Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C3 Parallel World
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C3 Parallel World
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C3 Parallel World

Third chapter, Parallel World.

After the lightning and thunder, the originally oppressive weather also became more comfortable. Under the night sky, no one noticed a black shadow flying past the palace walls. The guards did not notice it at all, and the black shadow jumped into the palace.

"Your majesty, Imperial Consort Rong gave birth to a little prince, but. . . " Thinking of the situation of the little prince, the black shadow did not know how to speak to the person in front of him. Even for himself who was used to seeing the world, the first time he saw that face, he could not help but feel a little excited. Thinking of Imperial Consort Rong's performance just now, it was true that motherly love was great.

The magnificent palace was domineering. Simple, a combination of luxury and luxury. Perhaps such a design was impossible anywhere else. However, in the imperial palace of Nigeria, it had come true. Black shoulder-length curly hair. He looked to be in his thirties, and his handsome and mature pair of green eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. With a wave of his hand, The domineering aura of a king was fully displayed. The image of a perfect emperor.

This man was the supreme ruler of the Nigeria Empire, the emperor, Shazart De Lun - Nigeria. The Emperor had been holding a red wine cup in his hand. He elegantly shook it and kissed the wine aroma. He savored it and took a sip. Not affected by the arrival at all, after the black shadow finished speaking. . . It was really nice to put down the wine cup. He casually picked up a black chess piece and looked at the game that was about to end in front of him. It was a general who occasionally revealed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. However, the black shadow below. . . He simply didn't have the courage to look up at his master, the ruler of this country.

"Oh, is that so? Little Prince, just say what you want. No need to stutter, I won't blame you. " It was only now that the Emperor looked up at the man in black for the first time.

"Fifteenth Prince was born with a disability, and he has a face of yin and yang. " The man in black fixed his mind and said coldly.

The Emperor listened. He habitually rubbed his chin, but his expression did not change at all. His eyes did not show the slightest bit of concern. Putting down his hand that was supporting his chin, the Emperor's lips had a smile that was sometimes absent. It was hard to see it clearly.

The man in black kneeled on the ground, feeling uneasy as well. After all, this person in front of him was famous for being temperamental.

After a long time, the Emperor broke the silence. "Go on!"

The man in black disappeared into the room full of pressure. The Emperor lazily stood up from the sofa, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked down at the palace. The Emperor's palace was the highest place in the entire Caesars Moramatch. Standing there, one could easily see the entire capital.

The sky was originally covered in dark clouds. After a heavy rain, there was indeed a bright starry sky. At this moment, a meteor streaked across the sky. The Emperor looked up at the starry sky, his eyes filled with memories.

. . .

In the next few years, Ye Rong was still ignored by the Emperor for some reason. The three of them lived in a corner of the Imperial Palace, although no one cared. They had lived safely until now. Although it wasn't the Cold Palace, it was undoubtedly the Cold Palace. It was as if the entire Imperial Palace had deliberately forgotten about them. Although the people in the Imperial Palace knew about Fifteenth Prince's existence, All the topics related to Fifteenth Prince had become a taboo in the Imperial Palace.

And in these few years, Ye Tian had a general understanding of the world that he existed in. So this world was a parallel world of his own world. But for some reason, the history of this world was during the first world war. However, an irreversible change had occurred. The sudden appearance of the Nigeria Empire had replaced the European countries, which were originally led by the Unsetting Sun Empire. It had unified the entire Europe and became the most powerful Nigeria Empire. The Qing Dynasty, which was supposed to be bullied by the eight countries, was now under the leadership of some people Ye Tian had never heard of. It had established the Huaxia Alliance, and apart from Japan, most of Asia had been established. The Middle East and other chaotic countries all belonged to the Huaxia Federation. The United States, which was supposed to become a superpower in the world, had formed a free alliance with Japan and other countries. Thus, the entire world became an empire. A federation, an alliance, and a few areas of instability. Since the end of the first world war, almost, Over a hundred years ago, although there were small conflicts, However, the structure of the world was still stable, and the economy was also developing. However, behind the calm, There were hidden waves that ordinary people could not see surging.

Even though there were doctors in the Imperial Palace, They were helpless when it came to the illness Ye Tian brought from his mother's womb. Ye Tian, on the other hand, did not care at all. In his previous life, Ye Tian had a congenital heart disease. Now that he had such a body, to Ye Ye Tian, He was already satisfied. Ye Rong, who was born as a mother, didn't really care about it. In her heart, This way, Ye Ye Tian would not be hated by the people in the Imperial Palace. Only then would he be able to live for a long time. On the other hand, it was the maidservant Qiao'er. Every day, she would look at Ye Tian and let out a long sigh. She didn't know if she was lamenting her own fate or her young lady's fate.

Ye Tian, who possessed the memories of his past life, called out his mother for the first time in five months. However, he rarely spoke normally. He had always been a quiet child. Usually, the greatest joy was reading. Although this remote palace was remote, it was very close to the library. The Royal Library is probably the place with the most books in the world. However, the people of this country didn't seem to value books very much. At least when Ye Tian went to borrow books. . . He didn't see many people. The one who was looking after the library was an old man in his fifties. Although Fifteenth Prince was not welcomed by others, However, a prince was still a prince after all. He still had some basic rights. Although the Emperor didn't pay attention to this prince, he also didn't deprive this prince of his rights. There weren't many people who came to the Royal Library to begin with. Ye Tian quickly became familiar with the old man who was in charge of the library. Regarding this unknown future, Ye Tian was filled with curiosity towards the world he was currently in. As for this Royal Library. . . It was best to satisfy Ye Tian's curiosity. In the future. . . The information obtained here would be of great help to Ye Ye Tian.

The dull life continued. However, when the moon was full, Ye Tian's left cheek would always feel a slight pain. Only at this moment would Ye Tian pay attention to this terrifying face.

However, Ye Tian, who was still immersed in his peaceful life, didn't know that a great disaster was going to befall him soon. His life would also undergo a tremendous change. Such a peaceful life was something that could only be chanced upon by luck.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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