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C114 Snake

The sharp voice was also shocked when it heard this, because he also felt that his body was a little slippery, constantly rubbing against his exposed skin. The cold, slippery sensation shocked him to the point that he broke out in a cold sweat, but he no longer dared to speak.

The two of them were both in danger by themselves, and neither of them noticed that Luo Mingshi, who was not far from them, was watching them calmly, quietly, and even like an emotionless stone statue.

It was only until now did Luo Mingshi finally seem to come to life as she gently stood up and slowly approached the edge of the cliff. She only stopped when she was still a step away from the edge of the cliff.

He said, "If you weren't yelling and shouting, the snake wouldn't have bitten you."

Moreover, they let out a loud cry in a disappointing manner. As expected, they were immediately bitten by the snake a couple of times. Even the sharp throat, which did not feel the feeling of being bitten by the snake at first, was unfortunately hit by it at this moment.

When the miserable cries of the two gradually died down, they could only hear the clear sounds of breathing in and exhaling, as well as the whistling of the wind.

That person finally had the chance to ask: "Who exactly are you? Why are you doing this to us? "

Luo Mingshi felt that it was funny, it was indeed a bandit, was this the bandit logic?

"You can kidnap me with the intention of getting my family to redeem me, and even do such a disgusting act, don't tell me you want me to take revenge?"

Hearing that, the person immediately said, "So it's you. Didn't you get infected by our Bewitching Powder? Also, how can you bind the two of us here by yourself? "Who are your accomplices? Hurry up and get him out."

Luo Mingshi could not help but laugh out loud, "So what if you have an accomplice, so what if we call him out? Do you think you can still live past tonight?"

With a single sentence, he scared the two of them. With a sharp voice, he shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Accompanied by painful groans and perhaps because of the pain, only then did his voice gradually become softer and he did not dare to rattle out anymore.

The other person also heard this cruel news and couldn't accept it. Even his voice trembled, but he calmly lowered his voice and said with some difficulty, "We originally wanted to kidnap you in exchange for a ransom, but we didn't really harm you. How about you be magnanimous and let us brothers go?"

When Luo Mingshi heard this, she looked like she had heard a huge joke, she scoffed, full of sarcasm, "Let the two of you go, I've searched arduously for three years but to think that you would meet me, even if the heavens would not let you go, do you think that I would still let you two go?"

The man was truly shocked. He could tell the bone-piercing hatred in his words, but he could not remember when he offended such a woman after he thought through everything in his head. He could not help but ask, "If I don't find out, I won't give up even if I die. Who are you?"

His wrists were tied together, and then he dropped them on the edge of the cliff. He was struggling now, almost using his wrists to support his entire body's strength. It was already difficult to say a few words, and she felt that he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

Luo Mingshi was still smiling when she heard this, that smile was like a poisonous scorpion that caused people's hearts to turn cold. Luckily, the two people beside her were nowhere to be seen, they could only hear her say: "Two bandits, you really can't remember this little girl?"

"Then four years ago, you all still wouldn't have been able to survive on this plot of land, right?"

Fortunately, Luo Mingshi had said something from four years ago, and those two instantly remembered it.

Wasn't it four years ago when they were still mountain bandits? At that time, they could still be considered to be in their prime times. Occasionally, they would go down the mountain to work for a ticket, and they would be able to eat and drink for a while.

Everything had happened four years ago. As usual, they went to the foot of the mountain to hunt, but it was a road they did not usually go to before. There were only two carriages and eight guards on the other side of the road, but it was these people that they did not pay much attention to.

Seeing that those people couldn't catch up with him and wouldn't care about him anymore, he could only shoot an arrow at them. Although he didn't kill the little girl who had caused so much harm to his team, at least he had shot an aunt.

Thinking about it, he still couldn't recall anything, but he just couldn't believe it. His voice still trembled a little, "Are you the Miss Luo Mansion who killed more than ten of our brothers four years ago?"

Although Luo Mingshi heard that she was suddenly charged with this ridiculous crime, she did not get angry. Instead, she imitated that person's words: "Then you're that bandit who killed my mother four years ago."

Honestly speaking, how could Luo Mingshi, the little trick the two had used, be easily taken over by the both of them? She was only able to recognize the two of them at a glance.

They were not the only ones who harbored evil intentions toward her. She would dream of their faces every night when she came back to them, and there was not a day when she did not wish to cut them with her own hands. Even if she did not really care about more people, she could not forget their faces.

As a result, even though Mr. Bai was sitting opposite to her, she had already sensed the danger and could easily recognize the two of them with a glance.

She made this decision in just an instant, and only looked at Bai Kongyi's back with slight guilt.

However, after smelling that the thing that covered her mouth and nose was sedative, she very cooperatively pretended to faint and waited for them to bring her to a place a bit further away so that she could act against them.

Although the place she chose was a little unsatisfactory, she could not wait any longer. The only thing that had tortured her day and night was that the two beasts were still alive. Now, it was time to finish them off.

Hearing this, the bandit still understood what was going on. His heart was desolate, and he knew that today would not be so good, "So it really was you, I was wrong in just one move and ended up in your hands, I have nothing to say. If you want to kill me, you can do so."

Hearing that, Luo Mingshi revealed a mocking smile, and said leisurely: "I didn't think that you would be such a righteous person, if it's like that, I won't be courteous anymore."

Unexpectedly, she raised her hand and seemed to cast some kind of spell. The snakes that were originally slithering silently on the two of them were now as excited as if they were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. Suddenly, they rapidly rubbed against each other.

The man seemed to be experiencing the sensation that his body and bones were slowly disintegrating. He was in extreme pain.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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