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C9 The Plane System!

When Old Madam Han finished speaking, a sense of resignation flickered in everyone's eyes, with Liao Xiaofang being the sole exception, her face etched with indignation and defiance. Old Madam Han's sons knew their mother's temperament all too well; after all, they wouldn't have rashly spent twenty taels of silver on a bride for their youngest brother otherwise.

But what could they do, knowing their mother's ways? They had no choice but to endure.

Laosi's wife, Zhao Xiaomei, caressed her somewhat coarse cheeks, lost in a daydream. Her thoughts had taken a skewed turn. Among the Han family daughters-in-law, only she and Ann Yan were considered attractive. Perhaps if she spruced herself up a bit more, her mother-in-law might show her some kindness?

She didn't expect to be favored as much as Laoliu's wife, but at the very least, she wished to avoid the constant disdain and orders barked at her every day.

Zhao Xiaomei's perspective had been skewed by Old Madam Han's blunt words. In truth, Old Madam Han had some regard for Ann Yan, which was the only reason she had spoken so openly. Had Ann Yan not impressed her today, Old Madam Han's comments would have been far less direct. Still, it was clear that looks mattered greatly to her.

Old Madam Han, unable to contain herself, spoke out. She had always been fixated on this one thing: "Laosi's wife, stop touching your face. No amount of touching will change that plain appearance. Beauty is a divine gift, and no amount of dressing up can replicate it. If it were that simple, I wouldn't have gone to such lengths to find an attractive daughter-in-law."

Her words were a devastating blow. Zhao Xiaomei, still caught up in her fantasies, felt utterly crushed by her mother-in-law's harsh critique. Was it really her fault for not being born beautiful?

Sun Guiying, the eldest daughter-in-law, sensed the tension and promptly intervened, "We've still got work to do this afternoon, let's not delay our meal. Mother, the Sixth Sister-in-law's cooking is quite exceptional. You have an eye for talent; not only is she beautiful, but she's also a fantastic cook. The Sixth Brother is indeed fortunate."

Sun Guiying was well aware of her mother-in-law's fixation, feeling a sense of guilt towards the Sixth Brother due to past events. She longed for a handsome grandson, but above all, she wished for Sixth Brother to lead a contented life.

Old Madam Han was quite pleased with her eldest daughter-in-law's remarks. "You really get me, don't you? Even though you're not quite the favorite like Laoliu's Wife, you've never given me any trouble. I've seen all you've done over the years. I did well marrying my eldest son to you. From now on, you'll be second only to Laoliu's Wife in my eyes."

"Oh, I can't thank you enough!"

Sun Guiying's lips twitched. Her mother-in-law's obsession with appearances was almost demonic. Despite her easygoing nature, she couldn't help but want to speak her mind.

Yet, Sun Guiying kept her composure and replied warmly, "Mother, rest assured, I will always take good care of you."

She had to admit, despite some favoritism, her mother-in-law was more charitable than most, never harassing her daughter-in-law without cause and often showing understanding. For that alone, Sun Guiying felt grateful.

The relationship with the eldest son and his wife held a unique place in the family. Old Madam Han took Sun Guiying's sincere words to heart and beamed with joy. "Well then, I look forward to the day I can bask in your care."

Lunch concluded in a harmonious mood. Ann Yan didn't shirk her duties, efficiently clearing away the dishes. Though favored by her mother-in-law, she wasn't the original mistress of the house. With no aspirations of social climbing, she intended to prepare for the future. She knew the importance of getting along with the family and doing her part, especially since she couldn't depend solely on her mother-in-law's partiality, given Han Ze's unreliability.

Old Madam Han grew even more fond of Ann Yan's sensible nature. However, her satisfaction waned upon noticing Laosi's wife and the Third Brother's wife slacking off and whispering among themselves. Her heart sank as a familiar concern resurfaced.

This was no trivial issue. It required further thought before any decision could be made.

Old Madam Han understood the situation well, yet she couldn't quite come to terms with it emotionally.

Sun Guiying initially couldn't believe her eyes as she watched Ann Yan efficiently bustling about in the kitchen. Laoliu's Wife seemed like a completely different person. In the past, even when she did work, she would drag her feet, and sometimes, if in a bad mood, she'd even throw things around in frustration.

"Sixth Sister-in-law, you've been on your feet all morning. Why don't you take a break? Don't overexert yourself."

Sun Guiying wouldn't have offered such concern to any other sister-in-law. They were all farmwives, accustomed to toiling from dawn till dusk. But Laoliu's Wife was a special case.

Sun Guiying wasn't asking for much—just for Laoliu's Wife to live peacefully without causing chaos at home. Whether she worked a lot or a little wasn't the issue, especially since Ann Yan had been busy all morning washing and hanging clothes and bedding, and even preparing a meal for the whole family. Her efforts were clearly visible.

In some respects, Sun Guiying shared Old Madam Han's perspective. People are like that; without comparison, there's no context. Although Ann Yan's work wasn't exceptional, her improvement was pleasantly surprising, except to those who were overly critical.

Seeing that the kitchen work was nearly done, Ann Yan gratefully accepted Sun Guiying's kind offer. Despite their past differences, her sister-in-law had always shown her goodwill.

"Thank you for being considerate, sister-in-law. I'll head back to my room now," Ann Yan said, calmly drying her hands before exiting the kitchen.

Sun Guiying observed Ann Yan's movements, which seemed no different from anyone else's. Yet, there was something uniquely graceful about the way Laoliu's Wife carried out even the simplest tasks—it was subtly charming, a testament to her upbringing in a well-to-do family.

Back in her room, Ann Yan didn't rest. The bedding was still drying, and the bed was unmade—hardly conducive to sleep. Moreover, her mind was preoccupied with the newly acquired Dimension System, which she hadn't had time to explore due to her busy schedule. Now with some free time, she locked her door from the inside and activated the Dimension System.

The original owner had been sold off by the Hou Mansion, left with nothing but the clothes on his back and a jade pendant he'd carried since childhood. Upon arriving at the Han Family, given their financial situation, all they could provide Ann Yan with were some clothes for changing and a few daily essentials. There was simply no means to afford anything extra for Ann Yan. Despite searching, Ann Yan frustratingly found nothing suitable to trade with the system.

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