Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C7 Ghost House Villa
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C7 Ghost House Villa
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C7 Ghost House Villa

Section 7, Haunted House.

Huaxia Federation, in a mountainous area in the south. There was an unknown villa on the mountain. No one knew who the owner of the villa was. However, the villa had all kinds of terrifying legends that made people not dare to approach it. It was already late autumn. The maple trees planted around the villa welcomed his best season. The red maple forest hated its beauty, but because of the legend of the terrifying villa, Very few people rushed over to admire it.

However, in the fall of this year, there was an orphanage at the foot of the mountain. There were a few brave children inside. In order to prove that they were not cowards, they planned to come to the maple forest here. Thus, a group of seven children secretly sneaked out of the orphanage early in the morning and went up the mountain.

"Mr Hu, when will you arrive? We have already walked for half a day. " Indeed, the seven children had been walking on this mountain for half a day. However, they still couldn't find the legendary red maple forest. A few children began to protest. The biggest one among the seven was the one called Mr Hu. Fifteen years old, and the youngest was called Chen. He was eight years old this year. It was Mr Hu's foundation. When he was five years old, his parents died. Thus, he was sent here. Newcomers would always be bullied. However, it was this Mr Hu who saved him once. After that, Chen became his little follower. Originally, he didn't want to come, but in order to not let other children look down on him, Only then did he bite the bullet and follow everyone here.

"Be quiet, it's only been half a day. Why are you all afraid, the people you are afraid of now. . . There's still time to go back. " Mr Hu was the oldest after all. With a roar, the rest of the people had nothing to say. In fact, Mr Hu was also wondering why the few of them were still walking around the mountain after walking for half a day. They didn't even see the legendary haunted house. But for the sake of his face, Mr Hu didn't express his doubts. He continued to lead the group forward.

After walking for about an hour, there was suddenly a startled bird cry. White fog began to spread in the forest. The seven children began to feel a faint fear in their hearts, and they tightly followed behind Mr Hu. Mr Hu also forced himself to look like his boss. He ran around in the white fog while screaming. Gradually, the tall trees around him started to decrease. In the blink of an eye, not far away from them. . . They could vaguely see the shadow of a villa. Black clouds covered the villa. On the slope in front of the villa, there was a red forest. That was. . . That was the legendary haunted house, Mr Hu. Let's go back. " A boy called Little Stache said in fear. In such a terrifying and eerie scene, apart from horror movies, the children were also scared. This was the first time they had seen such a scene in real life, and now all of their hairs were standing on end. Everyone's heart was filled with regret. Why had they come here?

"Let's go back. It wasn't easy for us to get here. If we go back now, all our previous efforts will be in vain. " Mr Hu pretended not to be afraid as he pulled everyone towards the haunted house. Very quickly. They arrived at the maple forest filled with red maple trees. Chen pulled Mr Hu's sleeve and pointed at the villa not far away. He said with a trembling voice, "Mr Hu, look. It doesn't seem like there's someone there. "

Mr Hu looked in the direction where Chen pointed. Sure enough, he saw a black figure. He rubbed his eyes suspiciously, but the figure on the balcony of the villa had disappeared. "Chen, are you seeing things? There's no one here," Mr Hu said to Chen after reincarnating, but it was more like he was trying to convince himself that he was seeing things.

"No, how could that be? The figure was gone. " Chen looked over. Indeed, there was a small black shadow that had appeared on the balcony. It had disappeared now and was listening to the conversation between the two of them. The rest of them felt a chill on their backs. One of them said in a trembling voice, "I. . . I think I saw that figure too. . . It can't be. . . A ghost, right?" Everyone became even more afraid after hearing his words, and their heartbeats also increased by a lot. The red forest and the white fog. It was already scary enough to begin with, and now there was this ghost. A child's mental endurance was limited.

Just as the children were at a loss as to what to do, a gust of cold wind blew past. Countless red leaves were raised, in the red world. The children all felt a white figure flying around them. "Ghost!" A child standing at the side. He shouted in alarm and ran away uncontrollably. Right now, they were all surrounded by a terrifying atmosphere and had problems saving themselves. Who would care about the life and death of others?

This time, the white figure did not move. It stood firmly on a very thin branch. Under the white fog, one could not see his true face clearly. The white figure was clearly still a child. However, his long purple hair, which no one else had, was swaying along with the leaves in the wind.

A gust of wind blew past once again. The long hair in front of the man in white slowly revealed the face under the long hair.

"Ghost!" "There's a ghost!" All of a sudden, a few of the children let out a terrifying sound. In the next moment, all of them ran away in the red forest, leaving only a child standing there in a daze. That person was really Chen, who was pushed to the ground by Mr Hu when he was running away.

Chen looked at the person standing on the tree branch. He was a child even younger than himself. His black and white face was like a messenger from hell, but for some reason, when he saw the mischievous smile on that person's face, the fear gradually disappeared.

"Xixi. . . Aren't you afraid? Why aren't you running away now?" A small white figure. With a light tap of his toes, he was already on a tree branch not far away. He appeared in front of Chen. His originally black and white face looked exceptionally terrifying from afar. But when you saw that half of his face was as cute as an angel's, without looking at the other half of his face, No one would think that the child in front of them was a ghost. He was clearly a super cute angel. Especially when he smiles. . . It was as if the world would lose its color.

Chen just stared blankly at this child who looked even younger than him. The original fear in his mind had long disappeared. He said in a daze, "Are you an angel or a devil? However, no matter if you are an angel or a devil, I want to follow you. "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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