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The group of leaders came. Due to the meticulous preparations previously made, the city leaders affirmed our work and made a verbal promise to give our village 400,000 yuan. I believe that my "secretary" will also get rid of that word "also" very soon. After finally sending off the inspecting leader, another round of celebration was held in the evening. The location was still the restaurant they were looking at.

Originally, Zhang He wanted to return, but he was held back by Little Wang and I. How could such a celebratory feast be able to cause him to be absent? Eight people from the village took up a room, everyone was enjoying themselves. Since Xiao Wang found out that Changhe could drink, he would usually jeer at each other. Moreover, the celebration was so good that Xiao Wang would naturally drink one cup after another to his heart's content.

The other five cadres were Zhang Yuanyang, who was in charge of publicity, Liu Chengcheng, who was in charge of taxation, Li Langming, who was in charge of finance, Zheng Mingjian, who was in charge of politics, law and politics, and Li, who was in charge of water conservancy. Their home was close, and they went back after the dinner.

Little Wang mumbled, "Zhanghe, you go back to sleep today. Your stinky feet are killing people, and your snores sound like thunder. I don't know how sister-in-law can take you. I won't sleep with you anymore." I can't help but laugh, Xiao Wang has an obsession with cleanliness, the room is as clean as a girl's boudoir.

"You brat, go to sleep and grind your teeth, squeak squeak, I don't want to sleep with you, go back! Let's go back and sleep today! " However, it was obvious that Chang He did not have enough confidence when he said this.

"You, do you dare to go back?" It seems that yesterday's matter was brought up again.

"Do, why wouldn't I dare to do it? Of course I dare, you brat. Yesterday, you said so much, do you dare to walk that path with me? "Let's see who peed their pants first!" Chang He was a local born and raised cadre. Since he had yet to graduate from high school, he naturally did not have any refined words to say.

"Alright, let's go now. I don't believe it. If there really is a ghost, I'll beat him to a pulp as well!"

I didn't know what Chang He saw, but because I drank some wine, I felt extremely excited. I actually made a decision to send Chang He home, and also wanted to take a look at what was so mysterious about that faraway village. I grabbed onto Long River's shoulder and said, "Let's go, the three of us will go together. No matter what happens, the three of us will carry the three of us!"

It was the tenth day of the seventh month, and the weather was not very good, but at eleven o'clock the moon still peeked through the clouds and looked up at the moon. It was clearly visible from ten feet away, whether it was a human or a ghost, under this moonlight, and with three people walking together, there shouldn't be any danger.

As we walked, Little Wang sang loudly. Actually, we had heard the description of Long River, and when we saw how scared Long River was, we all felt a little nervous, not knowing what we would see later, believing that Little Wang was just using her singing to hide the uneasiness in her heart, while Zhang He was silent and did not argue with Little Wang anymore. If it wasn't because he was tired, then it was because he was scared, but because we were together, so he was too embarrassed to reveal it, not to mention it was because he had gambled with Little Wang. I watched for movement anywhere. The fifteenth of the seventh month is Ghost Festival, and in the ten days of the night, no matter how bright the moon is, no one can walk outside beyond eight o'clock. I believe that if we didn't drink, the three of us wouldn't be here.

The closer I get to the entrance of the village, the more uneasy I feel, but right now, I, Little Wang, and Chang He, don't have anyone who wants to come back here. Long He and Little Wang don't want to show weakness to each other, and I, although I can't be considered bold, I'm still a person with a strong curiosity. I didn't say go back, so naturally there was nothing to stop us.

When I got to the spot where Long River was talking about, Wang had stopped singing and shut his mouth tightly. I turned around and saw Long River's mouth quiver a little. His eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness. After all, he had already been frightened once. Little Wang did not laugh at him, but only shook his hand. At this time, there was no need for words.

There was a breeze, and the grass rustled in the breeze, and there was a faint rustling sound, very clear in the still night, and a little disconcerting, for there was already in our hearts the image of what the river had described, and if preconceptions had taken possession of the mind, there was now in all three of us a headless image, only a clearer image in the river's head.

I shake my head. Maybe the river is just walking in the dead of night, thinking about the legend of the festival, so if I can't get out of this fantasy, maybe I'll have the illusion myself. I sorted through my thoughts, trying to rid my mind of the images that Long River had described, and then I began to think about Zi Yue.

I believe that if my feelings for Zi Yue used to be based on the fact that she was a beautiful lady, then she was merely an image, just like the ghost in the middle of the river. But now, this image has become clear in my mind. Thinking back on her every frown and smile ever since I met Zi Yue, every glance back, every turn around, I want... Zi Yue had already entered my heart. As for whether it had already entered my heart, or whether it had entered my heart tonight, I did not want to investigate.

Of course, I didn't have time to explore in such an environment.

We walked slowly. We were already halfway down the road, but we saw nothing but the wind and the grass.

"Hahahaha …" A long ghost story?

In this silent night, the sound was exceptionally ear-piercing. Zhang He and I were shocked as we looked at Xiao Wang, only to see him smiling so much that he bent down to hold his stomach. Breathing heavily, I lightly shouted, "Little Wang, have you gone mad?"

Little Wang laughed as she pointed at the river. She said in an intermittent manner, "I say this kid is a coward. Hahaha, what the heck? Haha, what headless ghost? Hahaha, you brat are full of assumptions, causing us to come here for nothing. Hahaha …"

I couldn't help but smile.

At first, we were like strings that had just been snapped. Everyone was very nervous, but now there was nothing. Now, not only Little Wang, but even I thought that it was Chang He who had scared himself. Little Wang's smile relaxed our broken hearts and made us feel relaxed. Zhang He's face turned white and red as he mumbled, "Maybe he won't come out today …"

Little Wang mocked, "Oh, so he went off to visit his relatives. Hur Hur!"

I couldn't help but laugh. When Chang He saw me smile, he felt embarrassed to say anything more to Xiao Wang. However, he was unconvinced and his expression turned ugly. I smiled as I held onto his shoulder and teased him, "Alright, Zhanghe. After we pass through this village, Little Wang and I will return. You should go back and accompany your sister-in-law properly, hehe!"

He's not a good talker, his personality is a little stubborn, and since he has already decided that he saw it, he won't turn around so quickly. It's just that he didn't see anything tonight, so he naturally can't say anything, but it's clear that my words about going back to accompany his sister-in-law made him happy.

My heart suddenly lamented, is a married man, because someone can love, life will become interesting?

A few years after graduation, I was sent to this village, my parents were far away, and my girlfriend from university and I swore to each other that we would become friends because of the distribution of jobs. My love life fell into a blank again. Zi Yue was an outstanding girl. No matter if it was her appearance or speech, she was second to none in this village. It seems that my emotions should have a direction now. If I want to find a target, it naturally belongs to Zi Yue. And Zi Yue has been as misty as the moon in the mirror, or tomorrow, I should confess to her.

Little Wang was still laughing, like a small dam that had been stuck for a long time.

Suddenly, with an indescribable fear in his voice and an indescribable trembling, he cut off Little Wang's laughter completely. I turned my head in surprise and saw clearly under the moonlight that his pupils had collapsed and his legs were trembling, as if he would fall at any moment. His eyes were looking straight to the right.

Little Wang said, "Zhang He, hehe, you brat, are you trying to make things difficult for me? "I …" As he said that, he turned to look at Chang He. With just a glance, he swallowed back the words that he was about to say.

Little Wang's eyes met mine, and together they turned to follow Long River's gaze — a blur about a hundred feet to the right, clearly discernible, with hands, feet, body, and fluttering sleeves, but no head, really no head!

Little Wang gave a shout and turned around to run. Chang He also started to scurry behind me. Instinctively, I wanted to run, but I couldn't move my feet. Perhaps, I had forgotten the word "run". I took one step back, then another. The image didn't move any further, just stood there quietly.

I stared at it. I didn't know what was supporting me, I just thought if it came chasing me, would I be able to outrun it? If that's the case, then what's the point in running? So it turns out that Chang He didn't lie to us, so it turns out that Chang He wasn't an illusion in my mind. So it's real, there's really a ghost.

My mind went blank, including the memory of Zi Yue. She no longer remained. I stood there facing the shadow. I didn't know what she would do next, nor did I know what I would do next.

The quiet night, the pale moonlight, the rustling of the wind coming from the grass, the headless image in front of him …

They interweaved and interweaved, occupying my entire mind!

It was still very hot in July, but I felt cold all over. Cold sweat ran down my hair and down my face.

After nearly five minutes of confrontation, I had the feeling that these five minutes were longer than five years. Then I saw it raise its hand, slowly, and stretch out a finger, a forefinger. Under the pale moonlight, the finger was pale and clear. After staying in the air for around ten seconds, when I focused my gaze on it, there was nothing left. I looked around, only to see the wind blowing in the moonlight. There were no images, no sleeves, no fingers …

Everything seemed like a dream, but the wet clothes, the faraway Wang and Chang He, my weak legs, proved that what I saw was not an illusion. I walked forward with heavy steps, I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know what I was going to do, and I didn't know what else I could do besides go forward. After a dozen steps, my thoughts slowly returned to me. I still felt my legs go limp, so I sat down on the grass.

At that time, the moon was half revealed behind the clouds. The night was still cold and gloomy!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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