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C114 Father

Father 113.

When the morning sun once again shone upon the earth, the Ye Residence once again returned to its usual busy days. The servants began to come out to clean the courtyard one after another. A day's life would begin like this. But at this moment, an ear-piercing scream resounded throughout the sky above the Ye Residence, bringing an unexpected beginning to the originally peaceful day.

In Huangfu Xuezhen's room, she heard a scream. The maid had already rushed in and was sweating profusely. Huangfu Xuezhen was sitting on the bed. The maid knew that her wife might have had a nightmare. She quickly went up and asked, "Madam, are you alright?" When she saw that face, Huangfu Xuezhen, who was initially a little calm, once again shouted with her frightening high decibel, "Ghost, don't come looking for me!"

Seeing that her wife was out of sorts, the maid standing by the side did not dare to rashly invite her. At this moment, Ye Yanxun and the two siblings had already heard the screams and rushed over. They saw the maid who was at a loss on what to do and the person who had clearly received a scare on the bed. They nervously asked, "What happened?"

The maid also said in confusion, "Master, I don't know what happened either. I have been waiting outside the door when I suddenly screamed. When I rushed up, I kept saying that I was a ghost. I didn't dare to rush up and become like this. " It was obvious that the human skin mask Uncle Zhong made yesterday was too realistic. He jumped Huangfu Xuezhen again and listened to the maid's words. Ye Yanxun and the others looked at each other. Finally, the youngest son of Huangfu Xuezhen, Ye Yantao, walked to the bed. He grabbed his mother's hand and said, "Mother, are you alright?"

Seeing that it was her youngest son, Huangfu Xuezhen calmed down a little. She turned her eyes suspiciously and looked around her room. She said to Yantao in a neurotic manner. "Ye Rong's ghost is here. She wants to take my life. Yantao, mother did not mean to harm her. You know that, right?"

While comforting his mother, Yantao exchanged a look with his brother and sister. Ever since the so-called great fire in the Imperial Palace eight years ago, no one in the Ye family had mentioned the name Ye Rong. In these eight years, it seemed like they had long forgotten this name and this person. Why did his mother suddenly say that she had seen her ghost?

"Mother, you just had a nightmare, that's all. Nothing happened, it was just a nightmare. " Ye Yantao comforted her. Under Ye Yantao's comfort, Huangfu Xuezhen, who was on the bed, slowly returned to normal. She saw herself lying on her bed. On one side was her own child. She heaved a sigh of relief. She slowly said, "It seems that it is really just a nightmare. You all can leave now. I'm fine now! " Huangfu Xuezhen said to her children while Ye Yanxun and the others talked to her for a while. After making sure that everything was fine, they left Huangfu Xuezhen's room. The three siblings in the corridor started to wonder, "Do you think it is evil? Why did he suddenly dream of Ye Rong, who had died so long ago?" On the side, Yantao shook his head and said.

" Don't talk nonsense. It was just a coincidence! " Ye Yanxun who was standing at the side said sternly. Ye Yantao shook his head and went back to his room. "Brother. . . I think my brother is right. He didn't dream about it for a long time. Recently, everything in the family has been a little rough. Why don't I go and pray to Buddha! " Ye Yan, who was at the side, also said a little worriedly. Clearly, she was frightened by Huangfu Xuezhen's appearance just now and also said in a strange manner.

Ye Yanxun looked coldly at his sister and said, "In broad daylight. What nonsense are you talking about? Go do whatever you have to do. Don't be so paranoid all day long. " Ye Yanxun flicked his sleeve and left. Ye Yan, who was at the side, looked at the weather of the sunlit vegetable basket. She also felt that it did not seem like it was the day she bumped into a ghost, so she did not mind and returned to her own house.

Originally, no one took this matter to heart, but in the next few days, Huangfu Xuezhen was almost haunted by nightmares every night. Every morning, the screams were incessant, making the entire Ye residence seem to be covered with a dark and deep smell. Everyone was anxious, and rumors were spreading among the servants. Huangfu Xuezhen's people also seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. She looked haggard.

After learning about this news, Huangfu Shou came to see his sister. When he saw her suddenly look haggard, he couldn't help but feel worried.

"Little sister, what happened to you?" Sitting in the courtyard, Huangfu Shou looked at his sister and asked worriedly.

Looking at his big brother Huangfu Xuezhen, his eyes lit up and he said, "I don't know either. What's wrong with me? I'm talking so much. Every night, I have the same nightmare. Ye Rong turned into an evil ghost and said that she wanted me to pay with my life! "

"Why did you dream about that little girl? Didn't she die a few years ago?" When Huangfu Shou heard that he dreamt of Ye Rong, he was also puzzled in his heart.

"Brother, you came first. Give me a warning!" Huangfu Xuezhen looked at her brother and said in a daze.

Huangfu Shou thought for a while, then turned to his sister and said, "I heard that there is a church that is not bad. A priest is a bit powerful. Why don't you find a day to go and take a look. This is also an emergency to seek help. "

Huangfu Xuezhen thought about it and quickly nodded. "En, tomorrow I will ask Ye Yan to accompany me to take a look. "

. . .

In front of a Catholic church.

Because today was Sunday, many of the believers came to the church for a week. On one side of a black car, two ladies came down. A young lady, She helped a pale lady walk into the church. A peaceful hymn was coming from the church. The sound of nature seemed to come from the distant horizon. The lady walked into the church while listening to the song. Her expression seemed to have eased up a lot. In the church. When the sun shone through the colorful glass onto the statue of the Virgin Mary, The gentle smile of the Virgin Mary emitted a kind of holy radiance. A priest in his forties really stood tall on the podium, on one side of the seat. Both of them were scholarly followers, and the two ladies sat on the empty seats on the side. Seeing the two of them walk in, the priest smiled gently at them. Then they turned to look at the other disciples.

After the week was done, many of the disciples went forward to ask for guidance, and the priest on the stage always had a kind face.

"Mother, this priest seems to be really powerful!" Ye Yan who was watching everything from the side said to Huangfu Xuezhen who was beside her. Huangfu Xuezhen lightly nodded her head and looked at the statue of Holy Mother Maria that was standing high up. Huangfu Xuezhen also felt that her heart had calmed down a lot.

After a while, the believers left one after another. The priest walked in front of the two noble ladies and kindly said, "The children of the Lord. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ye Yan stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Priest. I am Ye Yan. This is my mother, Madam Ye. We do have something to ask Mr. Priest. We hope that Mr. Identity can help us. " Ye Yan said sincerely to the priest.

"The Lord is kind, to help all living things. I am very happy to help. This Madam Ye's face looks rather pale. It is obvious that there have been a lot of annoying things recently, praying that people can ease the sins and emotions in their hearts. Then let us pray first. What do the two ladies think?" Huangfu Xuezhen looked at the priest and said in a very logical manner. Furthermore, ever since she entered this church, her mood had indeed eased up a lot. She only nodded her head.

Thus, the two of them followed the priest and prayed once. Huangfu Xuezhen indeed felt that the tension and emptiness in her heart eased up a lot. Hence, she also believed in this priest's ability a little.

"Son of the Lord, let us solve your problem now!" The priest smiled gently and said to the two of them.

Huangfu Xuezhen, who was by the side, told the priest about the nightmares she had been having these few days. The priest listened quietly by the side. Without saying much, she finally smiled and said to Huangfu Xuezhen, "Everyone in the world is guilty. It's just that the sins are big and small. The Lord is tolerant. As long as you are sincere in repenting, I have a cross and a Bible here, These two things have been by my side for many years. My godfather left them for me, now I will give them to my wife. As long as she prays every day and puts this cross on her body, I believe that Madam will have a good dream when this Bible is placed on the bed!"

Huangfu Xuezhen looked gratefully at the priest and took the thing in his hand. She spoke to the priest for a long time from the side. Huangfu Xuezhen felt that this priest seemed to have magic. When talking to him, her mood had also improved a lot.

"Father!" A magnetic voice came from the side, and a tall and handsome man walked into the church.

The priest looked at the man and said, "Dear child, I am here. " Under Huangfu Xuezhen and Ye Yan's stunned eyes, the handsome man appeared in front of the three people.

"Oh, my Lord Priest, so you have a guest. What a beautiful lady. I am Viscount Walce. Nice to meet you. You two must be sisters, the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen since I came to China. " Shire Walce, who was standing at the side, performed a standard noble etiquette for Ye Yan and Huangfu Xuezhen.

"Oh, Mr. Viscount, you really know how to joke. I am her mother, how can I be sisters?" Huangfu Xuezhen and her daughter had obviously been captured by his handsome appearance and flattering words.

When Shire Walce heard what Huangfu Xuezhen said, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and said, "Really? The two of them really looked like sisters. I didn't expect them to be mother and daughter. It really surprised me. Madam, you saw the most beautiful mother in China. "

Shire Walce elegantly picked up one of Huangfu Xuezhen's hands and kissed the back of her hand. Huangfu Xuezhen, who was standing at the side, only smiled faintly at the handsome and eloquent viscount. However, her cheeks still turned slightly red. She smiled and said, "Mister Viscount, you are really a humorous person. Are all the people in the Empire like this?"

"My humor and humor can only be displayed when I see a beautiful mother like you. " Shire said.

The priest at the side said timely, "My dear child, why are you looking for me today?"

"Honorable priest, I am here to find you to repent. I have committed a crime. " Shire Walce pretended to be in pain and said.

"Lord priest, thank you for the gift. Then we'll leave first. " Huangfu Xuezhen saw that it was time to leave, even though this Viscount was very humorous. But at this time, Huangfu Xuezhen was still worried in her heart whether she would still have nightmares today.

"Oh, dear madam, I think that there must be some devil pestering you recently. I have established that you guys can try to do a happy occasion. According to what you guys said, it is to celebrate and perhaps chase away this devil that pestered you. " The priest on the side suggested kindly.

Huangfu Xuezhen was stunned when she heard this and turned back to normal. After thanking the priest, she took Ye Yan and said goodbye.

Only Shire Walce and the priest were left in the church.

"You did well. How is Ye Xiaozhi doing?" The priest smiled gently and asked Shire, who was also Shao San, who was standing at the side. "She is completely under my control. " Shire smiled proudly. The priest did not say anything else and turned around to leave.

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