Steps to Be Phoenix/C112 Third prince
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Steps to Be Phoenix/C112 Third prince
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C112 Third prince

He was almost forty years old, and yet he wanted to be friends with a little girl like her. If he told her about his matter after he was done, where would he put his old face?

However, this thought flashed across his mind, then he suddenly thought of something, and his body bounced up and down, as he excitedly said to Luo Mingshi. "Your brother can be considered the boss now, do you know who Ming Hua's previous boss was?"

After Luo Mingshi heard this, she immediately replied: "Which official's son is this?"

Hearing Luo Mingshi's words, Bai Kongyi suddenly laughed mysteriously. Then, he leaned in closer to Luo Mingshi and said: "It's Third Prince."

Luo Mingshi very cooperatively made a surprised expression, as though she was shocked in her heart.

He couldn't help but ask, "Then has Third Prince finished his training?"

Luo Mingshi smiled mysteriously. Luo Mingshi thought that he was going to continue to talk about important news, but unexpectedly, he heard him say: "Are you afraid that your brother will offend the Third Prince?" She then laughed out loud, "From the moment I saw you, I've never seen your face change. So it turns out that you also have something to be afraid of."

Luo Mingshi's expression did not change, she did not say a word, but patiently waited for Bai Kongyi to finish laughing.

Bai Kongyi also thought that it was boring to laugh alone, so he continued to speak empty-handed: "Not only has the Third Prince not finished his career yet, his relationship with your little brother is also pretty good."

However, Luo Mingshi frowned when she heard this. Since the Third Prince was of the imperial family, the royal family's innate bloodline meant that they would definitely not tolerate anyone looking down on their authority.

"Does the Mr. Bai really think of me as his friend?"

could not help but become more serious, "Of course, I, Bai Kongyi will not speak empty words."

After Luo Mingshi heard this, she said: "What kind of person do you think is the Third Prince?"

After Bai Kongyi heard it, he knew that Luo Mingshi was truly worried for Luo Mingyan, and could not help but think deeply, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said: "He is quite a generous person, a benevolent person. A lot of the disciples of the officials in the academy, or people who have learned about other people, have been enticed by him, if it were him ?"

Bai Kongyi paused for a moment, then lowered his voice and continued, "If he has that intention, then in the future, he will walk the path of a benevolent lord."

The two of them chatted like this all day long, talking about the capital city.

Luo Mingshi's attitude towards Bai Kongyi had always been the same, making Bai Kongyi feel that it was not easy to reconcile.

However, the moment Bai Kongyi found out that his secrets had already been discovered by Luo Mingshi, his desire to speak to Luo Mingshi grew stronger and stronger, and the content of his words became more and more unrestrained.

The woman next door to him turned out to be the child of his mother and his second uncle. They could chat about anything, and it didn't matter that Luo Mingshi was currently only a fourteen year old woman who hadn't left the pavilion.

Of course, Luo Mingshi was not aware of it, and listened with relish.

Ming Hua College was only half a day's drive away from the capital, but the two were still seven to eight days' drive away from the Ming Hua College.

Even if the two of them could talk to each other to dispel the depression in their hearts, Bai Kongyi was also not someone who could leisurely stay at home. He wanted to pull Luo Mingshi and call her over to draw, but Luo Mingshi did not agree with his request no matter what.

"No matter what, I'm the number one painter in the world. There are so many people who want to become my disciple, and I'm still not accepting them. Now that I'm giving you face, you still want to shirk your responsibilities?"

Seeing that Bai Kongyi's face had the words' don't know what's good for you 'written on it, Luo Mingshi smiled playfully and said: "Mr. Bai said that you want to be my friend. It's only been a few days and you're already thinking of how to suppress my seniority?"

Hearing that, Bai Kongyi was also startled, but after seeing that Luo Mingshi had no intentions to learn painting from him, he decided to let it go, and sighed.

He could not help but recall what Luo Mingshi said that day: "A few days ago, I bought a painting that was similar to yours."

A painting of the sad autumn scene, its meaning sad and sad. Another picture of the Spring Swallow Dynasty with lush branches and luxuriant leaves. The difference between the two paintings was like heaven and earth, so how could Luo Mingshi tell that the two paintings were similar. If it wasn't for the fact that she was extremely sensitive towards paintings, she wouldn't have been able to find anything in common between the two paintings.

Thinking about it, Bai Kongyi could only sigh.

Originally, the two of them had thought that the next few days would be leisurely and leisurely.

They were nearing the small town again. Luo Mingshi's convoy had brought everyone out to recuperate and rest for a while.

Bai Kongyi did not expect Luo Mingshi, who was initially talking to him, to disappear after she turned around.

She only thought that she was leaving for a bit on his own, and didn't mind it at all. When everyone packed up and prepared to go back, Wang Chun walked straight towards him.

She opened her mouth and said, "My Miss has always been with you. Where is she now?"

Hearing that, Bai Kongyi was startled, he could not help but become serious, and asked: "Is your young miss not on the carriage?"

Wang Chun panicked when she heard this. So even Mr. Bai who was with the young miss did not know where the young miss had gone to?

Thus, her words carried a hint of panic as she said, "She's not in the carriage. I don't know where she went."

After Bai Kongyi heard this, he immediately thought of the matter of Luo Mingshi innocently vanishing. This kind of disrespectful act had never happened to Luo Mingshi before, so he immediately frowned: "Not good, Miss Jia must have definitely met with danger. I still don't know what's going on right now."

She then asked, "Isn't your young lady accompanied by a secret guard? Where is he?"

Wang Chun had gotten rid of her previous panic and uneasiness, but after knowing that Luo Mingshi had truly disappeared or that some mishap had happened to him, she gradually calmed down instead. Hearing Bai Kongyi's question, she did not hide anything, but frowned and said coldly: "He had young miss send him on a mission."

From observing Luo Mingshi's attitude towards this Mr. Bai, she knew that it was true. As a friend, there was nothing she couldn't say.

After Bai Kongyi heard this, he became slightly angry, "Isn't your young miss messing around? Why did he even send someone to protect her?"

"No, I have to find her." As he spoke, he moved to lead the horse, but when he touched the reins, he stopped. He remembered that he still couldn't ride a horse, so he was a bit disappointed.

Wang Chun immediately stepped forward to console his: Mr. Bai does not need to panic, my family's young miss is not someone that can be hurt easily, furthermore, even if Duan Li is not here right now, when he finds out, he would have a way to find my family's young miss.

Everyone in the carriage noticed that something was amiss and looked over, even the carriage driver walked over and asked: "Miss Wang Chun, are we still going?"

Wang Chun thought for a moment, seeing that Bai Kongyi was still depressed and did not know what to do, she spoke out: "Mr. Bai, if you are truly worried about my Young Miss, then you should help her out right now. With such a large convoy, and so many people, nothing can happen to you on the road, you are a person who has seen much of the world, I hope that you can help her."

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