Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C47 Higan Flower
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C47 Higan Flower
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C47 Higan Flower

After everyone left, Ye Tian took off his skull mask with one hand. Ye Tian's incomparably handsome face appeared in front of the man in black, but in the eyes of the man in black, there was no such handsome face in this world. However, he found it incomparably terrifying. Because on the side of this handsome face, a bewitching black Paramita Flower had appeared. And this flower seemed to have a life of its own as it slowly began to bloom.

This scene was extremely bizarre and bewitching. Ye Tian had seen such a scene before in this world. Only two people were still alive. They were Uncle Zhong and Loong Tianchen. The rest of them had already died in Ye Tian's hands.

During the two years that Ye Tian had left Huaxia, his strength had increased. Half of his face, which was originally difficult to recognize, had shrunk after the continuous advancement of his ability. In the past half a year, it had become like this Paramita Flower. There were no more changes, only because his ability had increased too quickly. In addition to the mysterious energy that Ye Tian's body carried, these two energies would collide from time to time. Ye Tian was now sure. His innate Yin Yang face must have something to do with the strange energy in his body, but he still couldn't find the answer after ten years. Even the mysterious person who had saved him from the Palace couldn't tell what the energy in Ye Tian's body was. However, the mask that the mysterious person had given him could temporarily help him suppress this mysterious energy.

Over the past two years, as his strength increased, the dark shadows on his face became less and less. However, Ye Tian could clearly feel that the energy in his body was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was slowly awakening. As long as he didn't have too much emotional fluctuation, he would be able to control this energy. Sometimes, he still needed the mysterious skull mask to suppress it. But occasionally, Ye Tian would take off the mask to vent his emotions. For example, the current situation.

Ye Tian's hands and feet were no longer bleeding, and his skin was as good as new. There was not a single scar on his skin. This was naturally related to the mysterious energy.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" The man in black shouted in fear as he looked at Ye Tian. Facing such a strange scene, no matter how strong one's mental endurance was, they would still be frightened.

"I don't know if I am a human or a ghost. I should have gone to hell, but now I am here for no reason. I think I am probably a ghost that came out of hell. Otherwise, I wouldn't have carried the mark of the Resurrection Lily on my face. " Ye Tian pointed at the Paramita Flower on his face and said like a ghost.

When he first saw the Paramita Flower half a year ago, Ye Tian was a little frightened. He had asked Uncle Zhong and Loong Tianchen about it, but none of them knew about it. However, Ye Tian knew that it was the Paramita Flower that grew on the shore of the Hell Ming River, a large sea of red. However, the originally bright red Paramita Flowers turned black on his side.

The black-clothed man began to run around. At this moment, he was no longer a top expert. Facing such extreme fear. . . He was just a fragile human. He was simply a person who was waiting for death to arrive, a person who had no ability to fight back.

Ye Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand and revealed a bloodthirsty smile. He looked at the man in black and said coldly, "You should also have a taste of hell!" A miserable scream was heard from behind. The man in black died with blood flowing out of his seven orifices. His face showed a twisted expression of extreme fear. He didn't know what kind of terrifying scene he saw.

Ye Tian gently waved his hand, causing sparks to fly in all directions. The entire room was engulfed in a sea of fire. The men in black clothes on the ground were slowly being engulfed by the flames. Compared to the man just now, they were lucky enough to die in their dreams.

Looking at the black smoke and flames that were slowly coming out from the distance, Tianxie knew that the place they were originally at was on fire. But now, she had yet to see Ye Tian's figure. Tianxie could not help but feel a little worried. She was also worried about whether there were still three ghosts that had been rescued. When he saw Loong Tianchen, who had taken off his mask, and Euler, who was waiting outside, He immediately understood who had saved him. Looking at the place where the fire was, he did not see the petite figure. It was inevitable that he was worried.

"Uncle Zhong, will young master be alright?" The red figure looked at the calm and composed Uncle Zhong with uncertainty. Uncle Zhong only smiled gently at Tianxie. He knew that the child was concerned about Ye Tian. If it was him who did not know about the magical powers of his young master, he would probably be worried too. However, this fire could only be the work of his young master. It seemed like he had finished venting his anger.

"Tianxie, I'm fine. Don't make things difficult for Uncle Zhong anymore. " Ye Tian suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but he wore a terrifying skull mask on his face once again. He became the familiar Ye Tian once again. " Young master. . . When did you come back? Why didn't I know?" He looked at Ye Tian who had just appeared. Tianxie and the others felt relieved.

"Alright, the matter has been resolved. Let's go home quickly. I am a little hungry. The lunch was still messed up by them. " Ye Tian stretched his body. He turned to the crowd and said. Looking at Ye Tian, Nangong Qin and the other two had their own thoughts. Finally, the group returned to Specter Villa. The sun was setting in the west of Specter Villa. Today, more than half of the day had passed in this strange battle. The gate of Specter Villa slowly opened, and a manor that was surrounded by the legends of Yin Sen appeared in front of everyone. Only those who truly walked into the depths of the manor would know that there was another secret behind it. A magnificent Roman building was hidden under the heavy trees, looking at the huge Specter Villa. The three young masters who were used to this kind of big house couldn't help but be startled again.

When everyone walked into the hall, Uncle Zhong had already ordered scary people to prepare dinner. Everyone wolfed down the delicious food on the table. After dinner, they discussed some plans for the night kill with Ye Tian. Tianxie left with Edin, while Euler went to deal with the company matters that were left behind today. Loong Tianchen was pulled by Uncle Zhong to practice martial arts. There was only a lazy Ye Tian left in the hall. He was with the three kids, Nangong Qin and the other two, who were at a loss.

"At noon, the three of you were still very powerful. What's wrong with you now?" Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at the three children who were in a bad mood.

After experiencing today's disaster, the three children indeed seemed to have realized something. They had indeed grown a lot. Now, their faces no longer had the proud expression they had during the day. Instead, they were more grateful towards Ye Tian. If Ye Tian hadn't saved them today, perhaps the three of them would have died in a foreign land for no reason. Their eyes were filled with admiration for the strong.

"We. . . We want to follow you. . . " The three children finally raised their heads and looked at Ye Tian with determination.

"Follow me. . . The three of you. . . Hehe. . . Do you know who I am?" Ye Tian smiled devilishly. The three children looked at Ye Tian doubtfully and shook their heads.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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