Super Master
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Super Master
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Just finished reading all of it.

  • ThepoxxedJanuary 7, 2023 1:44 AM

    Lots of cons. Few pros.

    3 reply
  • ThepoxxedJanuary 7, 2023 1:49 AM


    1. That comrade’s sister shouldn’t even be considered a side character. She barely had any dialogue throughout the entire novel.

    2. The mc’s background was never really explained.

    3. The final few plots were choppy and nonsensical.

    4. The fallen comrade was never really brought up.

    5. The mc’s need to build a new power from scratch whenever he already had a powerful power.

  • ThepoxxedJanuary 7, 2023 1:53 AM

    Cons (continued):

    1. The villains are all one dimensional. Even more one dimensional than usual.

    7.. no backgrounds on most of the other characters. Like black and white demons, they are interesting characters, but zero depth or background was given to them. They are basically just characters who showed up and that was that.

  • ThepoxxedJanuary 7, 2023 1:55 AM


    1. The subplots were relatively short and didn’t drag on too much.

    2. The writer did make the mc a decent schemer.

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