our main enemy.

As time flew by, the small world created by my father Andrea became so big, Werewolves and Alien Vampires were born. One parent might have two kids but of different kinds, one Alien Vampire, one Werewolf, one vamwolf and a real vampire, but we are commonly classified into two kinds which is the Alien Vampires and the Werewolves, so we began to multiply.

Though we were different, we still lived together and were ruled by my father. I still don't understand when he told me they live together back then, how he was able to rule them

He tried to maintain peace among the Werewolves and the Alien Vampires. Even if we were born into one world, we find it difficult to understand ourselves because of the differences. He told me I was among the Alien Vampires kind.

I remember I was five years old when my father told me that I was born with a symbol of the moon and stars on my right hand palm. Yes I can never forget that, but my birth was given secretly, so that no one knows I exist with such. And he never told me what the symbols meant and any details about it, he only told me I was chosen by Maacah, the god of all vampires.

After a few days my dad told me I was born with the symbols of moon and stars, another miracle happened. But this time, it happened in the midst of the Werewolves, not the Vampires.

The birth of a female Werewolf called Rudina was made possible with the same symbols of moon and stars, but her symbol was not in any of her palm hands, it was on her chest.

Unlike me, who my birth was hiding from the world, Rudina's birth was made public and her news spread to the whole Darkness. Everyone wants to see and worship her.

The Werewolves put her in a higher position and respect her parents for giving birth to a female Alpha.

After the birth of Rudina, a female Alpha Werewolf, the other Werewolves asked my father for separation for the total peace to reign among the Vampires and the Werewolves, because of their pride of having the special child. My father told me it wasn't easy for him to let them go because they all belong to him, but for the sake of peace, he granted them their wishes of separation and choose Rudina's father as the leader in time being.

They separated, but they were not truly far from us. Rudina's father became the leader of the pack until her daughter Rudina grew up to claim her position as the female Alpha.

Even though my father told me I was born with a symbol of moon and stars, I couldn't believe him because the symbols were not visible. Though he said that Maacah made it invisible after some hours I was born to protect my identity as the leader or elder of the Alien Vampires kinds, until I reached some certain stage but till now the so-called symbol is still invisible to me.

I was so powerless and weak, I envied Rudina so much and envied her luck of being noticed amongst her kind, though I secretly followed her many times, but she never knew I existed. She knows she has powers and she can see and use them, she was even respected and led by her kind, what a beautiful life.

Well, at times, I do amazing things unexpectedly. These same things others could not dream of doing, but I never realized I was totally different from my parents and everyone in our land. I don't know what I am capable of doing because my powers come and go, sometimes my unexpected abilities disappoint me even when I need it. Could I be the strongest Vampire alive?

In my city called Darkness, My father Andrea tried his best to teach me how to live just like the humans outside the city, from my childhood till now that I am 15. Living a normal life, don't steal, don't do bad things, don't break the rules or else you will be punished severely, or the worst part, you could be sent to hell.

Blood is our main food, it makes us fresh and strong, but my father trained me well. He said in the book he wrote called ‘Rules Of Darkness’ quotes, “Vampires must not live by human blood to survive, other blood like hunting animals for food is acceptable.” On one condition we were all allowed to live with legit donated blood bought with our own money. That was a good idea from my father.

Though sometimes, some of us tried to go against my father's rules, and disobeyed the way he governed us. They claimed they need human blood to remain strong, and hide their identities, because blood changed our color from pale to normal human skin.

So they secretly suck humans by seducing the female human among them and send them to hell while some were left half hell which resulted them to ordinary Vampires called low level Vampires.

Low level Vampires, especially females among the humans who turned to Vampire through the biting of the high level Vampire, they are the average ones. While the other types of Vampire are level 5 Alien Vampires, I belonged to the class of level 5 Alien Vampire. We are the strongest of all the kinds, humans infected by us are called level 1 Alien Vampires and they are much stronger than low level Vampires. But all the abilities level 5 Vampires possess never appear in me, even now that I am 15 years old, I don't know why.

Because of the reckless act of the high level Vampires, the attention of the humans were called, as they began setting eyes on us. So many times my father canceled them, he warned them what their careless act might result in. Darkness land was a secret place, and it's very dangerous to be exposed, because the humans will never spare us as they did in Satanic Darkness.

My father taught them to stop going out of Darkness without his order, and anyone found violating his command will be sent to hell. No matter how hard he tried, they never listen, they failed to control their need of blood, and many Vampires spread out during the night, they fucking put us into trouble. But there are more secrets that caused the exposure of my little world which I will tell you later.

The humans never stopped trespassing our land, sometimes I especially secretly mix among the humans and I heard them gossiping about how Vampires look like, “they are pale in color and they have ugly four front long sharp teeth,” some humans don't even believe we exist.

They only talk about the Vampires while the Werewolves were hardly exposed, maybe because they don't look suspicious, but we need blood as food to remain fresh.

Sometimes, we thought we were set up by the Werewolves or the human set eyes on us because of our color, maybe we easily show ourselves unknowingly to the humans when the need of blood arises.

Still, my father focused on the development of our land. But what I don't wish to happen in the name of Maacah later happens.

The humans came as they did in Satanic Darkness, not only to the Vampires, but also to the Werewolves. I thought they only focused on us but I was wrong. Then, they tried so many times and they failed, but my own question is, “what exactly do we have? Why are humans desperate to take over our little world?” The questions became clear to me when the war started.

I noticed a shining bright light from my father's chamber. “What exactly is it?” I asked myself, but I don't know. I desperately wanted to know what was happening at my father's chamber.


I walked closer and the light shone brighter. Then I began to realize it was not our world they were after, but another thing entirely, as I continued to focus, I was desperate to know.

There were also sounds of war approaching from the lights, little did I know that war had broken out from there too. I still didn't understand the reason for the war until I heard my father shout, “protect the Redivivus Stone! Protect it.” Then I was a bit confused because I don't even know what to do anymore, though he was not talking to me.

Then I heard my father shout again, “Atlas! Leave here right now, go! Go!” But I couldn't do anything when I saw my dad lying down weak. Then right before my eyes, he turned to Ashes and blew away.

I don't understand what happened as it seemed just like a human dream to me, the only thing I noticed was a green arrow on the floor. My father turned to Ashes before my eyes without knowing what really happened to him. I was thinking until another green arrow passed through my right ear and pin directly at the wall, the scratch of it remained on my ear.

I turned behind and another green arrow flew through my direction, immediately I waved it. Only then I realized it was the arrow that got my father to hell. I saw the man who shot the arrows rushing over to my side, I don't think he saw me. I was left with anger, but my anger remained useless, as I couldn't use my power even at 15 years, I couldn't use my unexpected abilities, it disappointed me again.

But I am not the only one, none of us were able to use our powers, even my kind who were sent to hell never got the chance to fight back because they were very weak to fight.

Then I heard one of them ask, “Are you sure you planted the barriers at every corner of the land?”

“Yes I have planted them everywhere, we should begin now,” he answered.

Though I don't know the meaning of what they were talking about, I think the barrier they just mentioned sounds bad to my ears. I never heard anything like that before, maybe as it sounds bad to my ears, it's also bad to us or “why would they plant it everywhere?” I asked myself.

I hurried and crawled to a corner watching them being massacred. I couldn't cry because we don't cry physically, but deep inside me, I felt so much pain. Many of our kind fell down and they turned to ashes.

Then I heard footsteps approaching behind me. At first I thought they already caught my hidden place, but I was wrong as the footsteps match from behind to my front. He walked just beside me and I was too small to see how lucky I am, but all that time, I was so weak.

I don't know what I was doing anymore, all I know was that the human walked to my father's chamber and lifted something up. I secretly raised my head a bit from where I was hiding, then I noticed it was the Redivivus Stone.

I remembered when my dad told me about it, though he never explained everything about it, but he told me it was a very important thing to us.

They got hold of it and the one who lifted it up shouted, “Now at last the Redivivus Stone is now in my hand.” I tried to see the human who lifted it up, but the deep smoke covered his face. Though it belonged to my father and I couldn't do anything but to remain hiding as I think I was the only one of my kind left, the last to survive.

I remained hiding until they all left the chamber to outside, preparing to leave. Then I heard one of the humans asking, “are they all dead?” I don't know who he was asking because nobody was there with him at the moment, maybe he was far for me to see, or maybe I couldn't raise my head a bit further.

“Yes I thought so, the whole place was clear.” That must have been a reply given to the man that asked if we were all dead. I remain calm because the question shows they never want to spare any of us, not even to take us as hostages but to clear us all from the surface of the ground.

After they left, I came out, feeling downhearted watching my world and my kinds destroyed. Instantly I rushed to my father's chamber, but I couldn't enter because of the heavy fire burning inside. I went down on my knees and groaned with a bitter heart.

Then I walked unbalanced, my strength was down, how shameful I am to remain alive. I didn't understand why we all couldn't use our strength until I fell down close to something like a green plant that looked just like onions.

I became weaker. Then I saw one male human still around, I was so lucky because I almost jumped at their front, thinking they were all gone, then he said, “spread the remaining barriers on the ground.” I noticed it was the same green plant I couldn't differentiate from onions.

I remembered when they were talking about the barrier being planted to every corner of our land, and they also spread it. Then I quickly and calmly pushed it with a piece of broken plate and threw it away, though it wasn't easy to do that. But I felt my strength again. Then I secretly followed them as they were moving forward. I continue to remove the rest I met on my way for my strength to fully recover.

“What exactly are the benefits of living alone?” I asked myself. I walked slowly and stood at a distance to view the pack of the Werewolves, I couldn't believe it when I saw the pack on a heavy fire, they destroyed them all as well. “So the humans were not only after our land but also the Werewolves,” I asked myself.

I rushed to the pack, the only thing I saw was the fire burning and so many naked Werewolves yet to die, but I thought they wouldn't last.

I can't guess the main reason they also attacked the pack, but deep inside me, I know they were also after something. I wasn't surprised when one of them said he can't find the pendant in the pack, I knew that was what they were after, the pendant.

I remained hiding and secretly followed them until I saw no one again. I feel at ease because they failed at the pack, they didn't get what they were looking for. I was thinking maybe Rudina ran away with the pendant, it was just a guess.

The failed Werewolves who later transformed to humans were pierced at the abdomen with a silver color arrow, though I don't know what was in the arrows but I knew it wasn't an ordinary arrow just like the green arrow used to destroy my kind.

I searched everywhere for Rudina, the female Werewolf, but she was nowhere to be found. I turned back going nowhere, I thought everything was over, thinking they were all gone, but I was wrong when I was pierced from behind through the center of my abdomen.

It was the same green arrow that was used to massacre all my kinds, and send them to hell. I slowly went down on my knees, while I turned back to see who did that to me.

My eyes were seeing a faded old male human fighting another male human, I kept watching until one of them was down. I don't even know who pierced me out of the two. Then he walked closer to me. I thought he wanted to finish me off, but I wondered how he wanted to do it.

Then he stood before me with a gun, I glanced at him thinking to fight him, he threw the gun down and pulled out the arrow in me. Though I couldn't see very clearly and he took me away from our land, my body was very weak but my eyes were alert, watching him closely, because I never trusted him.

Later, I got back to the track, but my eyes still remained deam. After a few hours, I was healed. I could see an old male human with a good color skin, the same old male human I saw before fighting the other one.

“No! Not again,” I said.

And I hurried up to my feet, thinking the old human belonged to the same group who sent my families to hell, wandering and kept glaring at him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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