Rejecting My Rogue Alpha/C8 The Rejection
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Rejecting My Rogue Alpha/C8 The Rejection
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C8 The Rejection

Aiden's Pov

My eyes narrowed in pain at her words and I could feel my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. I don't think I had ever felt this much pain before. Even when I had been unable to shift into my wolf during the shapeshifting ceremony, I didn't feel this much pain.

"So what Jared said is true. You're gonna reject me like everyone else?" My voice was low and croaky. I could not even recognise my own voice. It sounded strange to my ears.

Adelia shut her eyes again, a tear slithering down her cheek. It made me wonder why she was doing this when it was clear she did not want it herself.

"Why are you saying these things to hurt me when you don't even want this? Why are you bringing rejection up? Who is Rio and why are you calling him your mate?"

"I want this, Aiden." Adelia wiped her eyes. "I want this. I wanna reject you because it is the right thing to do."

"How? How is it the right thing to do? This won't do any of us any good! Why are we even having this conversation?"

I couldn't believe Adelia was speaking this way to me. I could not believe we were having this type of conversation. I never thought we would ever be in this kind of situation.

"I don't want you, Aiden. Is this too hard to understand?" Her voice was hard and stern now. "You're so weak. Who would want you as a mate? I need a strong wolf, not one who will hold me down. You're a burden, Aiden. You're a disgrace. You're just as weak as humans. Seeing how things are, you might just be one and boy, I don't want a human for a mate. I'm Adelia, the only daughter of Alpha Lundamous. I don't deserve this. This is why I'm going with Rio. He is the alpha of the Blood Moon pack and he's a much better choice than you!"

My head was whirling with various thoughts as I tried to register all that was being said to me. I was in great pain, it felt like my heart was being plunged with a wide-tooth fork like a thousand arrows had been aimed at my heart. The pain was shattering and it made me stagger. I might have no wolf but being rejected was too painful to bear.

"Don't do this."

That was all I could say but Adelia was already speaking.

"Don't ruin this!" She told me sternly before staring me right in the eyes, her hazel eyes now blank, completely void of any emotion.

"I, Adelia Walter, the future Luna of Blood Moon pack, reject you, Aiden Starr, as my mate."

Now I couldn't hold it anymore, my heart was now broken into many pieces. My eyes welled up and a lump filled my throat. Adelia looked away, her eyes staring at the wall behind me instead.

"Accept the rejection. I wanna get out of here!"

She was speaking so coldly. She was being so cold and distant; it felt like she was a completely different person. Right now, she looked like every other wolf who had treated me badly. She looked like her father, like Jared, like everyone else.


"Accept the rejection, goddammit!" She screamed at me, slamming her palms to my chest. I winced at that because my chest had the most bruise. Jared had kicked me very hard in the chest.

"Accept the damned rejection and never show your face at me again! I wish I never got to know you. Just accept this rejection so I won't ever see your face ever again."

My jaw dropped and a tear, no matter how hard I tried to hold it, dropped from my eyes and onto my cheek. I didn't know which hurt most: the rejection or the fact that she said she wished she never knew me. I was shaken by her words and I wanted to drop down.

However, I found my voice and I decided to accept her rejection — since that was what she wanted.

"I, Aiden Starr, accept your rejection."

The moment those words left my lips, I felt weak and I staggered, my sight blurry. I felt ruined. It suddenly looked like my whole world had come crashing down to my feet. Everything darkened around me and I suddenly couldn't breathe. I began to wheeze as I dropped to the floor with a thud.

"Aiden!" I could feel Adelia kneeling by my side. She held me by the arm, pulling me to her lap and holding my chin up.

With the little strength I had, I pushed her away from me violently.

"Get away from me!"

Adelia's eyes widened at that, and her face became white like she had seen a ghost. I didn't know if it was because of the way I yelled at her but she looked really shocked.

"Get out, Adelia! Out!" I tried to speak, tears dropping profusely from my eyes as I struggled to breathe.

Adelia didn't leave as I asked her to, instead she sat on the floor sobbing as she held my hand. I didn't understand her anymore. A minute she was yelling at me to accept her rejection and now, she was hesitant to leave? Why was she looking so concerned like she cared about me? Didn't she say she wished she didn't know me? What was all this facade?

My wheezing had now increased and I began to choke at my saliva. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to stop myself but I couldn't.

"Aiden!" It was my mother's voice and in no time, she was by my side. I didn't even know when the door opened and she walked in.

"What happened to him?" She asked Adelia but Adelia was now a sobbing mess, unable to speak. Surprisingly, she looked torn.

My vision blurred and all I could see was black. I blacked out again.

A/N: I really hoped to hear from you but no one is commenting or maybe you don't like the book, hence the reason you are not commenting. 😢

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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