Revenge Or Love/C3 *****Success and Being the best*****
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Revenge Or Love/C3 *****Success and Being the best*****
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C3 *****Success and Being the best*****

ten years later.


“Sarah, I need I need the document, for the building in Chicago,” I said through the intercom” yes sir” she answered, and a few minutes later” knock, knock”,” come in,” I said coldly” here is the document sir, I also wanted to inform you that we got the deal with the Harts enterprise” I collected the document and check it when I found what I was looking for I close

It and place it beside me” wait, what, which deal” I asked in disbelief” we got the deal with Harts Enterprise” she replied “are you serious?” I ask to be sure that it, is not a damn prank “I was informed that he is coming in tomorrow to get to know everyone” she replied, and throw my fist in excitement” that is good news, get the other office ready, and also inform the staffs” I commanded” sir all your meetings are on hold till he comes” she replied” thank you, Sarah, you can get back to work” I said and she walks out when I was sure that she is not gonna eavesdrop,

I jump up and pound my fist in the air” finally” the deal to merge my company with the top company in New York City has been signed, but, the owner of the said company has not been seen anywhere, even the paps don’t know who he is, interesting I wish I could be like that but I don’t care, all I care is that we are now partners, I sat down and continue my meeting, when

I was done, I signed all the documents that needed my signature, I did not realize that it was late until my phone rings” hello, it's Liam speaking” I said” yo bro, with the way you are speaking, I guess you did not check the caller” answered my best friend Chase Sebastiano” my bad man, am good, how ya doing?” I replied” doing fine man, what are you doing right now?” he asked” working as you usual” meet us in our favorite, be fast, and no excuses this time because we all go to work too, everyone is here, or am gonna come and haul your ass down here,” he said” what?”

I replied in disbelief but he hang up” tsk, tsk am gonna bury his ass” I said to the now empty office”,” I agreed” answered my subconsciousness, well I guess it's time to head out, I might as well celebrate, I might as well celebrate my deal with Harts Enterprise with my buddies, I take the remaining important document and switch off the light when I step out I noticed that most of my workers are still here, I take the elevator when I reach down I walk the remaining steps to my car, open the driver door and step inside my Mercedes Benz a4r12, before driving off, in no time I reach the place I call home but I just a simple penthouse that suites my test, I drop the document on my work table, take a quick shower, dress up in a pair of jeans, black turtleneck polo, complete it with dark boots, comb my hair to the side, making it fall to face but I use the

comb to comb most of it to the side, lock my doors, take one of my spot cars, and drove off, when I arrive the bouncer let me in, I went to the VIP section, and I notice my buddies with some of the stripper hanging all over them, one thing I Like about the Favorite” hey guys” I greeted when I got closer, he stood up and we do our bro handshake and off course the bro hug, we settle down when we were done, Chase is my best friend from high school and he is a

Businessman like me, but is focused on hotels and clubs and he is the owner of the Favorite, Cole Field we call him the quiet one is a doctor, and lastly in our little group are Brent and Trent, they are twins, Brent is a model and Trent is a doctor, note, don’t talk about business because they will sleep off. Cole is our group peace maintainer, he is married and expecting a baby on the way, as for the rest of the boys, we love games, call us playboys, but we like sex, more than love, we don’t want a whiny or clingy girl at her side for living, you can tell that by the bitches

That is all over us excerpt for Cole we don’t want Natasha on her neck, believe me, when I say that her mood swings will get you on your knees in no time, we don’t want that” listen up guys, I got the deal” I said after getting their attention, don’t worry they know what I am talking about” wait for the one with the top one company in NY city” trust my best friend to make a deal out of it” yea” I answered” congratulations bro” said Cole while patting my back, because I was sitting down close to him” same here bro, congratulations” said Trent and Brent at the same

time” It's your lucky day bro, I must admit that I am a little bit jealous, because having pinning on that same deal for my portfolio, but they keep rejecting it, I love you, and congratulations because you deserve it, bro,” said Chase” come let celebrate,” I said and the roar, we order for more drinks excerpt for Cole who orders for soda, we party till 2 pm, I end up with one of the plastic bitches from the club on my bed. I regret it today, damn and today is the day I have to meet my co-CEO, I struggle to the bathroom and take a shower, I wish Alisson was here, shit

Thinking about her, I push all the thoughts about her to the back of my head, I pay the bitch and tell her to leave my house which she did. I eat breakfast at a café near my office, before going in and working, more like sleeping in the office, Thank God Sabrina cleared my schedule and meetings till later, so I have enough time to sleep, I told Sabrina to inform me when he arrives.


Finally, it's payback time, I mean that son of a bitch thought that he was gonna get away with the pains and torture and tears he caused my family, hell no, am gonna make him pay like I promised I would, I don’t have time to wait for Karma, I become the karma and get my payback, I look at the tall building in front of me, I step down from my Lamborghini, I look around and notice my bodyguards have surrounded the building to make sure that I am safe, of course, that is what I pay them to do, I walk inside, I notice the shock expression of some of the employees

“Here comes the bitch and murderer of new York city,” says the receptionist, I guess she is still working here after six years, she always hated my gut, don’t know why” where are ya heading bitch, you be the boss mistress again,” she said in amusement” Adolfo, call the security and make sure she is escorted outside, she deserves a job among the trash picker” I commanded” who the hell do you think you are bitch, how dare you,” she said screaming and shouting, has the drag her out of the building” Alisson” a voice called out my name being unsure, I know that

Voice without turning, power is sweet, and revenge is toxic but I love it” am sorry who are you?” I asked feigning ignorance and he spun around so quickly that I still can’t believe that someone is able to do that” Alisson, what the hell are you doing” he asked, I must admit, age suits him much better, he tried to read to my expression, keyword tried but I mask it all, I plaster a fake smile on my face” Adolfo, is he my co-CEO” I asked to be sure, that he is the right person” yes…” I need my answer, stop stuttering will you, I hate it” I commanded” yes mam”

I smirk and stroll to where he was standing” Hello Mr. Liam Larson Howard, am Alisson Harts, nice meeting you” I said” cupcake stop these tricks, how did you become a billionaire when you are meant to be in the street” he said, I know that he wants to rile me up, but six years is a long time to become immune to this” I make my trillion in prison because the Harts family wasn’t born a quitter, hope the board room is ready” I said” and Adolfo I want to know where my ass is gonna sit” I said coldly” this way mam” he said and I followed him. I settle in my office, before moving to the boardroom, I need to know the people I will have full control over soon because this company is mine, revenge Liam, step one of my plans is already a slap to his face.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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