Strongest Son-in-law: My Six Gangster Wives/C1 You dare to Hurt My Disciple?
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Strongest Son-in-law: My Six Gangster Wives/C1 You dare to Hurt My Disciple?
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C1 You dare to Hurt My Disciple?

The sound of the cup shattering echoed through the room, leaving behind a silence that was almost suffocating.

Zhang Chen, fighting to keep his rage at bay, furrowed his brow and asked, "What are you doing?"

A woman stood before him.

Her skin was flawless, her features striking, and her long black hair draped carelessly over her shoulders.

Even her loose nightgown couldn't conceal her statuesque, alluring figure; to call her stunning would be an understatement.

Lin Zhiqing's expression was frosty as she spoke with dismissive ease, "You touched it. I find it filthy."

Her words sparked a flicker of anger in Zhang Chen's heart.

"I'm cleaning the table! I merely lifted the cup for a moment!"

"If you find me so repulsive, why do you eat the food I prepare? Why sit on the sofa I've cleaned?"

Zhang Chen's voice was laced with frustration and a sense of helplessness.

Lin Zhiqing's contemptuous smile was followed by a cold retort, "That's the only worth you have."

"If you're unhappy, then leave."

Zhang Chen felt his breath catch, his body shaking with fury.

He clenched his teeth, torn between his rationality and the urge to lash out.

Ultimately, reason prevailed.

He deflated like a punctured balloon.

Turning away, he silently swept up the shards of glass scattered across the floor.

Lin Zhiqing's voice dripped with disdain, "You truly are incompetent."

With those final words, she turned and ascended the stairs.

The harsh sound of the door slamming left Zhang Chen slumped on the sofa, drained of strength.

Lin Zhiqing was his wife.

Yet, since Zhang Chen had married into the Lin family, he had been the target of her ridicule.

Within the Lin household, his status was less than that of a dog.

Still, Zhang Chen couldn't bring himself to leave, bound by his late master's dying wish.

"Master, you taught me nothing while you were alive, and even in death, you won't release me," he lamented.

"When will these unbearable days end?"

Zhang Chen moaned in anguish, the future seeming bleak.

Regardless of his suffering, he knew he must persevere to honor his master's final request.

Just then, Zhang Chen's phone rang.

Instinctively, he pressed the answer button.


Before Zhang Chen could get a word out, he was cut off. "Don't you dare call me Mom! What good are you, you worthless piece of trash?"

Zhang Chen was left without a response.

Lee Fengqin's piercing voice rang out once more, "You have ten minutes. Get to Central Street roundabout, now!"

"One minute late and you're heading straight back to divorce Zhiqing!"

Zhang Chen's brow furrowed. What had gotten into her now?

He was about to inquire when a cacophony erupted from the other end of the line. "What's with the dilly-dallying? You hit our car. If you don't cough up the cash, we're calling the cops!"

Zhang Chen then heard Lee Fengqin's meek reply, "Please, no police. Just give me ten minutes, someone will be right over to sort this out!"

And with that, the call ended.

Zhang Chen let out a deep sigh.

He was cornered. To maintain his place in the Lin family, he couldn't afford to cross his mother-in-law.

When Zhang Chen made it to Central Street, it was swarming with people.

He wove through the crowd and spotted Lee Fengqin from a distance, anxiously perched against the car, her face twisted into a forced smile.

Facing her were five burly, tattooed men.

Lee Fengqin, with her eagle eyes, spotted Zhang Chen among the throng.

Her smile vanished, replaced by a seething command, "Zhang Chen! You good-for-nothing, what's with the dragging of feet? Get over here, now!"

Zhang Chen's brow creased deeper.

Her words were harsh.

Seeing his reaction, Lee Fengqin's anger flared. She marched up and delivered a fierce slap to the back of his head.

Her voice, sharp as ever, demanded, "I said move it!"

Zhang Chen stood his ground, absorbing the blow which sent him stumbling forward.

Laughter erupted from those around, their jeers relentless.

Zhang Chen's fists tightened. Rage blazed within him, his mind torn between his master's dying wish and his own self-respect.

His fists remained balled, his teeth grinding audibly.

But Lee Fengqin paid no heed to his turmoil. She sidled up to the muscular men and cooed, "This is my son-in-law. Any issues, you deal with him directly."

"I've got some other things to handle, so I'm going to head out first!" she said, and quickly turned to leave.

As she brushed past Zhang Chen, she whispered a reminder, "Make sure the car is fixed and back to me by tonight."

"If you can't manage that, don't bother coming back at all."

With those final words, she departed.

Zhang Chen clenched his jaw in frustration, but ultimately, he could only exhale a deep, resigned sigh.

With her gone, he had no outlet for his anger, especially considering the importance he placed on his master's dying wish.

Lifting his gaze, he noticed all eyes in the room were now on him. He gave a wry smile.

Lee Fengqin loved flaunting her luxury cars, yet she lacked a driver's license, which kept her from involving the police.

The Lin family was known for their strict upbringing, and Lee Fengqin feared the repercussions if they learned of the incident.

Thus, she deemed framing Zhang Chen as the most convenient solution.

"So, how do you propose we handle this?" Guang Tou, the bald man with a muscular build and menacing tattoos, stepped forward and demanded in a cold tone.

Zhang Chen ignored him and moved between the two vehicles.

The situation was clear: Lee Fengqin had rear-ended another car.

The traffic on this street flowed counterclockwise, and both cars were in the innermost lane, with Lee Fengqin's trailing behind.

Yet, Guang Tou's car's right rear wheel was still over the white line.

Relief washed over Zhang Chen, and with a smirk, he said, "Bro, this accident's on you. If the cops get involved, you'll be the one at fault."

"What's your plan to resolve this?"

He knew Lee Fengqin hadn't noticed these details.

But Guang Tou just scoffed, "Oh, really? I must have missed that."

Zhang Chen gestured with his hand, "Take a look."

However, before he could finish, the roar of an engine cut him off!

Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat as he realized one of the thugs had somehow slipped into the driver's seat.

He could only watch as the man started moving the car.

He stepped out of the car and killed the engine.

Zhang Chen quickly scanned the surroundings, realizing with a jolt that there wasn't a single camera in sight.

Guang Tou let out another mocking laugh. "You've never heard of us? Bad luck for you, running into us today!"

"Hand over 100,000 yuan, and I'll act like today never happened."

His words barely hung in the air before his four henchmen stepped forward, their thick arms on full display.

Each of them wore a menacing scowl.

Zhang Chen was dumbstruck.

Furrowing his brow, Zhang Chen's anger surged once more. He retorted icily, "This is illegal! I'm not giving you a dime!"

Guang Tou arched an eyebrow. "Illegal? I make the rules around here!"

"So you don't want to pay? Fine by me!"

"Just leave your car and an arm, and I'll consider the matter closed."

Panic flickered in Zhang Chen's eyes. His only option was to call the police.

Without a moment's delay, he whipped out his phone.

Guang Tou sneered with disdain and barked, "Take him and his car!"

At his command, the thugs moved in.

Zhang Chen's eyes bulged. He had thought Guang Tou might hold back in the light of day.

But after retreating just two steps, he was already pinned by one of the muscular men.

Despair washed over Zhang Chen.

Just then, a cacophony of screeching brakes tore through the air, followed by a stir in the crowd.

A voice, icy and sharp, cut through the chaos: "You dare lay a finger on my brother?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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