Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C80 The Mystery of His Origin(part Ii)
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Reincarnated Evil Emperor/C80 The Mystery of His Origin(part Ii)
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C80 The Mystery of His Origin(part Ii)

Shui Xinyun gently stroked the wings on Ye Tian's back and smiled, "I can tell you this, this is not the original superpower. Besides, This is what your body originally has. After the fusion, it became like this. Actually, you can also feel that this world is a bit different from our world "

"You're saying that after the first world war, history changed?" Ye Tian looked at Shui Xinyun and asked.

"Actually, I am ashamed to say it. This change was originally not supposed to happen, but. . . Sigh. . . It is all this dead man's fault. . . For recklessly changing history. " Shui Xinyun pinched Yang Aotian's ear to vent her anger. " My good wife, my lord. You also know that I am a soldier. The thing that hurts me the most is the history after the Crow War. Since the heavens allowed me to transmigrate to that time, I naturally couldn't help but want to change history. Ye Tian is also a Huaxia man. Don't you think so? "

" That's right! " Ye Tian said without thinking, but in the end, he was stunned. He pointed at Yang Aotian with his eyes wide open and said, "What you mean is, the distortion of history here is your masterpiece. You organized the war after that, and established the current Huaxia Federation? " Faced with such a fact, No matter who it was, they would be surprised. Not to mention Ye Tian who knew the history behind it.

Yang Aotian smiled excitedly at Ye Tian and said, "Very powerful, you should know that. . . I used to be the youngest general in the country. How could I watch my country get bullied? But after Xinyun came to this world, I originally wanted China to unify this world. But Xinyun pointed at my nose and scolded me. In the end, I could only bring the beauty back to the forest. I don't want to ask about the things outside anymore. One must know that the founding emperor of the Empire was really capable. He is an expert, we almost wanted to compete with him. But in the end, we didn't have that fight. " Yang Aotian said with pity.

Ye Tian heard Yang Aotian's words and felt a headache. He suddenly realized a problem and pointed at the two of them and said, "You came here at that time. Even if you have stayed in this world for more than a hundred years, why are you still here?" Ye Tian looked at the two young men in front of him in surprise.

"Hehe, you don't know that, do you? Little Ye Tian, both of us came here with our bodies. Because we are in different space-time, our bodies have stopped growing in this space-time. The so-called eternal monster means that we are not in this state right now. And you are a soul that has transmigrated, your body is still from this world. So your bodily functions didn't stop. If it wasn't for that, Why would we stay in this place? We wouldn't dare to stay in one place for too long, or else everyone would look at us as monsters. " Shui Xinyun said happily and helplessly. In her tone, only the two of them had a faint sense of loneliness.

Ye Tian looked at the two of them and found that they had changed the topic again. "You still haven't told me how this damn thing came about?" Ye Tian pointed at his canine teeth and asked in annoyance.

"Haha, speaking of the past, once you get excited, you go far. You also know. . . Because my existence and history did not change according to the original plan, a variable that even I did not expect appeared. . . Perhaps it is another kind of change that the heavens have made for me to change history. The sudden rise of the Nigeria Empire, which should not have existed, Later on, I found out that behind the Nigeria, How should I put it? Before Xinyun and I came to this world, the history of this world had been arranged by some people. We call those people the creators of history as protectors, a different kind of existence. In fact, there are such people in our world, which is the Shui family. " Yang Aotian looked at Shui Xinyun and said.

"Shui family, is it the Shui family that you are talking about that has something to do with me?" Ye Tian also looked at Shui Xinyun and said. "Yes. This is also why we have superpowers. In fact, the history of the Shui family can be traced back to the origin of human civilization. At that time, there was not only the Shui family, but also a mysterious family, which had existed several times in the past. But gradually, they became desolate. In our original world, the Shui family was the only one left, but what we didn't expect was. . . One of the families unexpectedly transmigrated into this world, and compared to our time, it was thousands of years earlier. The founder of that family was a genius biologist. He created a terrifying creature that we know of, the Blood Clan. The so-called vampire. Thousands of years ago, a generation of Blood Clan. . . The son of Cain crossed into this world. The Blood Clan gradually developed the civilization of mankind according to the original plan. But because Ao Tian changed history, he realized. . . He also stood out and finally chose to be the agent behind the scenes. He created the Nigeria Empire. "

Listening to these unknown secrets from Shui Xinyun's mouth, Ye Tian felt that his mind was in a mess. " So you're saying that the imperial family of Nigeria is the Blood Clan? " Ye Tian finally understood why he had such a pair of teeth.

Yang Aotian shook his head and said, "That's not really the case. Not all the imperial families are the Blood Clan. Only a few outstanding royal families can be selected to become the true Blood Clan. At least, I know less than five of the royal families are from the Blood Clan. Of course, there are some who are not part of the imperial family, but the Blood Clan is just a low-level vampire that I'm not afraid of. "

"My current state is exactly what I am looking for. My Royal Father is already part of the Blood Clan?" Ye Tian asked hastily.

Shui Xinyun thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "The changes in the Blood Clan must go through the initial Embrace. You have an abnormal change. That special ability stimulated the cells of the Blood Clan in your genes to become like this. I'm afraid you are the most unique and unique Blood Clan in the world. As for Royal Father, we are not sure. However, I think there is a 80% chance that he has already become the true Blood Clan. However, my Ao Tian has always suspected that there is a mysterious force controlling the empire behind the Emperor. That should be the true Blood Race. "

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly stood up and walked back and forth a few times. Finally, he said helplessly to Shui Xinyun, "I am now in Blood Clan, which means that I can only live by absorbing human blood. Oh. Oh my God, I don't want it. It's too disgusting. " Recalling the stories of vampires he had read in novels and movies, Ye Tian really couldn't accept the fact that he was now a vampire.

Violet Rain gossiped. If the new readers of Xiao Bei were interested in the story of the Shui family in the chapter, they could read the first book that Xiao Bei wrote. Of course, not reading it would have no effect on the later parts of the story. (Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee) 0. . . (Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee - Devotee)

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