
"Sister-in-law?" Sister-in-law! Wake up, Xiao Qian, go and get a bowl of cold water... "

"It's better to add two pieces of ice," the Sister-in-Law Li quietly said. Li Hu was stunned, he did not understand what was going on, and was even more unable to see through it, he could only rely on his intuition, and thought that listening to the Sister-in-Law Li was the right thing to do.

When the ice cube was brought over, Li Hu slowly helped Du Heting to sit up. The first two gulps of water were fine, but the third one was already too, causing Li Hu to have an illusion that the water he just consumed had not been fed to his mouth. Instead, it had been absorbed by his sister-in-law's mouth.

Li Hu felt that it was a pity. If only there was a way to teach acupuncture in the medical manual. In this way, when encountering a situation like that of his sister-in-law, he would be able to solve the problem with two needles.

Du Heting, however, was constantly yelling about how thirsty she was, and her mind was gradually getting muddled. Her hands were also randomly digging into the collar of her clothes.

Sister-in-Law Li stood at the side with a strange expression. Xiao Qian was at a loss, this almost made Li Hu want to kick him out, and she had no choice but to use some method to wake her sister-in-law up.

I won't disturb you guys here today, I'll be leaving first. That Xiao Qian, you have enough of Brother Hu Zi here, why don't you help Aunt out a little? "

This... Xiao Qian's face was filled with suspicion, she was worried about her sister, so the Sister-in-Law Li dragged her away, coaxing her away.

Li Hu looked at Du Heting who was on the bed, frowning, and saw her pull off her clothes and start pulling on her shirt, but she did not have the impulse to, and even extended her hand to help out.

With a ripping sound, he exerted too much force, and the undergarment was completely torn apart.

As matters stood, if Li Hu could not find out the real reason, then he would not be a normal man! Du Heting's appearance was clearly ? She must have eaten something that she shouldn't have, or she might have been framed, or it might have been for some other reason.

Li Hu was completely immersed in his fury. If there was an outsider present, he would have definitely discovered that his eyes were abnormal once again.

He did not know when he extended his hands, but with the help of external strength, Du Heting's entire body seemed to have smelled the scent of ice in the heat of the day. His hands and feet did not care about his image as they climbed up, and he even greedily rubbed against it.

The two of them were naked as they hugged each other, but it was like they were just newborn babies. The only thing that comforted each other was that there was no other process at all, causing Li Hu's mind to become muddled.

Although it didn't do anything, it was still a thousand-year-old old goblin after all. How could a woman like Du Heting, who only had a mortal body, be able to withstand its aura? Fortunately, Li Hu was on his side, and the aura from his body dispersed the giant python's aura.

His mind was in a daze, Li Hu heard someone calling for him, and with a reply, that person shouted again, causing Li Hu to spin around.

"old goblin! "Come out for laozi!"

With a violent sound, Li Hu used some unknown method to make the big python appear from its hiding place, "Aiyaya, you actually found out about it, looks like you have a pretty good spirit huh? You can't be such a beauty, right? Otherwise, how did you bear with it time and time again? "

Heeheehee ?

Amidst the strange laughter, Li Hu's face darkened, he knew that something was wrong, why did it seem like Du Heting had drank an aphrodisiac for no reason? So it was the old goblin doing it in the dark!

The big python dodged while stimulating Li Hu, "You said I'm despicable, but didn't I learn all this from you? To be able to put bugs in the other party's head, aren't you afraid that a single one of them will be unable to control them properly and their lives will be gone? "What you've lost is your own merits!"

Li Hu used all of his strength, but he actually could not even touch a single scale on the old goblin. Even after using thirty-six moves, he was still unable to coax the snake.

"Whew ~ Whew ~ ~ My breathing is the same as yours?" Wang Batian has enmity with me, he did all sorts of evil deeds, I only left one hand out to remove harm for the people, what about you? You scum! Shameless! To think that you were able to reach Immortal Ascension. Go become a bastard! "

He used all of his trashy abilities from fighting with the devilish brat when he was young. It could be seen that Li Hu was really angered by this, the big python said shamelessly as it did all this to help Li Hu train his mental energy.


"If you don't believe me, don't you feel that you can see my true form more clearly now?"

It was really like that, previously, Li Hu could only see a blurry figure continuously talking to him, but now, he could actually see a piece of color clearly. It should be a snake tail, glossy black, it was indeed extraordinary.

But so what? Bullying his sister-in-law, even this old goblin cannot be forgiven!

Li Hu used all of his strength to fly, kick him, and pull him over. He used all kinds of methods he knew, but he could not even touch a single piece of the python's skin.

"Stop being so busy. With the strength to scold snakes, why don't you think about how to break my defenses and hit the snakes? It's not your style. What a stupid and stupid human!"

Li Hu also knew that he could not defeat the big python. While obediently changing his tactics, he was also thinking of a way to sneak attack and attack. The big python intentionally gave a few more words of advice, and in just fifteen minutes, Li Hu was completely exhausted.

"Haste makes waste. Let's stop here for today. Your sister-in-law should be awake by now, let's go back!" With the white mist flashing, Li Hu moaned deeply and moved his four limbs slightly. His muscles were sore and he could not use any of his strength.

Looking at Du Heting who was lying on the side, Li Hu breathed out. He secretly made up his mind, in the future when he had time, he would definitely find that old goblin and train in it, if not, he would really become too weak, and would not even be able to defeat a snake, how shameful would that be?

From that day onwards, Sister-in-Law Li looked at Li Hu with a different expression. You know what I know, the world knows what I'm doing, and definitely won't let others know with a face full of loyalty.

It was just that because he had been engrossed in improving his physical strength, he did not notice for a while that the look in Du Heting's eyes had become different each time he looked at him. Xiao Qian did not linger on it too, and every day was quiet.

Every time he rested, Li Hu would take out all kinds of delicious meat to eat while sitting on a large rock and wolfing down its food. Forget about eating a bite, even if it dared to glance at Li Hu, it would explode its fur and threaten him.

Eh, there was nothing I could do about it. Although my ability was better than that brat's, it was a pity that he still had the key. If he was unhappy, then he would 'run away from home' and refuse to work! This was impossible, it was waiting to become an immortal!

Sigh, domestic violence was indeed not a good thing. It no longer dared to provoke those two girls from this kid's family.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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