Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C152 A Marriage Proposal That Was both Romantic and Treacherous
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C152 A Marriage Proposal That Was both Romantic and Treacherous
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C152 A Marriage Proposal That Was both Romantic and Treacherous

151: Romance and treacherous proposals.

Shocked by Ye Tian's appearance, Ye Tian looked at Leng Qingchen with a handsome smile on his face. Ye Tian stretched out his right hand. A black rose suddenly appeared in his hand as if he was performing magic. The black wings on his back spread its wings. Ye Tian landed gracefully on the blue rose. Step by step, he walked in front of Leng Qingchen, who was already stunned and did not know how to react. Ye Tian held the black rose in his hand. He placed it in front of Leng Qingchen and whispered intimately into her ear. "From an angel to a devil, from now on, I have everything. "

Leng Qingchen knew that this was the flower language of the Black Rose, and she also knew her promise to Ye Tian. Whether it was heaven or hell, they would all follow him. Even if she had turned from an angel to a devil, And fall with him. Leng Qingchen smiled as she took the black rose from Leng Qingchen's hand and placed it in front of her nose. She sniffed gently. It was full of happiness. His excited mood gradually calmed down. He gave Ye Tian a playful smile. She said, "Even if it means becoming a devil, Qingchen will not hesitate to do so. I will accept this black rose. "

Facing Leng Qingchen's reaction, the corner of Ye Tian's mouth rose. His eyes flashed once, but Leng Qingchen did not pay attention to the radiance above. She saw Ye Tian take another step back. In front of Leng Qingchen, he bowed slightly and stretched. He stretched out a hand and said devilishly, "I wonder if I have the honor of having the princess dance with me?" Leng Qingchen did not know what Ye Tian was trying to do. She smiled and put her hand into Ye Tian's hand.

She flapped her black wings, and a few black feathers that were shining with a strange light flew in the sky along with the white snowflakes. They quietly landed on the blue roses. In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Leng Qingchen had already started dancing in the air. The Heavenly Lake was the most beautiful stage. At first, Leng Qingchen was naturally a little afraid. It was her first time facing such a scene, but very quickly, Leng Qingchen fell in love with the feeling of flying freely.

Her white skirt fluttered in the wind and her long black hair fluttered in the wind. It was as if a pair of white wings had grown out of Leng Qingchen's back. The two people in the air looked at each other with deep affection. One look was like a century and many words were already clear in the eyes. The deep feelings were all in silence.

"Look, it's so romantic, Miss is really too happy!" In a corner of the castle, she secretly looked at the pair of people flying in the sky and said enviously.

"Young Master is really too handsome. After designing such a scene, Miss will definitely agree to Young Master's request this time, right?"

"Agree to what?" A little maid at the side asked doubtfully. Everyone looked at her with an incurable gaze. A maid who was closest to her came forward and knocked her on the head, "Stupid, why did the young master go through so much trouble? He wanted the young lady to agree to marry him! "

Although it was quite painful to be hit, But the little maid finally understood and said, "So that's how it is. It turns out that the young master went through a lot of trouble to arrange it. The young master wants the young lady to be his wife! Then the young miss will soon become the young madam. "

"This is romantic. What do you know? I really admire Young Master in this matter! Besides Miss, who else can be our Young Madam!? " Everyone said.

Under everyone's gaze, the little maid could only lower her head in grievance. However, in her heart, she really wanted to see the man and woman in the sky who were like a pair of celestial lovers. It was simply too beautiful.

"Alright, you guys don't have to stay here and watch. Hurry up and get ready. We still have a lot of things to do!" Uncle Zhong appeared behind the servants without anyone noticing. He suddenly said. Everyone was startled, although they really didn't want to leave such a beautiful scene. * Hong Long. . . . . . * They went their separate ways. Of course, in every corner of the castle, they could still see them peeking from time to time. After all, such a scene could only be seen once in his life. They had also deeply experienced the young master's affection for the young lady.

Along with Ye Tian's dance steps, for some unknown reason, Leng Qingchen gradually fell into Ye Tian's arms. When Leng Qingchen came back to her senses, Ye Tian was already hugging her and sitting on the swing under the big tree in front of the castle.

Leng Qingchen happily leaned into Ye Tian's arms, but at the beginning, it was a white rose. The carriage, everything that had happened in the castle until now. Leng Qingchen knew that this was something that Ye Tian had specially arranged for her, because she had once told Ye Tian. Only the most romantic marriage proposal in the world would agree to Ye Tian marrying her. But until now, no one knew whether Ye Tian had expressed anything to her or hinted at something. Leng Qingchen was puzzled in her heart. She looked at Ye Tian's expression and saw that he did not seem like he wanted to say anything. In the end, she could not bear it any longer. Leng Qingchen gently pulled Ye Tian's sleeve and opened her eyes wide. She whispered to Ye Tian, "Have you forgotten something?"

Ye Tian looked at Leng Qingchen and smiled faintly. "I didn't forget anything. What's wrong?" Ye Tian looked at Leng Qingchen, puzzled. He saw Leng Qingchen looking at him with deep affection. Ye Tian held back his laughter.

"Did you really not forget anything?" Leng Qingchen looked at Ye Tian even more seriously. She stared straight into Ye Tian's eyes and asked.

The latter still looked like he did not know what was going on. This time, Leng Qingchen was even more annoyed. She angrily turned her face away and no longer looked at Ye Tian. She secretly cursed in her heart that Ye Tian could actually forget such an important matter. He had also caused him to be so nervous from beginning to end, but he seemed to have completely forgotten about the intention of proposing to him.

Although the surprise that he had received today had indeed moved him, he was also very happy. But this blockhead, actually. . . Leng Qingchen muttered in her heart. What an idiot. She said she wanted the most romantic marriage proposal in the world, but he did it today. But he actually forgot the last step, and didn't propose to him. What was he thinking? The more Leng Qingchen thought about it, the angrier she got.

When Ye Tian saw Leng Qingchen's rarely changing smile, he couldn't help but laugh softly. Leng Qingchen turned around and glared at him, but very quickly, she was immersed in Ye Tian's gentle kiss. After a long French kiss, Leng Qingchen's face also turned red. She panted and once again spread out in Ye Tian's arms.

She was really angry and annoyed at Ye Tian and Leng Qingchen. She had never seen someone like Ye Tian who treated her badly. In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Don't you know you want to propose to me?" Although it was a bit embarrassing to say it out loud, In the end, Leng Qingchen still said it loudly to Ye Tian, which didn't fit her image. Leng Qingchen's mood was really complicated. It could not be described with words.

"Haha, Qingchen. I never knew that you could be so cute!" Ye Tian could not help laughing again. Leng Qingchen glared at Ye Tian. Ye Tian slowly withdrew his smile. He kissed Leng Qingchen on the forehead and said, "I thought Qingchen would never ask!" Just as Leng Qingchen was confused, Ye Tian spoke again.

"Have Qingchen agreed to propose?" Ye Tian said with a charming smile. Looking at Ye Tian's words, it made Leng Qingchen even more puzzled. She said with a red face, "When did I agree? Why didn't I know?"

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and pointed at the black rose in Leng Qingchen's hand. He smiled devilishly and said, "The ring is already in your hand. Why do you still want to go back on your word?! It turns out that our Qingchen also has shameless moments. "

This time Leng Qingchen was even more confused. When did she accept the ring? Did she have a ring in her hand? "Not at all. Even if you brag, you still need to draft a draft. What did I promise to marry you for? When did I take your ring again?"

"Qingchen, you are not a good child like this. The ring is clearly already in your hand!" After saying that, Ye Tian waved his hand over the black rose on Leng Qingchen's hand. The black flower petals drifted along with the wind. An exquisite and beautiful black diamond ring was lying in Leng Qingchen's hand. The black brick shone with a strange and dazzling radiance under the moonlight.

"Look, you have to admit your debt and get it. Qingchen, you can't argue with me anymore, right? You have already agreed to my proposal just now. You are now one of my people. " Ye Tian said with a proud smile.

"You. . . Cheated! Leng Qingchen looked at the black diamond ring in her hand and thought of what happened on the balcony just now. It turned out that it was a trap that she had planned long ago for her to escape. She actually agreed just like that. Leng Qingchen angrily looked at Ye Tian who was standing at the side and smiled complacently. As expected, she loved and hated this man in front of her.

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