Steps to Be Phoenix/C120 If you love to follow follow
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Steps to Be Phoenix/C120 If you love to follow follow
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C120 If you love to follow follow

However, Luo Mingshi's attitude was neither curious nor indifferent: follow whatever you want, who cares about him.

In the end, Concubine Cui still felt apprehensive after bringing the two to her home. She only went to wipe over the tables and chairs she had wiped earlier this morning before beckoning Luo Mingshi and Yun Han to sit down.

Luo Mingshi, on the other hand, sat down very calmly. In Concubine Cui's family, she seemed even more at ease than the master.

However, Yun Han was worried that the person who had introduced him as a subordinate of Luo Mingshi was now standing behind Luo Mingshi as a dutiful man.

When the Concubine Cui bent over to wipe the table, she revealed the tip of her hair once again. The blade of grass that was hidden in her hair also exposed itself, and Luo Mingshi just saw that it was the branches and leaves of the tree that were planted at the side of the field when she was with her husband. It was also a type of leaf that would cause a pregnant woman to fall.

This time, it was not only Luo Mingshi who saw it, even Yun Han who was not paying attention previously saw it.

Although he did not know that the leaves had such medicinal properties, he was sure that she did not have any intentions to kill the Concubine Cui. Or else, even if he had stopped her, she would not be able to sit so calmly in the mirror for the rest of the time.

He had misunderstood her.

But when he looked over, Luo Mingshi just ignored him, just like before.

Luo Mingshi sat in silence like a Buddha meditating, she was also very steady.

Concubine Cui could only racking her brains before she suddenly thought of something and said: "Thank you for thinking about me earlier, and thank you also for being willing to follow me back to this house."

Hearing that, Luo Mingshi raised an eyebrow, and said: "Thank me? If you really talk about thanking me, wouldn't you have to thank me, who allowed you to escape five years ago? "

Hearing Luo Mingshi's words, Concubine Cui's heart jumped, she was speechless.

When Luo Mingshi saw her, she lazily glanced at her, but did not want to look at her again.

"My mother had a gentle personality in the past few years, and she took in all of your bullying. She wouldn't be able to learn how you pulled my father's hats after hats on her head."

"You drugged First Madame, and after giving birth to her, you were unable to conceive for a long time. The heartless act you did actually attracted my mother's hatred from the First Madame, and from then on, you fell prey to the elements, living your days on thin ice."

"Later on, you colluded with Second Uncle, and then pushed this adultery onto my mother, framing my mother for adultery with an outsider. At the same time, you intended to frame me for having not the proper bloodline of Luo Family with my younger brother, and the truth is, the one who truly does not possess the bloodline of Luo Family is actually your son."

In the end, it was your son, Luo Minglei, who got the position of the Patriarch. Who knew that the heavens would open their eyes and before you had the chance, father would see through your evil intentions. "

Speaking to there, she and Concubine Cui seemed to have used these few simple words to explain everything that happened between them. Thinking about it now, Concubine Cui's moves were really too laughable, but the truth was that if she had been careless and lost, then there would no longer be anything that she worked so hard for.

"Do you think you know how much I hate you?" Now that Luo Mingshi thought about it, her body was still extremely cold. She could not speak about the tragedy of her past life to others, but in this life, she had been extremely careful, and everything had gone according to plan, but the result was still unsatisfactory.

Concubine Cui heard the cold tone in the speaker's voice, and her entire body shivered uncontrollably. She only looked at Luo Mingshi, and did not dare look, and immediately lowered her head to stand in front of Luo Mingshi. At that moment, she looked even more like a child who had done something wrong.

Even though he was filled with endless remorse and remorse, it was to no avail.

"I hate you for your many sins, but now you can still get away with it. You can find a husband who treats you very well, and a concubine who becomes the principal wife and has a son. If this goes on, the later years of life will also be very comfortable. "

"My mother has always believed in the Buddha. Her hands were never tainted with the slightest bit of killing intent, and she had never felt sad for anyone. Her personality was as warm as water, and she would rather die than complain about anyone else. "How come in the end, when she died, you were still alive and well?"

The look of regret on his face became even stronger, and he could only follow and apologize: "Second Miss, I was really too shameless in the past, I know that now, if I say a hundred lines of apology, I won't be able to make up for it, but I'm begging you, I'm really begging you, please let me go."

As he spoke, tears began to flow down his face, and his body fell to his knees, begging for mercy.

In the end, she still couldn't bear to die. She couldn't bear to live a life like the Peach Blossom Origins after the calamity. Even though she used to be selfish and cruel and had a heart like a scorpion, she still wanted to live.

Seeing Concubine Cui at this moment, who was begging him to let her go, the hatred that Luo Mingshi had just displayed turned into confusion.

You've already done so many wrong things and you still want me to let you go, so who's going to let me go?

Everyone present were all waiting for Luo Mingshi's decision. If she was not let go in the end, she really wanted her to die, who would let her live? Even the look in Yun Han's eyes when she looked at Luo Mingshi now carried a bit of gentleness and pity, so much so that he would probably not stop her anymore.

As the sun rose higher and higher, it was finally time to make a decision.

Luo Mingshi then stood up and walked over to Concubine Cui who was lying on the ground. Without waiting for Concubine Cui to react, she grabbed onto Concubine Cui's wrist.

The Concubine Cui screamed in fear and tried to shake off Luo Mingshi's touch with all of her strength. After all, Luo Mingshi had trained in it before, so with a slight force, Concubine Cui's body softened due to the pain. In the end, she allowed Luo Mingshi to move on her own.

Luo Mingshi ignored her and released her after a while. She stood up and looked down at Concubine Cui who was still sprawled on the ground. swept her gaze over her with hatred, fear, and suspicion.

He only said, "I advise you to hurry and get up from the ground. You are old, and your body is cold. You have to be more careful if you want to keep your baby. Once you catch cold or have a cold, you will miscarry."

Following the narration of Luo Mingshi's words, the expression in Concubine Cui's eyes slowly changed. In the end, she could only stare blankly at Luo Mingshi with a look of not knowing what to do.

Luo Mingshi shifted her gaze away and no longer looked at her, but continued to speak in a calm and emotionless voice, as if it had nothing to do with him, "You do not need to thank me, as long as you know, I will definitely not forgive you. If I find out anything wrong with your womb, I will immediately rush over to kill you.

Concubine Cui was still a little foolish, one moment it was tears of gratitude, the next moment it was too late to cry, she could only look at Luo Mingshi, she did not know what to say.

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