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C6 Chapter 6

King Wulfgur watched Lun shiver in the water and raised his brows.

'Why are you like that? Are you surprised I came in unannounced?" He smiled, stretching his hand to her wet hair and patted it at first before stroking it.

'Did I pass my boundary?" He asked again.

'No…no..no, My King. You didn't. But still….."

'I know. Right now, I love seeing you in a bathtub. You look super hot!" Wulfgur whispered.

‘Wait! Is the King gay? What's he trying to blurt out?' Lun thought, shocked to begin anything.

‘What are you doing, Wulfgur? Aren't you going crazy now?' Wulfgur too thought after he noticed what he just said.

Won't Lun think he's gay? He's really not like this but he can't take his eyes off his mate right now.

Now, he's beginning to say rubbish. Was he even thinking before speaking?

'Your Majesty, don't you think you should go take your bath. I will be out soon."

'Oh! I already took my bath before coming here. As you can see, I already changed to another cloth." Wulfgur pointed at the thin shirt he wore.

Lun's eyes went down to his built body and gulped. She mustn't make it obvious but the King looks so hot too and sexy.

She could almost touch that pointed nipples of his but hell no!

How will she come out when the King is here? And he isn't even ready to leave the bathroom for him.

'I'm stuck!" She mumbled to herself.

‘I will just stay in the water till he gets tired and leave.' She thought about a good idea but it suddenly became useless.

'You don't want me to see you right? You're trying to send me. away."

Oh! He caught her.


'I will be waiting for you outside after you've taken your bath. Don't sleep in the bathtub and keep me waiting." He told her and got up before leaving the bathroom.

'Does the king wants me to have a heart attack at this very young age? How could he just come into the bathroom like that? I'm so thankful for the heavens that I'm not outside the tub and still naked. Else, Uncle Henry will be so disappointed in me"

The King still cares for her even if he thinks she's a boy. What if he finds out that she's really a girl? He would pamper her like anything.

No, no. It is not the time to reveal any identity. Being the King's mate can be really good sometimes.

Lun checked to see if the King was really gone and yes, he's already out of the bathroom.

She raised herself up from the bathtub and came out of the tub as far as she could

She dragged the towel from its place and wrap it around herself.

She tiptoed to her room, looking everywhere to see if the King was still around. He wasn't there, she ran to the wardrobe and began to wear her cloth. She adjusted the wig she wore on her long hair well.

'Lun, are you done?" The King's voice almost made her heart jump out of her chest.

He was still there but outside the room.

'Yeah, I'm coming." After struggling with the cloth, Lun came out and meet the King with a smile. 'I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

'It nothing. Let's go. I have something to show you."

'What is it, My King?"

Wulfgur didn't say anything but rather he walked into the woods and stopped at a particular place. Lun hastened her steps to look at what the King was staring keenly at.

It was stones packed up together and across wood on it. There were some traces of blood around the stones but why's the King showing her this?

'This is where Mena died. My first-lifetime mate." He told her.

'You…your mate? You've had a mate before, My King?" Lun stuttered.

'Yes. Her name was Mena. She was killed by these hunters, here." He pointed to the stones.

'Where did you bury her?"

Wulfgur's face went pale immediately but forced a smile to his lips.

'Her body turned to ashes right before my eyes on the festival of Mahan. I had a wish that day and it was granted." Wulfgur wanted to tell Lun everything about the reincarnation, that he, Lun standing in front of the King, is Mena from the past. But will he even believe him? Mena from the past is now a boy?

Lun was already confusing herself. She was born at the Festival of Mahan too. Could she be the same Mena? No! She can't. It's just a coincidence. She shrugged it off.

The two heard some rustling sound around them and they knew immediately that they are being surrounded by enemies.

'Stay quiet. Don't move an inch!" Wulfgur stated.

Lun wasn't expecting an attack, so he wasn't prepared.

She stood behind the King and looked everywhere if an attack will come suddenly.

Wulfgur sniffed around and knitted his brows with a frown. The hunters aren't up to 20 but he knew they were well prepared.

He didn't want to put Lun in another danger. This boy is too Innocent to experience all this. He didn't want any harm close to Lun.

Not when he's alive and even before he will die, he will make sure there's no enemy that will come looking for Lun.

He could hear footsteps coming closer to them. He could smell the weapons in their hands. The ones with bows and arrows, the ones with guns, the ones with swords and some dangerous weapons.

His ear flicked immediately he heard a ‘phew' sound from afar. It should be an arrow.

For the first time in about 200 years ago, he wanted to use his powers again. The Emperor's powers he inherited from his father. Even though, he sealed it himself one day because he didn't want to make use of it any longer. He was going to use it today and this will be the last.

He wanted to save Lun. Protect this beautiful Mena he was able to see again.

Wulfgur's eyes glowed to a golden color. He snapped his fingers and the time stopped. The arrow that almost got to Lun stopped right in front of her forehead.

Everything stopped. Even the leaf that was dropping from a tree, stopped. Only Lun and Wulfgur were moving.

'W…what's happened? I'm done for? This…this is an arrow about….oh my forehead!" Lun stammered, shivering.

If not that the arrow stopped, she would be dead by now. The King turned to her and patted her head.

'We need to leave here before everything goes back to normal. It is not safe any longer. You need to stop talking. "

'Yeah, My King. I need to stop talking but what just happened, I'm freaking out already. I mean, I talk too much but……."

She stopped talking as she stood still. The time stopped around her too.

'You are talking too much already." Wulfgur chuckled and carried her stiff body to his shoulders and teleported.

Just as he did that, everything went back to normal. The same arrow flew to one of the hunters and he died instantly.


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