Steps to Be Phoenix/C107 Like a soldier
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Steps to Be Phoenix/C107 Like a soldier
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C107 Like a soldier

When Luo Mingshi heard this, sshe gave a light laugh as a response. When Luo Hongyi heard this, he also laughed, and then continued to speak, "I have never seen you look like a woman, I didn't know you like eating sweets, because you have never shown off in front of others, I have also never seen you cry, I have never seen you weak, I have never seen you relying on anyone, you have never been independent, you are just like a warrior."

"I was surprised that there was a woman like you in the world, so I pursued you, even though you were four years younger than me. Because of you, I have followed your steps step by step until now. You are my role model, because of what you have done, that is why I have told you that I must do it myself, because you and I are able to do what we have done today, not because we are already fourteen years old but because we are still people who will not do anything but cry. "

Luo Mingshi finally turned around and saw the tears in the corner of her eyes.

When Luo Hongyi said this, he looked straight at Luo Mingshi, but at this time, Luo Mingshi suddenly turned his head. Unable to defend herself, he quickly turned his head away, but Luo Mingshi could still see the tears running down his face.

What he had said just now was only to show Luo Mingshi that he was no longer the Luo Hongyi who could only cry. However, she was also seen crying.

Luo Mingshi no longer spoke, waiting for Luo Hongyi to calm her heart, in case she got embarrassed.

Not long after, Master Mo walked over and said to Luo Hongyi: "Sir, I have been looking at this thumb ring for a long time. To be honest, this thumb ring is very good for me to see.

When Luo Hongyi saw an outsider, the annoyance in his heart completely disappeared, and he returned to his normal demeanor and elegance like the Second Young Master of the Luo Family. Luo Hongyi revealed a smile, but the Master politely rejected: "Sorry, this thumb ring is priceless."

The precious treasure in his heart was a priceless treasure.

The person who was rejected was clearly disappointed as well, but he only smiled regretfully and gave an instruction, "Young Master is right, this thumb ring is indeed priceless. Young Master needs to love and treat it well."

Luo Hongyi also laughed, he was a man of character, and replied: "Of course."

Hearing the two of them talking, Luo Mingshi suddenly felt that this man was an amazing person, she could not help but look over, and saw that he looked at the thumb ring on Luo Hongyi's hand again, and then left.

Luo Mingshi recognized that the thumb ring was one of the items that Luo Hongyi had picked out from a pile of good quality jade artifacts. Luo Mingshi saw that this bald headed man did not have any other jade legs, and asked him if he wanted to change one. At that time, he was still able to hold on for a long time, he did not expect to meet someone from the same sect.

With the sound of the gongs and drums shaking the sky, the teammates with the dragon lanterns finally officially started after the sound of the drums and drums beating.

The two of them immediately found a place with a better terrain and saw it clearer, but a group of people rushed over after a short while, even Luo Mingshi who was a reliable man, could not help but tremble from the crowd of people.

Luo Hongyi quickly got closer to Luo Mingshi and vigilantly guarded around him. Whichever side he stayed close to, he would grab hold of Luo Mingshi's shoulders and move to the side to get close.

With just these few waves of people, although Luo Hongyi's martial arts was not high, and his stature could not be considered robust, but he was able to use his own methods to protect Luo Mingshi's moment of tranquility.

Luo Mingshi had sensed it long ago, but she just found it very amusing when Luo Hongyi moved about, so he did not bother with him anymore, but continued to watch the Dragon Dance Lamp which he had never seen before.

The bustling scene was always too gorgeous, it was just like a dragon flying and dancing in the air, with two dragons playing with each other and dragons soaring and rolling with the wind. Even though there were only twenty people dancing out there, there were still many dragons dancing in the air, but instead of procrastinating, they appeared to be lively and lively, just like a real dragon dancing in the air, it was really shocking.

After missing out on three years of splendor, he finally saw it this year. However, the prosperity was just like passing clouds, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the curtain had ended, and the dragon's body was slowly shrinking under the control of the people below, Luo Mingshi knew that it was time to return home.

As the two walked home, after a moment of silence, Luo Hongyi finally opened his mouth and asked: "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

When Luo Mingshi heard this, she also replied indifferently: "Mn, Wang Chun is already packing her things."

Luo Hongyi did not say anything else and just instructed, "When you return to the capital, remember to write me a letter." He replied with emphasis, "I mean, us, me, the elders and the Uncle Luo, us."

Luo Mingshi could only smile and did not speak further.

Luo Hongyi had been together with Luo Mingshi for a long time, after seeing Luo Mingshi act in such a manner, she knew that she did not feel good about it.

For a while, neither of them spoke as they slowly walked.

Luo Hongyi suddenly said: "Oh yeah, I remember that there's one more thing, wait for me for a moment, I'm almost done."

"What is it?" Luo Mingshi hurriedly asked, but only Luo Hongyi replied to her.

"Boss, hurry up and give me that sugar-coated person. Right, it's the one with the phoenix design." Luo Hongyi ran over to the stall in a hurry, just in time to see the stall closing up.

When the owner heard this, he said, "The sugar figurine is sold, there's no more."

Luo Hongyi carefully looked at the candy he was pointing at, it was indeed not in the shape of a phoenix. Luo Hongyi was panicking in his heart, "Boss, please do me a favor and make me another one."

The boss could only say, "Alright, alright. You're really annoying. You need to increase the money."

Luo Hongyi agreed readily.

When his entire body was looking for silver, the sweet man in the shape of a phoenix had already been passed over to Luo Hongyi, but Luo Hongyi did not accept it.

The boss impatiently said, "Young man, can't you afford to pay me two coppers?"

"Boss, I didn't bring any money bag with me today. Can you make up for it with this?"

Luo Mingshi stood in her original position and waited for a long time before sshe saw Luo Hongyi rushing over. In one hand, he was holding the candy man, while the other hand was wrapped in a cloth. "You went to buy this?"

Luo Hongyi happily agreed, he did not say a word and only handed over the sweet man in his hand.

Luo Mingshi accepted it, and didn't eat it, she just watched it.

Luo Hongyi asked: "What, you don't want to eat it?"

Luo Mingshi shook his head: "Did you know that I won't be eating this once I get to the capital?"

Luo Hongyi also laughed: "I only know that it's rare for you to eat it once, so I might as well let you eat it enough at once."

Luo Mingshi heard this and laughed for a while.

Just like that, the two of them walked back. The shadows of people walking past their houses were all dragged along, and one could still hear the girl's unclear voice asking, "What happened to your hand?" He seemed to be eating something.

However, he heard the man's voice reply, "I accidentally scraped it just now. It felt a bit painful, so I wrapped it up first."

Wang Chun lifted the curtain of the carriage to look outside, then closed it again, and said to Luo Mingshi who was resting with her eyes closed: "Coming here, there's a carriage and a box of clothes, who would have thought that there would be several more carriages of luggage."

After Luo Mingshi heard this, she also said, "After all, she lived for four years."

Wang Chun seemed to have sensed that Luo Mingshi's interest was not high and thought that she was reluctant to return to the Jiangnan. She could not help but ask: "Since young miss is so unwilling to return to the capital, then why not keep your Jiangnan here for a long time?"

"Jiangnan is not a home after all."

Libre Baskerville
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