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C161 Confusion

Leng Qingchen of Leng family heard Ye Qingyang's words. Although Ye Tian had admitted it, Leng Qingchen couldn't believe it. She left the mansion in a hurry and drove back home. The people of the Leng family were very happy to see Leng Qingchen suddenly come back, but they soon found that Leng Qingchen's expression wasn't right.

Originally, after reading the newspaper in the morning, everyone thought that Leng Qingchen should be happily together with her now. But why did Leng Qingchen come alone in a hurry?

"Qingchen, come back. Why didn't you say anything? Will Ye Tian come?" Mother Leng asked Leng Qingchen gently.

"No, Mother. I came alone. Mother, where's Father? I have something to talk to him about! " Leng Qingchen said to her mother.

She looked at Leng Qingchen's pale face and saw her cold mother. "Your father went to the courtyard after breakfast. Qingchen, are you alright?"

"Mother, I'm fine. I'll go look for father first!" After saying that, she walked towards the courtyard not far away. She saw Leng Wenxiang sitting quietly on the shore as usual.

Leng Wenxiang also seemed to have sensed Leng Qingchen's arrival. He turned around and looked at Leng Qingchen. He said lightly, "You are here. Come and accompany me for a while. " Leng Qingchen obediently sat down on the grass at the side. For a moment, she did not know how to open her mouth. But in the end, she still asked, "Father, Do you have a younger sister? Do I really have an aunt?" Actually, on the way here, Leng Qingchen thought of Royal Mother, who Ye Tian had brought her to see, and Royal Mother, who looked at Ye Tian. She felt that she looked somewhat familiar. She thought about what Ye Tian had talked about with her father in the study when he first came home. After talking for a long time, he had slowly forgotten all these suspicious points. Now, it suddenly rushed into Leng Qingchen's mind.

Leng Wenxiang looked at Leng Qingchen from the side and lightly sighed. "It seems I will let you know in the end!"

"Father, is everything true? How can I be Ye Tian's aunt? How is that possible?" Leng Qingchen shook her head and looked at her father. Her last hope had been shattered.

"That was a long time ago. Initially, I thought that everything would follow me into the coffin. But apparently, the heavens didn't mean that. When Ye Tian appeared in front of me with the picture of her mother, I know that everything is far from over! Qingchen, listen to me slowly tell a story!" Leng Wenxiang looked at Leng Qingchen lovingly and said. In his heart, he could more or less understand his daughter's current heart and the person she originally loved. The man who wanted to marry with all his heart turned into his nephew. Whose fault was this? It wasn't that he didn't want to stop the two of them at that time, but in the face of Ye Tian's dominance. . . And the love he had for Leng Qingchen that couldn't be denied in his eyes. He chose to remain silent. However, it seemed that their road of love was destined to not be smooth sailing.

Under the gentle sunlight, Leng Wenxiang slowly went around the story that had been sealed for a long time. A helpless love story.

After listening to the story, Leng Qingchen also became silent. She did not think that Ye Tian's grandfather would. . . There was actually such a sad and beautiful love story, the old man who strongly opposed her. It turned out that he also had so many helplessness in his heart. Leng Qingchen suddenly understood why Ye Tian's grandfather did not like her so much. Watching her made him unconsciously think of the love that he had missed.

"Father, what should I do now? I really don't know!" Leng Qingchen looked at Leng Wenxiang, not knowing what to do. She had never thought that there was such a barrier between her and Ye Tian.

Leng Wenxiang stood up from his chair and patted his daughter's shoulder. "Follow your heart! You have only lived for a hundred years! I can't see Ye Tian clearly, but. . . The only thing I know is that he loves you. People like him don't care about worldly views and rules at all. This is also the reason why I've always chosen to remain silent. Think about it carefully! I only want my daughter to be happy. " After saying that, Leng Wenxiang turned around and returned to the house. Leng Qingchen was left to sit quietly by the pond.

In her heart, Leng Qingchen was recalling every little thing that had happened since she met Ye Tian. She was surprised to see him for the first time. The love of meeting again, and the realization that she was destined to meet him after that. She still remembered the touching feeling she felt yesterday. He looked at the diamond ring on his finger, and the brilliance that shone under his eyes. Did the rare black diamond in the world foretell that this relationship was difficult to accept in the secular world? This man had always been responsible for everything. . .

"I've always been by your side, since I've already fallen in love with you. . . Whether it is the angel or the devil, Whether it's heaven or hell, I'll always be by your side. You won't be able to escape. "

" When I met you, you, as an angel, were destined to fall into hell with me, this devil. Dragging an angel along with me to fall into depravity, in my opinion, is the happiest thing in the world. Qingchen, you can no longer go to heaven, what should we do?"

"Mr. Devil, let's go to hell together!"

. . .

"Qingchen, Don't leave me no matter what happens in the future, alright?"

"No matter what happens in the future, I won't leave you. I'll always be by your side.

. . .

"From an angel to a devil, from now on, you will be mine. . . "

"Even if she becomes a devil, Qingchen will not hesitate to accept this black rose. "

. . .

"Ye Tian, grandpa is joking, right? How can I be your aunt? I have never heard that I have an aunt. Ye Tian, this is all my grandpa's fault, right? "

"Qingchen. Calm down. This is all true. But even if you are my aunt, so what? You're destined to be my wife in this life. "

. . .

Unknowingly, tears were flowing down his face as he looked up at the sky. In his memories, he had been living with him bit by bit. It turned out that he had fallen in love with him a long time ago. It was just that he had never noticed it. What kind of man had he fallen in love with!?

"Haha. . . " Despair, bitterness, helplessness, happiness mixed with a smile appeared at the corner of Leng Qingchen's mouth. Under the tears, something that she had never had before appeared on her face.

Not far away, Mother Leng worriedly looked at her daughter and complained to her husband, "Daughter, are you really alright? Why do I feel that there is something wrong with her appearance? Did something happen? "

"Don't worry about it blindly. Qingchen only has some matters that are not linked. She is our daughter and should have confidence in her. " Leng Wenxiang looked at his daughter's back and said faintly.

"It is easy for you to say. I was pregnant for ten months and gave birth to my daughter. If anything happens, what can you do to me?" Mother Leng complained from the side.

Leng Wenxiang looked at his wife and said, "My daughter is already old. There were some things that needed to be decided by her. We just need to watch her, regardless of whether her final decision will make her regret it or not. We will always support her to stay with her family. " Mother Leng looked at her husband's back as he left and nodded secretly. She sat down at the side. She quietly watched her daughter's figure not far away.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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