Supreme Magic Doctor In City
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Supreme Magic Doctor In City
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At c85. Hard to continue reading this one.

  • ThepoxxedSeptember 8, 2022 4:36 PM

    I’m having to stop every couple of chapters because it’s impossible to emerge myself in the story.

    2 reply
  • ThepoxxedSeptember 8, 2022 4:39 PM

    Mainly because there’s no overall purpose that draws me in. It’s just mc going on random trips with women and eventually fucking those women. The women are bland and one dimensional. Basically just the mc showing up, makes the women fall in love with him and want to fuck him

  • ThepoxxedSeptember 8, 2022 4:42 PM

    It just feels empty. I understand that harem novels need to consistently introduce new women, but if those women are one dimensional and their entire existence is easily ignored, then the harem novel is ruined.

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