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Devon reentered the room, with Liam on his heels. His brother's presence in his private space was unexpected.

"Hello, brother," he greeted, striving for a tone of calm.

"Hello, Devon," Liam responded, his expression unreadable. "Can you explain what's gotten into you?" he inquired.

With a heavy sigh, Devon collapsed onto the bed across from Liam. "I was actually on my way to see you. I need your help," he admitted.

Liam's head shake was slow, deliberate. "I'm not sure about that, Devon. You seemed to have everything under control in the throne room. So, what do you need me for?" His gaze was fixed on Devon's troubled expression.

"I'm sorry, Liam... I just had to be honest with Father about what I'm feeling," Devon poured out. "I can't go through with marrying Olivia, Liam... I just can't!" he lamented, burying his face in his hands.

"I'm not convinced this is the right approach, Devon. Father is livid, and you know how he can be when he's that angry. You need to pull yourself together and marry Olivia for the sake of peace and unity. Not only is it crucial for you to wed the Princess to fortify our territory, but it's also essential to prevent a war between the Devil Clan and the Beetles," Liam reasoned.

Devon bristled at his brother's words. "Can't we look for another solution? There's always another way, and you, of all people, should understand that. I can't marry Olivia because I feel no attraction to her. Why does everyone insist on pushing me into something I don't want?" His frustration was palpable.

Liam's stare was intense and prolonged before he finally spoke. "Sometimes I really wonder about you, Devon. Can't you grasp the significance of the situation? Why are you being so self-centered? Don't you realize that this is about more than just you—it's for the greater good? As a devil, your duty is to protect the people of your territory, not indulge your personal desires. You need to snap out of it and do what's necessary!" With that, he rose from his chair and walked away.

Devon watched his brother leave, seeing a side of Liam he'd never encountered before. Liam had always been his staunchest ally, and it was heartbreaking to realize that this time, he stood alone.

"I...I've taken in everything you've said, brother. I just need some time alone to process it all," Devon said, signaling for his brother to give him space.

"I'll give you space, but reflect on my words, Devon. Remember, the world doesn't revolve around you." With that, Liam exited the room.

Once alone, Devon rose and strode to the wall, unleashing his frustration with a punch that left his knuckles bleeding. He was on his own in this mess; no one would come to his rescue. His subordinates might seem loyal, but their true allegiance was to his father—they'd turn on him in an instant.

He needed an ally with clout, but who? Assistance from anyone opposing the Devil Clan would only boomerang back on him, destroying everything in its wake—it wasn't worth the risk. Things would only get worse from here, yet despite his current turmoil, his love for his family was undeniable. There had to be another solution.

What was his next move?

Then, like a lightbulb flicking on, an idea struck him. He smiled.



The Beetle Clan was as peculiar as its residents, sprawling with countless tiny homes for its denizens, while the King's grand palace stood out, asserting his dominance.

The city bristled with heavily armed guards, their repulsive visages enough to strike fear in anyone's heart.

In her quarters, Princess Olivia Tara Miller was in a terrible mood.

"No! This can't be happening!" she wailed, tears streaming down her face.

"Princess, please, your tears weaken your Beetle spirit," a maid soothed, gently rubbing her back. Olivia, the cherished only daughter of the King, possessed a formidable Beetle spirit that faltered under the weight of her sorrow, leaving her vulnerable to illness.

"I don't care! I wish I were dead! Devon has spurned me!" Olivia sobbed uncontrollably.

The maid comforting her discreetly signaled another with Morse code, summoning the King.

Moments later, King Miller burst into the room, rushing to his distraught daughter. She lay in bed, a mess of tears and mucus, but in her anguish, she hardly noticed.

"My sweetheart, what's troubling you?" Miller inquired, his face etched with love, compassion, and concern as he looked at his daughter.

The King's affection for his daughter was boundless.

"De... Devon rejected me today," she stammered, her voice quivering as she recounted the day's painful events. "I went to see how he was after his accident, and he was perfectly fine. But the way he looked at me... like I was nothing but garbage. He wouldn't even let me touch him... and..." She paused, taking a sharp breath before the words tumbled out, "He said he's no longer interested in marrying me. He rejected me, Dad!" Overcome with emotion, she dissolved into tears once more.

The King's face flushed a deep crimson with anger... Devon was about to find himself in a world of trouble.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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