Super Master
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Super Master
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I'm at c900. Pros and cons of the story so far.

  • ThepoxxedJanuary 2, 2023 3:22 AM


    1. The subplots aren’t too drawn out.
    2. The villains are somewhat weak.
    3. The mc is still overpowered.

    1. That comrade’s sister is barely in the storyline. If all her dialogue is put together, shehas maybe had half a chapter worth of content.

    1. No redemption for any of the villains. They always remain one dimensional.

    2. The villains do not have common sense. So it makes a lot of subplots nonsensical.

    1 reply
  • KangaApril 11, 2023 7:23 AM

    Thanks for heads up. I just came back from long vacation so havent read for 2-3 mos I think.

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