Super Resolution System/C24 Looking for Death!
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Super Resolution System/C24 Looking for Death!
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C24 Looking for Death!

Lin Yaoyang lay in his tent, silently attuned to the noises outside, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. "Kou Quan, since you couldn't curb your greed and have walked yourself into a dead end, don't blame me for showing no mercy."

After all, there's no point in sparing someone who covets others' advanced cultivation techniques and combat skills to the point of murder. They simply deserve to die!

The sound of rustling reached Lin Yaoyang's ears, signaling that they were drawing near. His muscles coiled tight, ready to strike back at a moment's notice.

"Rustle! Rustle!"

The noise halted just outside his tent. Though he had anticipated their arrival, Lin Yaoyang couldn't shake off a twinge of nervousness now that the moment was upon him.

The silence was broken by a hushed command from outside, "Do it!"

Lin Yaoyang's instinct was to leap up and unleash a lion's roar to stun them all, then snap their necks in one fell swoop.

He bided his time for the perfect moment, but to his surprise, Kou Quan and his two accomplices didn't burst through the tent or launch an attack as he had expected. Instead, all was quiet.

Then came a "Crack!"—the unmistakable sound of fabric being torn. Lin Yaoyang's gaze darted around, locating a short knife that had been thrust through the tent fabric, carefully carving out a small slit.

"Crack, crack!" The cutter was painstakingly cautious, preferring a slow incision over the risk of rousing Lin Yaoyang.

"Ka La!" "Crack!" Two more identical sounds followed as two additional knives pierced the tent, each aiming to create a small opening. Lin Yaoyang watched, puzzled by the trio's intentions.

He settled his nerves and observed the trio's careful operation. They swiftly cut a hole the size of a thumb and withdrew the knife.

Then Lin Yaoyang overheard their conversation.

"Captain, will this thing do the trick?"

"Shut it, you idiot! Don't make a sound or we'll all be dead if he wakes up! Is it useful? This 'M' drug can knock out a Second Grade Martial Master Level Demonic Beast, the Barbaric Bull. So, what do you think?"

Lin Yaoyang caught the sound of Kou Quan's urgent voice, boasting to his companions about the remarkable effects of the M medicine he held in his hand.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yaoyang pieced together their intentions toward him. They were cautious, opting not to engage him head-on.

Clearly, his prowess in the battle against the Ghost Faced Demonic Spider had left a lasting impression on them.

Despite knowing they were no match for Lin Yaoyang's combat strength, Kou Quan harbored malicious plans. He had somehow acquired an exceptionally potent M medicine, aiming to incapacitate Lin Yaoyang. Once unconscious, Lin Yaoyang would be at his mercy.

Kou Quan was indeed devious and sly! Yet, had Lin Yaoyang not vanquished the Ghost Faced Demonic Spider, he might have been wary of Kou Quan's scheme. Now, as a Fifth Grade Martial Master, Lin Yaoyang scoffed at the thought of fearing such a trivial concoction.

The M medicine was potent, capable of stunning a Second Grade Martial Master Level Demonic Beast, as Kou Quan claimed. However, Lin Yaoyang had acquired the Ghost Faced Demonic Spider's Animal Bone. By merging with it, he had also gained the spider's resistance to toxins.

In comparison to the venom of the Ghost Faced Demonic Spider, this obscurely sourced M medicine was child's play.

While musing, Lin Yaoyang noticed three bamboo tubes inserted into a small hole, one of which faintly glowed with fire, indicating it was still alight.

The trio outside fell silent, and then the fire in the tubes flared, releasing copious amounts of white smoke with an odd, fragrant scent.

They were blowing into the tubes simultaneously. Yet there lay Lin Yaoyang, utterly unaffected by the M medicine, his expression unchanged. His right hand, fused with the demonic spider's Animal Bone, emitted a subtle black glow. Lying there, he felt the white smoke invigorate him with each breath.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't suppress a chuckle, thinking the outsiders lacked sense. What he didn't realize was that his superior strength was the reason the M medicine had no effect on him.

If someone with a strength comparable to Kou Quan and his crew were to face this attack, even those on high alert from the get-go would be caught in its snare without fail!

Lin Yaoyang observed that the group had been standing outside for roughly five minutes before they finally ceased. Meanwhile, inside Lin Yaoyang's tent, a thick veil of white smoke enveloped the space, his eyes wide and alert, brimming with vitality.

Kou Quan, too, had grown weary from his efforts. He halted and whispered, "Enough, everyone stop. Prepare for combat!"

At these words, Lin Yaoyang's previously relaxed state snapped to high alert. He swiftly removed the bamboo tubes from the tent, and in that very moment, he struck first!

Determined to catch his adversaries off guard, Lin Yaoyang refused to let them make the first move. Crouching within the tent, he unleashed a mighty roar at the fifth stage of Lion Roar, his voice thundering forth.

The roar was so powerful that instantly, every person in the camp was jolted awake from their slumber, spiraling into a state of vertigo.

Now a Fifth Grade Martial Master, Lin Yaoyang's release of this Profound Grade High-Ranked Combat Skill was unquestionably more potent than ever before.

The three individuals stationed outside Lin Yaoyang's tent were blindsided by his thunderous bellow, overwhelmed by an excruciating agony.

Rooted to the spot, they were immobilized, their blood seemingly ceasing to flow at the sound of his roar.

Weakness seized their limbs, and dizziness clouded their minds. Kou Quan, a First Grade Martial Master, fared slightly better with only mild disorientation, but his two henchmen, mere Level 9 Warriors, were not so fortunate.

Bleeding from their mouths and noses under the force of Lin Yaoyang's roar, it was laughable that they had thought to ambush him, only to be counterattacked with such ferocity.

Lin Yaoyang didn't pause after his roar. It's worth noting that he hadn't even used his full strength. Considering the proximity—closer even than when he faced the Ghost Faced Demonic Spider—if Lin Yaoyang were to harness his full power as a Fifth Grade Martial Master, and further amplify it with the Power of the Ant King... Well, just imagine.

Libre Baskerville
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