Seriphyn Knight Chronicles

Seriphyn Knight Chronicles

Author: Veronica
"I'll find a way to save my brother. Do whatever the hell you want. I'm stealing your guns."
Famine is a man determined to save his three kidnapped brothers. In doing so, he must make a choice that would determine a continued fate in his world called Sol. This is his saga. The Seriphyn Knight Chronicles. It begins. 
[Note: Famine is gay, but that's not the focus of the story. There's more action than romance in this saga. Later on, the story is told from Pesti's perspective who's not gay. Any chapters that have BL moments, I'll tag as BL. Any explicit BL extras can be read on the main site I won't post there here.]
--- About the Author ---
Veronica is Veronica Purcell. An original web fiction writer and indie author who writes gay, fantasy and stories from interesting perspectives.
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