Rejected By The Beta, Accepted By The Alpha/C6 Chapter 6 The Confession
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Rejected By The Beta, Accepted By The Alpha/C6 Chapter 6 The Confession
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C6 Chapter 6 The Confession

“Did- did he really say that about me?” I stuttered.

She nodded and shifted away from him.

“Can- can I see him?” I asked. I wish she can say yes, I really want to know why he acted that way earlier.

“He’s in a meeting with the elders,” she said and my face fell in disappointment.

“How about you take a rest, I’ll set up a dinner between the two of you,” she said and darted a sweet contagious smile at me.

My hope revived when she spilled those words.

“I’ll see you later, Elena,” she cupped my cheeks and rubbed it fondly before strolling out.

“Luna Violetta is the nicest person I’ve ever come across,”Glacia commented when she found me still staring at the closed door.

I smiled lightly and slumped into the bed.

Sometimes, life could be a game of cards, who would have imagined that a day will come when I will be the Luna, who would have thought that Nathan will come back pleading to be accepted into my life again.

Well, I can’t wait to see the Alpha tonight, neither can I wait to watch the dismay that will dart across Nathan's face.

I smiled and muttered a silent 'thank you' to

the Moon goddess before letting a dark mist of sleep take over me.

The night approached fast and bubbling with hope. I glances at myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time, sighing anxiously.

A rasp knock on the door pointed out that the Luna is here to take me to him. I took a deep breath and shuffled to the door. My wet quivering hand wrapped around the knob and I pulled the door opened.

My awkward smile disappeared when I found Nathan standing before me.

Why is he here again?

A scowl smeared across my face and I made to slam the door on his face but he trapped his ankle between the door.

“What are you doing here? Go away!” I snapped and pushed the door harder, I feel like crushing his legs.

“The Luna assigned me to take you to the dinning venue,” he said I’m the calmest voice that I’ve ever heard.

I stopped struggling with the door and pushed it wide to reveal his melancholic face.

What happened to the Beta Nathan I know?

During the struggle, my make-up got ruined and my hair was in disarray.

“I’ll wait,” Nathan said and stepped away from the door.

I sighed and shut the door before trudging back to the mirror to start the gruesome make-up processions again. Glacier,who had taken care of my make-up has long ago left, now I’m left to do it all on my own.

I don’t know anything about beautifying the face, I mean, I’ve never done a make-up before.

I stared blankly at the kit, slowly examining the unfamiliar contents.

“Need help with that?” Nathan’s voice made me jump from the chair.

“No,” I snapped.

I couldn’t turn around to look at him because of the embarrassed look smeared across my face .

“I do know a few things about make-up,” his irritating voice came up again.

“I can handle this.”

But I know I can’t.

Nathan being the stubborn irritant that he is, shuffled closer to the dressing table. He peeked at my face and smiled.

“Wow, you look more beautiful, Elena.”

Gosh, I hate the way he mentions my name.

I didn’t reply to his annoying comment. I pushed the make-up kit towards him and he grinned widely (something he hardly does)

“You finally believe me, right?” he muttered.

“I don’t !” I huffed and faced the mirror. I always talk back at him in anger, it seemed to affect him as his startling eyes turned poignant.

O found my lips stretching into a wide smile when Nathan finished touching up my face.

My brows furrowed in admiration as I stared at my restored face.

“How do you do that?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Do you want to learn? I can teach you,” he said.

I wanted to say yes but when I remembered that he is my ex mate I shook my head negatively.


He sighed and shrugged.

“If you decide to change your mind, don’t forget I’m always here to help out,” he said.

I didn’t respond to his comment because I’m sure I’ll never go to him for help

He seemed to understand my silence.

“Lets go,” he mumbled.

Oh my, I almost forgot about the dinner.

I slowly got up and shuffled out of the room, he trailed after me till we got out of the castle.

Nathan took the lead from there. I watched his fast graceful strides as he walked.

If he hadn’t rejected me we won’t be acting like strangers, right?

After many sauntering through gardens and lawns, we finally got to the venue.

My legs stopped working when we got to the garden, it was the same garden Nathan pronounced rejection upon me, the same garden I accepted his rejection.

Now I’m going to have dinner with the Alpha in that same garden that reminded me of nothing but sadness.

I noticed Nathan’s arm tense when we stepped into the garden of memories. It seems like we are on same page.

He recovered faster than I did and waved at the far end of the garden.

“Come on, it’s over there.”

I simply nodded and followed him.

I hope this dinner gets to erase all the nasty memories of this place.

My jaws dropped open when we got to the dinning arena.

Sweet smelling flowers rounded the large oval-shaped table, the surrounding glowed with different colors of lamps, and the aroma seeping out from the covered plates made my mouth water.

Did the Luna prepare all these for me?

My eyes became rheumy as I gawked at the magnificent decorations, no one from a higher status has loved me the way Luna Violetta does.

Everything was in place except one, the Alpha.

“Where is…”

“beta Nathan,” a voice interrupted me from behind and we turned.

“The Alpha has declined dining with lady Elena, he says that he has a lot to worry about.”

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