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Sarah gasped. "I really can't fathom you, Third Prince Devon," she said, her eyes clouded with confusion.

"The war of expansion is grave business, as you're well aware, and it's a duty for every Devil Prince to engage in. The Devil Clan looks to us, the Princes, as their champions and liberators, and my brothers have more than risen to the occasion. But for me, it's a different story. To join the war would be akin to sealing my own fate. That's why I'm planning to escape before it all starts," Devon explained.

"Prince Devon, this is all so shocking to me. How can you expect me to believe that a prince of the Clan would abandon everything and flee? How can you expect me to accept your words as truth? To leave it all behind for a life in the desert?" Sarah asked, her eyes rolling in disbelief.

Devon met her gaze silently, aware of the weight of his revelation.

Sarah went on, her hands coming together with a clap. "The Devil Clan has always revered the war, and it's a tremendous honor for a prince to take part... I can't fathom your reluctance to embrace such distinction," she said.

"Who wouldn't want such honor, Sarah? With it, my subordinates would hold me in higher regard, and my enemies would cower in fear..." Devon's voice faded.

"So, what's the real issue? Why the urge to flee?" Sarah pressed, her suspicion evident as she scrutinized Devon.

"The truth is, I don't belong to the Devil Clan. I don't deserve the title of Third Prince," Devon confessed.

Sarah's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?" she inquired.

"I'm not of pure Devil Clan blood. I'm half devil, half human, which is why I don't possess the strength of my brothers. My impure blood and lack of military prowess have held me back in unimaginable ways," Devon shared. "I've endured so much here; why should I stay?" he asked, his voice tinged with sorrow.

Sarah fell silent, absorbing the gravity of his words.

"Look at all of you, imprisoned by the devils. You're all doomed, and if my father gets his way, you'll be dead within minutes. Why would I come here and feed you lies? Why would I deceive you? I'm here to offer you a chance to escape this cursed place, and yet, you think I'm lying, Sarah?" Devon questioned bitterly.

"I...I am sorry, Third Prince," Sarah murmured soberly.

"There's no need for an apology, Sarah...I understand you don't believe me, and that's okay. Perhaps we should take some time to get to know each other," Devon suggested. "May I ask your last name?" he inquired.

"I'm sorry, but I can't disclose that at the moment," Sarah replied, her gaze lowered.

"That's quite alright, Sarah. There will be time to learn your surname later," Devon responded, managing a tight smile. He wasn't truly concerned with her surname; it was irrelevant to him. His current priority was to play his cards right and secure the support of Sarah and the other humans.

Actions would speak louder than words. Mere talk was cheap; he needed to take concrete steps to achieve his objective. His strategy was to always remain a step ahead of the humans.

Devon was confident in his success. He was aware that, despite his efforts to ensure the prisoners were well cared for, their deepest desire was to escape the Devil Clan. Their yearning for freedom was the linchpin in his foolproof plan.

"I'll discuss your proposal with the others, Third Prince," Sarah said, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Very wise of you. I must leave now to avoid raising suspicion. Wait for my return," Devon stated before swiftly exiting the dungeon.

Once he was gone, a palpable tension filled the dungeon; all eyes were on Sarah, eager for information. Positioned centrally among the cells, she became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Our Lady!" called out the man in the cell nearest to Sarah, his voice laced with urgency. "What's happening?"

"Tell us, please! What's going on?" the others clamored, all except for Seymour, who lay unconscious on the clay floor.

"Everyone, please calm down!" Sarah's authoritative voice hushed the crowd to a silence so profound, one could hear a pin drop. "If we're too loud, the guards might suspect the Prince has shared something with us, jeopardizing the plan," she cautioned them sternly.

"We apologize, our Lady," they chorused in repentance.

Sarah was married to Leo, the commander of their forces. After Leo fell in battle against the devils—a conflict that resulted in their capture—his memory was honored with profound respect, and Sarah was embraced as their new leader.

"You really seem to trust him," Lucas whispered, his voice barely carrying through the wall that separated their cells. He had overheard every word of the conversation between Sarah and Devon.

"Absolutely, I trust him," Sarah replied without hesitation. "He's offering us our freedom. How could I not believe in him?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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