Scandalous Lady/C16 The Twin Brothers
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Scandalous Lady/C16 The Twin Brothers
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C16 The Twin Brothers

For a second, she thought it was directed towards her, but she later realized it was the exact opposite of it. It landed straight into one of the tree nearby, followed by a male’s shriek.

“Ahhh!” Someone behind the tree reacted. As Lady Francesca was about to mount her horse to leave, another male’s voice echoes in.

“Evandel didn’t I told you not to play prank on ladies. Women were naturally scared cowards and bunch of weaklings who couldn’t keep up with men’s strength and bravery,” the newly arrived man said.

Looking over her shoulder, Lady Francesca could see a young man at his mid twenty’s with large muscles and dark complexion. His intricately designed crossbow made of high caliber sturdy rare oak wood. Plus the authentic gold chains worn over his neck, arms and even ankles says he was something of high wealth.

‘But wait what?! Did he just called the wholesome of womanhood scared cowards and bunch of weaklings?’ Lady Francesca gritted on her thoughts but she tried to keep it within herself.

They were two men and she was only one, and as much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she was naturally not of match their combined strength, even on their individual strength even. At a disadvantageous situation like this, she couldn’t afford to lose her cool over her temperament as she always used to.

“Nah! Evander could you not shoot at your twin brother’s direction by next time. I felt as if my heart were going to stop whenever you do so,” the other man hiding behind the tree finally complained while finally revealing himself.

And as she heard it, the two were actually twin brothers. They share the same physical attributes, only that the first one was more bulky and masculine, compared to the latter who was skinny and talkative.

“Let me beg for pardon for my brother’s vindictiveness. But would you mind if I ask why does your ladyship alone in such a perilous place like this? This was not the place for fragile and defenseless lady like you should be,” the Evander guy had said out of concern.

‘...fragile and defenseless, huh? Yet again, he insulted womanhood. What makes this man thinks he can have the right to label entirety of women as such? We might be physically weaker than men, we got greater skills and talents in other fields as well as much as men do.’

The young lady could feel her blood boiling on thought of how this man was belittling her species. And she could stand it, no more.

“Enough with the talking! If you were to continuously look down on women, you better not look at my way for I am a firm example that will prove your much- dear twisted thinking erroneous,” she bravely fired back and mounted on her horse.

“Whoa!” His other twin reacted on her boldness, while the former remains aloof.

“Women aren’t that weak as you say it,” she even added before she lightly kick on her horse after grabbing on the reign to get it moving.


As she was retreating from the two siblings, a sudden thought appeared on her mind.

Evander August…

Evander August was the name of the alleged betrothed man on her. And the other man’s name in their marriage agreement was also Evander. Given how much golds do they display even on their hunting outfits, it implies they were belonging on the upper class. Her betrothed perhaps.

The marriage contract didn’t say much about having a twin brother nor did it refuted the possibility of such. Neither way, there is no solid proof to point out that other bulky and muscled man whom Lady Francesca had encountered with was also the same man whom she was supposed to marry someday.

And she could think less than sabotaging such agreement to free herself from Duches Carlotta’s manipulative hands; and from the alleged man she will marry who thinks little about women, if her guess was right.

Having no clear grasp of the map of the terrains, it took her at least an hour scouting her way out of the deep forest and rocky mountains. Until finally, she found herself at the front gate of the widowed Anderson’s House.

The footman immediately opened the gate for her while the house matron grabbed her a drink to replenish her exhaustion. She set out just so immediately without preparing for a proper water jar and bit of snacks to take.

“Thank goodness you are back, my lady. Lady Margaret had been worrying about you since you left with no prior notice,” the matron said in concern.

Not long after, the senior ladyship had showed up in the front door. Seeing her lovely granddaughter, she immediately rushed towards her for a gentle hug.

Feeling culpable, Lady Francesca expressed her apology by meeting her midway with a hug. “I did it again,” she admitted taking reference on her sudden disappearance on the flea market when she first came in town.

“Though it had been the second time around, I would still humbly ask for your understanding, grandma. Actually having a horse and riding a horse firsthand brings me back to those glorious days of my rodeo time that I could resist no more, than to run straight and wild into the forest,” she reasoned out spiced up with bits of lies.

Convinced, Lady Margaret was put to ease. As she released her ladyship in her arms, she said:

“I am guessing you were supposed to trek the mountain side with Lord Syford as he showed up here after you left, mounted on his brown Rodnie horse and dressed on his cowboy look, matching yours. Am I right?”

Lady Francesca feeling remorseful of not waiting the earl, nods in dismay. It was her temperament to blame. No. It was his father’s blind love and obedience to his second wife that got her in bad situation, she could hardly escape.

“What did he say then? When I wasn’t here as expected,” she asked in curiosity.

“No worries, dear. The Earl of Verindale was more of a gentleman than you imagine. He wasn’t bit mad if that what bothers you. In fact he left you a small note,” Lady Margaret explained and handed the parchment of paper from her pocket.

After receiving it, Lady Francesca excused herself to take a long fresh shower. She also tasked the matron to bring over her room the piles of old newspapers available in the house. She got to confirm something about those twin brothers she met in the forest. Was one of them actually her betrothed or not?

As she made sure no one was looking at her, she read the note left by Lord Dynirho.

‘I knew you had something way more important to attend to miss our scheduled day out. Worry not, my lady. It was the most patient and understanding man in the world you were talking to. Jeez! Take good care of yourself.

-Dynirho Syford

Oh! Such a self-proclaimed man about topping the charter for patience and capacity to understand. Lady Francesca could suppress her smile and blush, no more.

His way of words were way to flowery and captivating that even in the midst of trouble, it can make her smile in joy.

Keeping the note close to her heart, she proceeded upstairs to attend on her shower. The long stay in the forest plus the sweats she accumulated by the nonstop horse back ride for more than an hour, made her itch for a fresh water bath.

After taking a long shower, Lady Francesca dressed up to check on the piles of newspapers sent into her room. There will be at least one issue or article written in here about the said brothers with golden chains. She just need to vigilantly looked at every pages.

But before she could ever start doing so, she was being called downstairs. Someone was looking for her, the matron said.

Quickly, she rushed downstairs in hopes that it could be the earl himself. Perhaps, he wanted to personally asked her about the reason of her sudden disappearance during the morning.

But to her surprised, the visitor turns out to be not what she was expecting.

It was a woman. A very fine young woman, probably on her fourteen’s still. And her features reminds her of the one she was actually expecting. Those deep blue eyes and fine high nose, were definitely identical with the earl.

Libre Baskerville
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