Supreme Lord of Two Realms/C200 Killed the Ninja
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Supreme Lord of Two Realms/C200 Killed the Ninja
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C200 Killed the Ninja

As Tianchen's palm wind blew, a masked man in black appeared in the corner of the living room. The man in black mumbled and pulled out a small black katana to counter Tianchen's palm wind.

"Pa!" Under the shocked eyes of the man in black, The small katana was immediately crushed by Tianchen's palm wind. The force of the palm wind did not change. The small sabre fragment that was mixed with fragments had left countless scratches on the man's chest. If it wasn't for the fact that Tianchen wasn't sure what kind of force this man came from, he wouldn't have used too much True Qi into the palm wind. However, just this slight attack alone was enough to kill the man in black. * Hong Long. . . . . . *

Tianchen had already felt that something was wrong with this short black-clothed man. Now, not only was the black-clothed man's chest torn apart by the fragments of the Small Sword, it was beyond recognition. At the same time, he also cut open the man's mask, revealing the appearance of the black cloth covering his face. That disgusting short mustache, even Tianchen, who had lived in another world for many years, could tell at a glance which country this masked man came from.

"Is he a ninja from Japan?" Yu Qiuxue also immediately said.

"They are just trash from Bird Country. Speak. What is your purpose of coming here? Don't tell me you don't know Mandarin. Don't you Bird Country people like to use other people's language to trigger your animal language? " Tianchen said with a mocking tone. He looked at the severely injured ninja with disdain. He looked at this bird person in his heart. He hadn't met anyone from this country since he returned to Earth. And it was a ninja at first.

The birdman ninja looked at Tianchen in horror and said in disbelief, "How is this possible? I am a powerful ninja from Great Japan. I have been roaming the Hua Country for a few years. How can you defeat me so easily? Impossible. Even if you are a Ghost Attendant, you can't fight against a ninja of Great Yu. . . "

Tianchen impatiently interrupted the nonsense of the Ninjas of Bird Country, what the heck? He was just a guy who had just reached the Earth Level, what bullshit ninja was he talking about? If an earth level beginner could reach the "powerful" ninja in the bird country, then wouldn't he be even more powerful? To compare the authentic Consciousness Controlling Sect of Hua Country, Sect Master, to Bird Country, playing with ghosts was a huge insult to the industry of playing with ghosts.

"I don't care what bullshit you are, just tell me your purpose of coming here. Save me the trouble of torturing you!" Tianchen might not be able to use the means of Consciousness Controlling Sect to deal with his own country, but it would hurt the peace and humanity of the world. However, it was different when it came to dealing with the bird-people. Tianchen had no burden at all. Did the bird-people still need to be humane? That was basically cleaning and pollution, contributing to the environmental protection industry.

"Hmph! Looks like the intelligence report was wrong. I didn't expect that the target this time would not only be a famous Ghost Trainer, but also a Ghost Trainer. Sir, it's also a powerful warrior. Next time, I won't be easily discovered by you. Ninjas don't need any powerful force. Against you, I only need a light slash. " As he spoke, the black-clothed ninja looked confidently at Tianchen. A small spherical object appeared in his hand at some unknown time and fell heavily on the ground in front of him. Immediately, a thick white fog a few cubic meters in diameter appeared.

"You want to escape?" Tianchen sneered. Under the seal of his Divine Sense, There was actually someone who wanted to escape, and it was an Earth level ninja with a huge difference in level from him. Tianchen waved his hand lightly. The thick white fog was easily blown out of the window, leaving behind the black-clothed ninja who failed to escape with a piece of broken wood.

Yu Qiuxue, who was at the side, could not help but say, "It is actually a rare wooden ninja. Most ninjas use earth escape or fire escape. People who use wood escape are extremely rare. In the forests of Japan, these ninjas have extremely powerful stealth and assassination abilities. Even in the skyscrapers, due to the natural wood element aura, It was also very easy to ignore his existence. As an assassin, This kind of wood ninja is an extremely dangerous assassin. He was actually sent to assassinate Big Brother Tianchen. "

" Oh? " Tianchen had gained a lot of experience this time. At the same time, he couldn't help but nod in agreement. It was because of the bird ninja's wood element aura and the apartment that he was shocked by Qiuxue's unrecognizable appearance that he forgot about this bird ninja. If this guy suddenly attacked him before he realized it, Although he had the golden body to protect himself, he wouldn't have been injured. However, it was inevitable that his clothes would be cut off. It seemed that this ninja was very confident. Did he think that he could kill him at any time without making a move immediately, or did his sudden appearance make him unable to react? The possibility of the latter was higher.

One of the black-clothed ninja's legs was suspended in midair in an extremely obscene manner, as if he was preparing to use the wooden escape to make it easier for him to land. The broken piece of wood in his hand fell to the ground when he found that he was still there.

"How. . . How is this possible!? My Wood Escape has never failed, how could it fail!?" The indignant black-clothed ninja picked up the device again and forced Wood to use Wood Escape again, but there was still no miracle as he had imagined, and Wood Escape was still unable to be used.

"Trying to escape from my Five Elemental Spiritual Energy blockade after learning a little bit of the Five Elemental Technique? You must be dreaming, with your level of trash. . . I'll give you another 100 years to cultivate the Five Elements Technique, and you won't be able to escape from my seal. Speak. . . Who sent you? Even though I hate your bird-people, But I don't think you would waste your time hiding here without benefits, right? Who is it? Or which family is colluding with you? "

After Tianchen found out that the man in black was a ninja from Bird Country, A family that was hostile to the Yu Family was colluding with the Bird Country to use the Bird Country to deal with him and his family. This action made Tianchen extremely angry. If Qiuxue wasn't there, Tianchen might not have been able to resist using the soul searching technique to deal with the Bird Country ninja.

However, this short bearded black-clothed ninja didn't take long to return to Earth. Tianchen, who hadn't realized the possible actions of many Japanese ninjas, was surprised. He saw the black-clothed ninja smile strangely. Then, when Tianchen felt something, the black-clothed ninja's mouth started to emit black blood. It was obvious that he had taken some kind of poison. What surprised Tianchen even more was. . . When the black-clothed ninja revealed the black blood at the corner of his mouth, a faint blue fire that was invisible to ordinary people started burning on the black-clothed ninja's body.

"Not good!" Tianchen was also shocked, and then he sneered as he grabbed the burning dark fire with one hand, which only had a little bit of residue left. He used the Consciousness Controlling Aura to penetrate into the dark fire and grab the soul that was still burning, preventing the dark fire from burning the soul completely.

"I never thought that the birdman wouldn't be stupid. He not only killed himself, but also killed himself. He didn't even let go of his soul. What a pity! He ran into me. He didn't even put such a small amount of poison in his eyes!" Tianchen sneered as he sent the Divine Sense into the struggling black-robed ninja's soul, although some of it had already been burned away by the poison. However, there were still a lot of memories left for Tianchen to read.

Unfortunately, this time it really disappointed Tianchen. Although this ninja's life memory was basically complete, Tianchen did not get what he wanted. This black-clothed ninja's name was Kang Tian Zuo Jiro, a ninja appraised by Japan. However, he was a wandering ninja without a family, and only accepted the employment of a famous Japanese assassination organization in Asia, Black Dragon Thorn. He accepted all kinds of difficult missions. This time, Black Dragon Thorn issued a mission to assassinate Tianchen. The reward was as high as 5 million US dollars, such a huge reward. In addition to the fact that Zuo Jiro Kang Tian happened to be near Jinghua City, he had accepted the mission immediately. Within a day, he obtained the address of Tianchen's apartment from the intelligence website and set up an ambush. Until Tianchen found out that he had failed and committed suicide, as for who posted it on the mission list of the "Black Dragon Thorn. " Yoshichiro Yoshida didn't know.

Tianchen didn't get too much useful information, so he wasn't discouraged. At least he knew that someone had issued a mission to assassinate him, so he could be more vigilant in the future. As for the Black Dragon Assassin Organization in Little Japan accepting the mission to assassinate him, Tianchen thought about it and found an opportunity to deal with it. He was really interested in going to Bird Island in Japan to see it, hmph.

"Brother?" Yu Qiuxue looked at Tianchen doubtfully, even though she was very knowledgeable. Due to the sudden suicide of Zuo Jiro Kang Tian, the Dark Poison Fire could be considered a special type of flame that had mutated in Japan. It could burn the soul and cause the soul to be obliterated. However, it was only used by a few ninjas who were above the level of Japanese ninjas. In addition, there were not many ninjas who dared to commit suicide in such a manner. Therefore, although Yu Qiuxue had heard of it, she had never seen it with her own eyes. In front of her, she was unable to think of the Dark Poison Fire.

"It's nothing. This bird ninja was hired by someone to assassinate me. In the end, he killed himself with the Dark Poison Fire. She could not tell. This guy is worth more attention than the other bird people, but that's all. Forget it. Let his soul return. Next time, he won't be so lucky. " While explaining to Qiuxue, Tianchen absorbed the soul fire into the main body of the ghost and then let it disappear into the world on its own. It was different from the soul being destroyed, there was no need to elaborate here. . .

He released a True Samadhi Fire Talisman and directly destroyed the corpse of Kang Tian Zuo Jiro. He heard Qiuxue say, "Brother Tianchen. I think you should move to the family? Although this place is considered to be under the protection of the family, it is still a residential area after all. The family's security is very weak here, although big brother you are very strong. . . Brother, you might be strong, but you should still be careful. These fellows will play tricks on you. "

Tianchen could obviously hear the concern in Qiuxue's words, but he still shook his head and said, "Qiuxue. I still need to coax outside for a period of time. When I have the strength to challenge the family head's third stage, I will naturally return to the family. The time has not come yet. The family also needs time to digest the news of my return. When the time is right, I will naturally challenge the third stage. I will also officially take over the control of the family. At that time, I will also need you to help me manage the Black Dragon. "

"Mm. " Qiuxue nodded in understanding, "Alright then! Then I won't care about you anymore. Remember, I am your secretary. In the future, if you need anything, you must contact me immediately!" Qiuxue shook her small fist as she spoke and looked fiercely at Tianchen.

Tianchen immediately surrendered. Why did this girl feel like a housekeeper? In the future, he really did not know which young man would be able to take it. Hehe. . .

Libre Baskerville
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