Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C200 The Dream of Luxury(part Ii)
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C200 The Dream of Luxury(part Ii)
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C200 The Dream of Luxury(part Ii)

A dream of luxury.

In the palace, there were all kinds of women. Every one of them has a different personality and appearance, like a hundred flowers in a garden. But once these women come to this magnificent palace, The fate that awaits them is the same. Every day, they would dress themselves up beautifully in order to obtain a person's attention. But how many choices were there? That person simply didn't have time to choose. Many people's lives withered away in this imperial palace.

If I were to be described as a flower, my choice would be the seductive blue Fey. She represents my status in the palace. I feel that the image in that man's heart is perfect. If I have to use a word to describe that woman. . . That is the Tianshan Snow Lotus that doesn't seem to exist in the mortal world. It was a flower that carried immortal energy, just like the feeling she gave me.

My plan succeeded. The people I arranged in Purple Gold Palace put down the things that shouldn't exist in this imperial palace. It was just a simple doll, but there was a name on it that wasn't simple. That name represented the Emperor of the Empire. When I took this thing and investigated it, I could see a different emotion flashing across the Emperor's eyes. She did not resist nor refute from the start, she just watched quietly. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the high and mighty man. Perhaps she still had some hope, or perhaps she had already given up and was waiting for his final ruthless judgement. "Those who are not of my race also have different hearts. " This was the reason why everyone attacked her.

Seeing this woman who had been doted on by him, move out of the Purple Gold Palace specially built for her, and live in the most remote palace in the Imperial Palace, although the Emperor did not say anything, but all of his actions indicated that he had already sent her into the Cold Palace. But even so, I still can't understand the two of them.

What kind of woman is she exactly? Even when she was the most favoured, She only had that faint smile on her face and didn't show off. She didn't feel proud, she just remained silent. It was as if everything was supposed to be like this. Now I pulled her from heaven to hell, but she hasn't changed much from the beginning to the end. The only time I saw her cry was the night I moved out of the Purple Gold Palace. She had been waiting at the door, probably waiting for that person to appear. However, when it was dawn, there was still no one. Under the morning clouds, she shed a single tear in front of me. I think this otherworldly fairy also likes him. After all, even a woman would not escape such a fate.

After that, she also did not walk out of that remote palace. Although the Emperor did not ban her, she restricted her own footsteps. She has always been the most difficult opponent for me to understand. It is because of this that I am particularly concerned about her. Now that I think about it, there are quite a lot of fate in it.

I am not the only one in the Imperial Palace who is worried about her. Even if she moved to a place like that, there are not many people who are capable of tampering with her. I know that there is one person in the palace who is more jealous than me, and that is the Empress. This Queen Madre looks gentle and virtuous. She is a daughter of a noble family, but her jealousy at that moment cannot be ignored. Although she does not have the strength to fight me, but with her Empress's abilities. . . To tamper with a woman who has been sent into the cold palace is a very simple matter.

And the reason why he was able to succeed, is indeed a piece of news that none of us would have thought of. She was carrying the child of the Emperor. I still remember that night, His Majesty was accompanying me to dinner in my palace. However, the Palace Chief had brought news of Imperial Consort Rong's pregnancy. I subconsciously looked at the people beside me. The wine cup in his hand changed a few times, although it was quickly concealed. I saw it clearly. At that moment, I knew. . . This woman is really different in His Majesty's heart. He must not let her stay. Such a woman who could affect the Emperor's heart, although he didn't know why the Emperor would push her away so hastily, But this way, she is too dangerous for me, because it is too easy for her to come back to life. And I absolutely can't give her this chance.

The next day, I visited the Empress and suddenly provoked her with a few words. He also let him know the news of Imperial Consort Rong's pregnancy and also hinted that it was not worth it. Looking at the dignified face and the expression of the quota, I smiled very brightly and left. A few days later. I received the news that Imperial Consort Rong almost gave birth.

What a useless woman. I was hoping that she could get rid of this mother and son pair. In the end, she made such a false alarm and did not have the chance to make a move for a period of time. While she was complaining, He also felt a bit strange, following the Empress's orders. . . It shouldn't just be a false alarm. It could only be said that the child in Imperial Consort Rong's womb was too stubborn. She really wanted to live.

A few months later, Imperial Consort Rong gave birth to a child. But it was a monster. When I heard this news, I withdrew my servants. After laughing for a long time in the room, even God didn't help her. If I gave birth to a healthy prince this time, I might be able to become a mother to a son. However, the one she gave birth to was indeed a monster that everyone feared, a male baby with a Yin-Yang face. The royal family would not tolerate or admit to this monster.

The truth is just as I guessed, the mother and son have been living in the same place as the Cold Palace for the past few years. The people in the palace gradually forgot about the existence of this pair of mother and son. Me too. Until one day, I found out from the sky above my son. . . A few princes and princesses ran into an ugly monster in the garden and even threw stones at him. It was only after Twelfth Prince saw them that the children left. Thus, I remembered that mother and son pair.

I secretly went to that remote palace, not daring to believe what I saw in front of me. That woman was smiling at a little boy with a face full of happiness and satisfaction. Looking at the side profile of that boy, it was as if he was an angel's cute and beautiful. And this woman was no longer as haggard as she was a few years ago. Compared to the past, she was even more charming. Even if I am a woman, I cannot help but be attracted to her now. Her entire body is emitting a motherly glow, and she has the beauty of maturity that she didn't have back then. . . The Sky Mountain Snow Lotus in the past has become the orchid of the Sky Valley. Apart from the faint coldness, there was also a hint of indifference. In the depths of the palace. . . I gradually revealed her peerless elegance. I tightly gripped the corners of my clothes. I know that I absolutely can't let His Majesty see her like this. If she appeared in the eyes of a man like this, it would be an absolute temptation.

Looking at the side profile of the boy turning around, he subconsciously covered his mouth. It turned out that the medicine did not take the boy's life back then, but destroyed the boy's face. That black and white face showed the identity of the boy. Looking at the other half of the perfect face, if there wasn't the Queen's accident back then. . . This boy should be the cutest of all the princes.

I left in a panic, my heart was greatly stimulated, On the way back, I met a person. It was her who helped me complete my plan to get rid of the mother and son. I also helped her fulfill her wish. However, no matter how favoured she would be in the future, In my eyes, she is just a lowly and lowly young palace maid.

Libre Baskerville
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