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C6 Chapter 6

Every step Professor Evan took towards me made me want to crawl and beg for his forgiveness. There is something about his aura that makes me scared to death.

"It's late, and you are supposed to go home. There are no students in this building anymore. What are you up to?" Professor Evan asked, immediately grabbing the brown envelope I was holding.

When I saw that my hands were shaking, I immediately hid them under my chair.

He let out a sarcastic laugh. "These are confidential information. Who gave you these?"

I bit my lower lip. "I'm not going to tell you."

"Of course, you won't," he smiled at me and said, "because you're going to explain it to the Dean tomorrow morning."

My eyes bulged out. "No!" I hissed at him and stood up from my seat.

"Do you think the Dean will let you off the hook this time? This is a serious matter, Miss Bentley. You are trying to pry for information about me!" he growled at me.

My blood boils at the mere sight of him being angry. "I was just trying to get to know you! I have this inkling that you are connected to my past... and that you are disguising yourself as a human."

"Human?" He tilted his head to the side. "What else could I be if not human, Miss Bentley? Are you suggesting that I'm not?" his words felt like ice. They were so cold and dismissive.

"Y-Yes! You look so much like my mate..." I whispered the last word and looked at him intently. The mate bond was severed long ago, but I was hoping that it would ignite something when I spoke the word 'mate' from him.

To my disappointment, he let out a baritone laugh. "Mmm, mate. You mean, mates, like in fantasy books?"

I nodded at him.

"What do you know about mates, Miss Bentley? Care to explain to me because I don't believe in such fictional things. They may be mentioned in historical stories, but I am more inclined toward a realistic point of view."

I looked at him. "Mates..." I whispered and observed his reaction. The nostalgia of this scene crushed my heart. It took me back to the cabin times, where I first met Steven in his weakened state.

"A mate is the other half of a werewolf's soul. A mate can sense each other's emotions, feeling joy or pain as if it were their own. This link is not just emotional but also spiritual and physical," I paused and cupped his cheek while looking into his eyes intently, "Making the two werewolves stronger together than they ever were apart."

My voice was shaking because of the mixed feelings of anger, hatred, resentment, and nostalgia.

I reiterated what Steven had said to me back then.

Could it be possible that he came back for me?

There's a small part of me that wants him back, but the other part is greater. I seek vengeance for what he did to me. He created chaos in my mind and soul.

He destroyed my inner peace.

I hate him.

Professor Evan looked at me seriously in the eyes. "Nathalie, I am not your mate nor a werewolf. You are just delusional. If you think I am not human, you can hire an exorcist to reveal my hidden identity, or whatever you call it."

Then, he let out a chuckle.

I felt insulted!

"This is crazy. It's my first time dealing with a student who thinks like this. My apologies in advance, but are you, perhaps, dealing with an illness, Miss Bentley?

Oh, gosh! I hate this so much!

Does he think I'm psychotic?

Of course, anyone who heard what I said would probably think I'm crazy in the human world!

Blushing because of embarrassment, I grabbed all the papers scattered on the floor and put them inside the brown envelope.

To save my face, I pushed the brown envelope against his chest and said, "Please don't tell anyone about this meeting! I'll follow all your orders from now on!"

"Thank you, but no, thanks."

"Evan!" I hissed at him.

"Professor Evan."

"Class hours are done!"

"Still, I am your teacher, and you are my student - "

"Whatever you call it! Forget everything I told you earlier, please! I will surrender myself to the dean's office tomorrow morning and will take any sanctions given! Just please, don't tell anyone about what I said," I begged him.

He looked at me with cold, ice-like eyes. "Yes, but on one condition."

Please, let it be a simple condition!

I nodded at him. He let out a sigh, "Never skip a class with me," was all he said before leaving the room and me alone.

I was true to my words the next morning because I admitted my mistake to the dean. Of course, the dean was disappointed in me because he didn't like what I did. I was banned from school for three days.

"Just take it as your mini-vacation. Where do you want to go? Paris? Italy? Any Asian countries to your liking?" Hazel asked when she came to our house after class. This is my first day, and I was already down and bored in my room!

I rolled my eyes at Hazel. "I'm not rich like you, who could travel to different places in a span of days, Hazel."

She cleared her throat. "Sorry, I was just suggesting! Anyway, so Professor Evan just..."

And she proceeded to narrate her day with Professor Evan. No one knows that I accessed Professor Evan's records because it would harm the school's reputation. Even Hazel didn't know what I did to Professor Evan.

Later that evening, I was having nightmares again about Steven. Sylvia attended to me always and made sure I drank my medicine. I was crying in her arms the whole time until I fell asleep.

"Nathalie, my dear, what did you see in your dream last night?" Sylvia asked me in the morning while she was preparing my breakfast.

I smiled at her. "Just the usual, mom."

"Is it about the fire in our previous house?" she asked.

"Yes," I lied.

No, it wasn't about our burning house in our previous home.

It was Steven... having sex with my best friend, Hazel!

"You know that you can tell me everything, my dear," Sylvia said and cupped my chin.

Does she know that I lied? I don't think so.

I was feeling guilty all of a sudden. And so, I told her about Professor Evan.

"There's this new professor in our class, Mom," I whispered and started pinching my nails. She looks at me and listens attentively.

I continued, "His name is Professor Evan."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What about him? You don't like him?"

I nodded at my mother. "Yes."


"He looks exactly like my ex-mate."

She was shocked to hear that. Immediately, she took off her apron and grabbed my hand. "Pack your things. We are leaving in this town!"

My eyes bulged out because of what she said. "Mom! You are overreacting!"

"No, my dear! This is for your health and safety! What if that professor was disguising himself and preying on you all the time?"

"No, mom, it's not..."

"You don't know what he's capable of, Nathalie! Your mate has a lycan royal blood! He is powerful, strong, and will drain your energy!"

"It's not like that, mom! Wait, let me explain first - "

"There's no explanation needed, Nathalie! Your dream last night was a sign! And we should take into account that! Come on, let's go and pack your things - "

I step back and give her pleading eyes. "Yes, but that doesn't mean we're going to leave here! Mom... you have everything in here already."

She stopped and stared at me in disbelief.

I continue, "Your friends, your career, your life is already set! You like it here better than before!"

Sylvia heaved a deep sigh. "Yes, but I can throw away all of that just to make sure you are safe and well, Nathalie." She cupped my cheek and looked at me worriedly.

My heart pinched because of what my mother said.

I love her so much.


"No, Mom. We will continue to live here. If my mate really comes back and disguises himself as a human, then I will face him."

"Nathalie!" She was angrier now. I smiled at my mother and held her hand. "It's going to be alright. I promise you..."

Even though in the depths of my heart, Lycan Steven once ruined my life, I know he could ruin it again this time.

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