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C155 Begging

Although Leng Qingchen listened to what Ye Tian said, she had a vague feeling that things were not that simple in her heart. She also knew that Ye Tian did this for her. She did not want to suffer any more grievances, but no matter how direct it was, regardless of whether it was Ye Tian's grandfather or Mu Yuerann on the side, she always felt that it was not good.

Ye Tian patted Leng Qingchen's head and raised her face, "It's done. Qingchen, I know what I am talking about. Don't think about anything now. Just prepare to be my bride. I want to see the most beautiful bride. " As he spoke, he sent Leng Qingchen back to her room. Ye Tian knocked on Ye Qingyang's door.

After Ye Tian entered Ye Qingyang's room, at the side. . . Mu Yuerann also walked out of her room and to Leng Qingchen's room. She knocked on the door. "The door has nothing to do with it. Come in!" Leng Qingchen's gentle voice came from the room. Mu Yuerann adjusted her facial expression and a gentle expression immediately appeared on her face. It looked like a harmless smile.

"Ms Leng! Can I talk to you?" Mu Yuerann pushed open the door of the room and walked in. She said softly to Leng Qingchen who was in the room.

Leng Qingchen did not think that it would be Mu Yuerann who appeared in her room. The two of them were currently living under the same roof. But there was not much interaction between them. And each time they interacted, it wasn't a good memory. Mu Yuerann had been living in the mansion for a while, but she had no intention of leaving. Both of them knew it very well. The two of them should also be called rivals in love. Although Leng Qingchen wanted to get along well with Mu Yuerann in the beginning, following the development of the matter, Leng Qingchen did not have anything to say to this love rival.

Looking at Mu Yuerann who walked in, Leng Qingchen was puzzled in her heart. Why did Mu Yuerann take the initiative to come here today? Usually when she was in front of people, she would call Ms Leng. Ms Leng would call her but in private, she treated her like nothing. But now, she actually called her elder sister as soon as she entered. Leng Qingchen was not stupid.

But now since she did not know what the other party wanted to do, Leng Qingchen could only remain calm. "Sister Yuerann, is something the matter?" Leng Qingchen let Mu Yuerann sit at the side and asked faintly. Her attitude was neither warm nor particularly cold.

Mu Yuerann looked at the brick ring on Leng Qingchen's finger and a trace of jealousy and greed flashed past. Finally, her eyes blinked and she cried pitifully. She pulled Leng Qingchen and said in regret, "Ms Leng, I know what I did in the past was wrong. I hope you can forgive me!"

Seeing Mu Yuerann crying, Leng Qingchen looked at the tears that fell from her eyes. Her heart was stunned.

"Sister Yuerann, what is going on? You did not do anything wrong in the past!" Leng Qingchen said indifferently.

"No, Ms Leng! Listen to me. You also know about my matter. After that incident, I really don't want to live anymore. Ye Tian is the only pillar of support for me to survive. I can't lose him. That's why I want Ye Tian to accept me. Although grandfather likes me, He wants me to become Ye Tian's wife, but I know that Ye Tian has always liked you. I know that Grandpa wants to help me win Ye Tian's heart. I think that these things have unknowingly hurt you. I won't do that anymore. I promise! I will also try to persuade grandfather.

I also know that Ms Leng and Ye Tian are truly in love. But Ms Leng, I really cannot lose Ye Tian. I don't care what title you have. I know Ye Tian's wife must be you, Ms Leng. As long as I can stay by Ye Tian's side, that's all, Ms Leng. Although I know that this request is a bit excessive, I really can't leave Ye Tian. I won't snatch your seat either. I just need to be by Ye Tian's side. Please fulfill my wish! " After saying that, he knelt in front of Leng Qingchen and said earnestly.

Leng Qingchen now finally knew what Mu Yuerann was singing about. Looking at the girl kneeling at her feet, she should really love Ye Tian. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come looking for her and said so much. Those who didn't care about their status could just stay by Ye Tian's side. If he didn't love Ye Tian. . . Although he knew that the aristocratic families of Huaxia still had the tradition of having three wives and four concubines. But how could he not care? Besides himself, Ye Tian also had other people. In Leng Qingchen's mind, although she knew the tradition of having three wives and four concubines, But in the Leng family where Leng Qingchen lived since she was young, there was no such rule. The men of the Leng family had always been devoted to each other. There had always been only one woman, and that was his wife. This was also the reason why the Leng family had fewer descendants compared to the other aristocratic families.

Leng Qingchen had never thought that there would be a woman who would share her husband with her. When she was preparing to get engaged to that prince last time, Because she didn't love him at all, she didn't care how many concubines he would have in the future. After all, he was a prince. But the current situation was completely different. How could one be happy when there was love between two people? Although he sympathized with this girl in front of him, he could understand her. . . But understanding and sympathy does not mean that I have to agree to her. Love had always been selfish. He was not so noble that he could put such a woman by his side.

Mu Yuerann was still crying beside Leng Qingchen's feet. She guaranteed that she would not snatch Leng Qingchen's seat. She just loved Ye Tian too much and did not want to leave. Leng Qingchen looked at him coldly. She helped her up and sat down by the side. She picked up a piece of toilet paper and handed it to Mu Yuerann to wipe her tears.

"Ms Leng, will you promise me?" Mu Yuerann's trembling shoulders. She looked at Leng Qingchen with an extremely pitiful red gaze. Mu Yuerann saw that Leng Qingchen's face did not change much and felt a little puzzled in her heart. She secretly complained about how pitiful her performance was but this woman was still so calm and collected. How could Mu Yuerann really not want to be Ye Tian's wife? It could be said that Mu Yuerann had always wanted to replace Leng Qingchen and officially become Ye Tian's wife. But ever since she saw the photo in the newspaper in the morning, Including the dazzling brick ring on Leng Qingchen's finger. Mu Yuerann could also figure out what had happened. So the current situation was to let her stay by Ye Tian's side, but what would happen in the future was uncertain.

"Sister Yuerann, although I can understand your current feelings. But love is not charity. Love is a matter between two people! So I can't promise you. " Leng Qingchen said with a clear attitude. Leng Qingchen knew that this was the only way to make Mu Yuerann give up. This was also a good thing for her. If her answer was not clear right now, it might be harming her. Leng Qingchen believed that her and Ye Tian's love could no longer contain another person. If there was someone else that Ye Tian fell in love with, Leng Qingchen would leave. In Leng Qingchen's mind, love was wholeheartedly devoted.

Libre Baskerville
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