Space Traveling Arms Dealer/C13 Things Are Settled
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Space Traveling Arms Dealer/C13 Things Are Settled
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C13 Things Are Settled

Lin Maofeng didn't know that he had been tricked by his son. Instead, he looked at the agreement seriously. It didn't matter what he said, but Lin Maofeng also wanted to know what he was going to do.

If there was something he did not understand, Zhaocai would explain it to him immediately. What was even more amazing was that this agreement had a more formal English version.

"Normally, clinical experiments are conducted in the hospital, but asthma is different from other diseases. It is a chronic disease. " Our staff will come in and call Mr. Lin. If there is any reaction after taking the medicine, you must tell our staff immediately, especially if there is any bad reaction. "

"Theoretically speaking, we Chinese have the same body structure as the westerners, but our physiques are different. There are even some people who are allergic to some substances. This is possible. " Therefore, if there's anything wrong, you must tell our staff. "

"Mr. Lin, is there anything you don't understand?" Zhaocai seemed very formal.

Lin Maofeng looked at Zhaocai seriously and asked, "Mr. Hua, are you really not going to take money? Will you ask for money from other people in the future?"

"Don't worry. Xiao Chen saved my daughter. I won't lie to you. Besides, " It would only cost you tens of thousands to go to the hospital for treatment. "I don't need it for tens of thousands of yuan, don't you think so?" Zhaocai said with a smile.

"That's good. I don't have any more questions. Just sign here." Lin Maofeng thought for a while and felt that he did not miss anything. He pointed to the signature and said.

"Yes, just sign your name here." Zhaocai nodded. He thought Lin Chen's task was finally completed. Then he thought of something and said, "There is one more thing. Mr. Lin, you know that we are still in the clinical trial stage, so there are not many quotas. If it wasn't for Lin Chen, I wouldn't have given you one. So, if someone asks about this, it's better if you don't tell them. "

"Don't worry. I know that." Lin Maofeng nodded and said.

He knew what a clinical experiment was. Of course, he would not talk about it outside.

"That's good. I can't give you this bottle of medicine yet. This is for our cooperation. In a few days, we will send you the medicine and leave a phone call. After receiving the medicine, you will call that phone. "It will be good for us to know." Zhaocai put away the bottle on the table.

"Okay, I know. Aiya, I didn't expect it to be so late. It must have delayed your rest. " I'll clean up the place for you now. " Lin Maofeng nodded. When he saw that it was already past 10 p.m., he stood up and said.

After cleaning up the room, Zhaocai and Jinbao went to bed.

Lin Maofeng asked Lin Chen to go outside to take a cool seat. Actually, there were some things he wanted to say to him.

"People say that good people are rewarded. Now it seems like it is true." Lin Maofeng said with mixed emotions.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be so coincidental. Now that I have recovered, I don't need to operate on you. I am relieved." Lin Chen smiled, but in his heart, there were not so many coincidences.

"When my illness is cured, I will go to Lin City with them to work. It has been hard on you all these years. "I am not that old. I can still work for a few more years. The two of us will work hard to earn a down payment for you and buy a house." Lin Maofeng said happily.

In the past, he was very capable. But after he got this disease, he could not do heavy work. Fortunately, the country's policy was good. Otherwise, he would not know how to maintain this family.

"We'll talk about it later," Wang Yao said. By the way, Dad, I got a job as a crew member. I have to go out to sea often in the future. Maybe sometimes I can't get through to the phone, so you don't have to worry too much." Lin Chen felt happy to see his father happy. He then said.

"Go out to sea?" Lin Chen asked. Didn't you go to college for nothing?" Lin Maofeng said anxiously when he heard Lin Chen wanted to be a sailor.

"Why did you go to college for nothing? If I didn't have good English, I wouldn't be able to find this job. There were too many college students nowadays. In the provincial capital, one month is enough to earn money. "A few thousand a year as a crew member, a few hundred thousand a year." Lin Chen said with a smile.

"I thought you were selling stocks. How do you plan to stock market when you're a crew member?" Lin Maofeng knew that Lin Chen was going to stock up, so he asked.

"Two years ago, the stock market made a lot of money. These two years, the market is no longer good, so let's go out and earn some money first. " I reckon that after working as a crew member for two years, plus the money in my hands, I can also pay a down payment to buy a house. " Lin Chen said with a smile.

"You can think about it yourself. I heard it's not easy on the ship, so you should pay more attention outside." Lin Maofeng knew the crew was not easy either. They spent more than half a year floating on the sea.

"Don't worry. I'm not young anymore. I've only been working for these two years. " If you make money by then, we'll find a place to open a restaurant. " Lin Chen smiled.

"Sure. I have been cooking for so many years." Lin Maofeng nodded in agreement.

He retired from the army. The country did not provide for him anymore, so he went to the relatives' restaurant to help learn cooking skills. He had always wanted to open a restaurant by himself, but he had no money and his health was insufficient. If his son had such thoughts, he naturally had to support him.

"By the way, Dad, since you are not going to perform surgery, I will go back tomorrow. Although the company has said that they will resign, they have not handed it over. In addition, I did not pack my things in the provincial capital." Lin Chen suddenly said.

"Aren't you going to stay at home for two more days?" Lin Maofeng didn't expect Lin Chen to return so soon. He said with surprise.

"Not much. I will finish the handover earlier so I can train earlier." Lin Chen said.

It was not that he didn't want to spend too much time at home. It was because he knew that his father's special medicine would work. From now on, father and son would be together for a long time. Also, the money he used to buy energy was also a loan, and there was interest every day. Besides, he would earn more money earlier and increase his level. There would be plenty of good days in the future.

"You're right. Just pay more attention outside. If you're not used to it, just continue working." Lin Maofeng also knew that the child had grown up. It was not like when he was young. He nodded and agreed with Lin Chen.

"I almost forgot. I also bought you a phone this time. It's not convenient to use that old phone of yours. I bought you a smartphone. " I can send you photos wherever I go. Besides, international long-distance travel is expensive. We can chat on WeChat. " Lin Chen patted his head and said.

"Why waste that money?" Lin Maofeng was blaming Lin Maofeng, but he was very happy in his heart.

"Let's go, Dad. Let's go to the house. I'll teach you how to use your phone." Lin Chen stood up and said.

"It's not like I don't know how to read. I don't need you to teach me that." Lin Maofeng said with a smile. He also stood up with Lin Chen and walked into the house.

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