Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C58 Airport Pick-up
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C58 Airport Pick-up
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C58 Airport Pick-up

Huaxia Federation, Special Economic District S International Airport.

There were always a lot of people at the airport, but there were a lot of them today. From afar, they could see a group of young men and women holding banners and flowers waiting for them at the exit. From the banners in their hands, it could be seen that they were waiting for the most popular singer right now, Mask Angel, Mu Yuerann.

On the other side, there were also people holding the banner in their hands. However, there were some people wearing suits and tie on this side. It seemed like they were waiting for some big shot. One of them, a middle-aged man, was still looking at his watch. "deputy mayor, it's almost time. Why hasn't he come out yet?"

What kind of person could make a dignified deputy mayor get rid of those government officials and wait for people at the airport? If this can work with them smoothly, I will definitely be the next candidate for the mayor. Hehe. " A middle-aged man with a beer belly said. He was the deputy mayor that the man mentioned.

"I heard that the president is also a beautiful woman. This time, it is really a blessing in the eyes," deputy mayor's secretary teased. "Alright, stop talking. It seems that someone has found out. "

Sure enough, the door was opened. Guests carried their luggage out one after another. In the next moment, there was an excited scream. "I love you, Wang Yao said. Fake Angel!" Such voices rose and fell, and a girl wearing fashionable sunglasses walked over. Her fans had obviously discovered her at the first moment. With the help of her assistant, she shook hands with her fans warmly. A charming smile hung on her lips. It was indeed the demeanor of a superstar. Her fans became even crazier, but with the help of the guards, nothing went wrong.

On the other side, deputy mayor and the others also found their target. Behind a group of elite bodyguards, there was another girl who dressed differently from ordinary girls. She wore black sunglasses and wore clothes designed by a world-class master. She looked very capable and experienced as she appeared in front of them. "Miss President, Hello, I am deputy mayor from S City. Zhang Guoxin is your guide this time. Nice to meet you. "

The girl took off her sunglasses and a beautiful face appeared in front of everyone. "Hello, Zhang mayor. I am the CEO of Tian Ye Group, Euler. Nice to meet you. " Euler formally smiled and shook hands with deputy mayor.

"President Euler, you are younger than the rumors. I represent the city to warmly welcome your company to invest in our company. . . " deputy mayor said to Euler endlessly. This was a coincidental meeting between the gazes of two completely different girls. Euler faintly smiled at Mu Yuerann, who was taking pictures of her fans. She noticed Euler's gaze. Mu Yuerann knew that this was the girl sitting in the first class cabin with her and smiled faintly at Euler. Following Euler's departing gaze, Mu Yuerann also noticed the back view of the two youths who were leaving.

Looking at the long hair, Mu Yuerann knew that the two young men were together with the girls not far away from her. But why did they separate now? Looking at deputy mayor in front of Euler, Mu Yuerann became even more puzzled. She knew that deputy mayor. She had seen him several times at the government gala. But what was the identity of this girl in front of her? How could a dignified deputy mayor please her?

"Miss, it's almost time. We can't stay here any longer. We still have to rush the notice. " Mu Yuerann's assistant reminded her. Mu Yuerann nodded and said goodbye to her fans before leaving with her assistant.

On the other side, Ye Tian and Loong Tianchen had already walked out of the airport. They stood outside the gate of the airport and looked at the sky in front of them. They took a deep breath. "We are back!" Ye Tian patted Loong Tianchen's shoulder and said emotionally.

"We have left. Six years have changed a lot. " Loong Tianchen also said with emotion.

Ye Tian took off his sunglasses and said with a smile, "We are back. Their good days are coming to an end. He was really looking forward to the future, Tianchen. This is just the beginning. "

Loong Tianchen looked at his boss and said calmly. "Yes, boss. We must let them taste the taste of hell. "

At this time, a white long car parked not far from Ye Tian and Loong Tianchen. In front of this car were dozens of black Mercedes-Benz and BMW. From the white car, A man in a white suit walked down. He had a gentle expression on his face. There was a faint excitement on his face. In the other ten cars, there were more than thirty of them. A bodyguard in black. They stood respectfully at the side, paying attention to the situation around them from time to time.

Wearing a white suit, the man walked in front of Ye Tian. "Young Master Ghost. You left me alone in China. I have been waiting for you for a long time. " The man smiled brightly and gave Ye Tian a big hug.

"Krans, I heard from Uncle Zhong and your cousin that you have had a good time here. " Ye Tian lightly punched Krans's shoulder and said with a smile.

"How could I? Young Master Ghost. Don't listen to their nonsense. I am helping you conquer the country in Huaxia. Hehe, but you can do it. Things have become even more interesting. " Six years had passed, and Krans had become even more mature than before. His charm had risen sharply. Mixed-bloods were naturally beautiful. Krans was the best of the best among the mixed-bloods. It would be a pity if he didn't become a celebrity.

"Not only our Young Master Ghost has grown up, Tianchen, you have also become very handsome. It seems like there must be a lot of girls chasing after you. " Krans teased Loong Tianchen on the other side.

"Brother Class, long time no see. No matter how handsome I am, I am not as handsome as you. The girls around me look at you with sparkling eyes. " Loong Tianchen blinked his eyes and said with a smile. "Kid, it has been a long time since we last met. You can tease me now. " Krans said with a smile.

Three top handsome men, coupled with such luxurious extravagance, and being at the entrance of the airport, the surrounding curious gazes became more and more numerous. "Let's go first. We'll talk when we get home. " Krans noticed the surrounding situation and said with a smile.

So the three of them walked into the luxurious car. The bodyguards in black also quickly got into the car and left.

"Hey! What happened just now? What kind of big shot was that? How arrogant!" A man who had just gotten off the plane asked his companion who had come to pick him up.

"If I'm not mistaken, the handsome man who came out of the car just now is the gang leader of the Ghost Sect, the gang that has been in a lot of limelight recently. "

"So it's him. To be able to get someone like him to pick up the plane, who are those two young men?"

"Who knows!? Those people are from two different worlds!"

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