Scandalous Lady/C11 Dance with the Rascal
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Scandalous Lady/C11 Dance with the Rascal
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C11 Dance with the Rascal

The orchestra band started with their new piece. Now, slower tempo than the first one to align with the theme of the earl and his Feledencian escort, who was clad with elegant ballgown and astonishingly adorned with expensive shimmering gems especially the little floral flowers on her head.

Resting her soft as fabric palms on top of Lord Syford’s left shoulder, Lady Francesca extended the remaining free arm to the side midair. The earl graciously caught her free hand in the air and intertwined it with his callous palms, soothing his arms to relax.

The Feledencian woman was quite the beauty a man could ever ask for in this lifetime. With her perfectly beautiful, strong yet delicate facial features, not to mention her auburn fierce curly hairs; twined with her naturally curvy shape; and an interesting personality, Lord Syford seems to forget all his aristocratic misgivings about the system of nobility.

Contradicting to what he was trying to prove to the society that commoners can be at par with the nobles as they were both humans, sharing the same body and flesh, breathing the same air, and drinking the same water of the well; he was admiring such noble woman for being superior in beauty, intellect, and personality.

Francesca’s beauty wand presence was too intoxicating for the young man to contain. Her witty and challenging remarks fired him up toward excitement he could not possible find anywhere. Not on Catherine. Not on Emily. And most definitely, not on any flimsy women surrounding him.

“As much as my memory can tell me, I remember you babbling about proper introduction, and yet all I seem to receive were un...uncomfortable stares coming from you, m-my lord.” Lady Francesca finally spoke, breaking the deadening silence between them; plus, the weird, intense stare of the earl on her being.

Despite her attempt of displaying calmness and serenity, she couldn’t help but to stammer especially when his eyes were so focused on her as if piercing through her gown and into her soul. It was definitely something to be bothered with.

The Earl of Verindale immediately withdrew his stares. Even him, himself was quite surprised on what he just did. How can a gentleman like him put such beautiful maiden in an awkward situation? He mentally shook his head. It was the first time he got magnetically drawn to a woman his entire life. He always knew, he would always be under control in situation like this. But it turns out he wasn’t with this woman in front of him.

To lighten up the atmosphere, Lord Syford lightly chuckled and put things as a jest. “Oh! My sincerest apology, my lady for making quite a bold assault. It just can’t be help as your beauty exudes so much aura that draws me over,” he excused.

Great! Lady Francesca just felt the igniting flame on her cheeks doubles with the flattery. She wasn’t so used to compliments coming directly from men. Lord Syford realized the mistake on his move, thus, he withdraws it yet again with a round ‘bout diversion.

After turning Lady Francesca three times on her feet using his swirling hand up high to guide her, he took few steps to get on her back and finally encased her between his strong arms after the last turn, still with their hands connected. They were now in an up close intimate position were Lord Syford was seemingly hugging her from behind, only that it was just a dance step.

“We had been talking for quite long now, perhaps it was time for my suggestion...” he started pertaining about the proper introduction he mentioned before the dance. And as the gentleman between them, it was on his duties and responsibilities to take the first step.

“My name is Dynirho Syford, the 19th Earl of Verindale. Most of my people address me Lord Syford in honor for my house, but I can make an exception just for you...” he shortly halted on his tract and lowers his head a little bit to level his mouth on Francesca’s ear.

“You can call me on my first name basis, instead- Dynirho… Lord Dynirho would sound good,” he whispered in a low voice, enough for her ladyship to hear.

Lady Francesca was literally dumbfounded. His request about first name basis was already bold and astounding, but his way of saying so was more than astonishing. ‘Why does he has to do it up close? Why does he has to whisper it sexily than normal?’ He was confusing the Feledencian heiress’s feeble feelings as a woman, she was less accustomed with.

Breathing heavily, Lady Francesca tried her very best to maintain her composure and fired back. It was a good thing the tempo of the orchestra band hits its apex, marking the change of position. Turning clockwise away from the earl, she managed to free herself on his grasps and face him directly from a distance. This gives her a short time to recuperate.

Feeling her composure back, she raised an eyebrow, acting brave and skeptical rather than astonished as she really were in reality, she replied:

“What made you think I will oblige on such? Does calling you differently makes any different?”

Yet again, Lord Syford chuckled. ‘This woman was real hardheaded.’ Nonetheless, he was being more entertained than pissed.

As they meet in the center to return into their starting position of the dance, he gave him his answer, rather sarcastic.

“Exactly! Calling me Dynirho doesn’t make any difference. Neither good nor bad will happen, meaning you won’t have any reason nor premise available to decline my humble proposal,” he articulated. “...especially when it was a party host request in the first place. Wouldn’t it be rude not to grant his plea?” he added, adding societal etiquette pressure.

Gritting her teeth concealed behind her tightly closed lips, she couldn’t help but to bent over his words. After pointing out the futility of declining, she couldn’t possibly do so or else it would appear as personal whims and grudge toward him. She knew better to keep her irritation on her own or else she will be returning to her infamous title of being a scandalous woman, with no particular reason.

She couldn’t afford to be reckless when with her little mistake, her viscous stepmother will take her chance and push her more into trouble.

Forcing a feign smile, she answered:

“Lord D-Dynirho…”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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