Supreme Swordsmanship/C29 Devil Clan Blood Parrot
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Supreme Swordsmanship/C29 Devil Clan Blood Parrot
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C29 Devil Clan Blood Parrot

He advanced with a determined step, his greatsword slashing through the air.

Before the Night Owl could retract its poisonous breath, the gleam of his sword cut through the darkness.

The blade pierced the Night Owl's neck in a clean line.


Blood sprayed as the greatsword effortlessly passed through the Night Owl's neck, with light purple blood trailing down the blade.


He withdrew the sword, pulling it from the Night Owl's neck.

The Night Owl's head tumbled aside, its eyes wide with disbelief.

"A mere Level Two Night Owl dares to show its face and embarrass itself."

Qin Fei hoisted his greatsword and hastened towards the cave from which the Night Owl had emerged.

This place was a veritable domain of death, teeming with zombies, Night Owls, bats, and countless other creatures of the night.

Stepping into the cave, a chilling aura engulfed him, as if entering the gaping maw of a beast.

It was an unsettling sensation.

"It's astonishing to find such a realm of death hidden within Flame Mountain. By day, it seems unchanged, but at night, it teems with the undead."

Qin Fei's eyes widened in surprise as he entered the expansive cavern. Bats fluttered overhead, and venomous snakes, spiders, and other dangerous creatures were visible in every corner.

Death and poison had long been strange bedfellows, coexisting without conflict.

Indeed, the venomous snakes and spiders even served as sentinels for the undead.

Qin Fei navigated past a dozen such hazards, shielded by the glow of his sword, which deterred any would-be attackers.

These creatures, keenly aware of their own mortality, chose to remain still rather than confront certain death.

Less than a hundred meters in, the space opened up before him.

Gone were the rocky confines of the cave, replaced by a vast expanse of sand.

Mounds of sand stretched as far as the eye could see, thousands upon thousands of square feet, with rows upon rows of mounds resembling countless graves.

At the heart of this graveyard stood a solitary, withered tree, upon which perched a Blood Parrot.

In a world as vast as ours, there are countless wonders, yet the Blood Parrot remains a rarity.

This phrase suggests that while anything is possible, the appearance of a Blood Parrot is exceedingly rare, signifying its exceptional scarcity across the globe.

However, in this place, a Blood Parrot has made its presence known.

Its feathers, a striking shade of crimson, radiated a blood-red glow that was impossible to miss.


Suddenly, the Blood Parrot let out a piercing screech, taking flight with its blood-colored body.

As it unfurled its crimson wings, they trembled, sending waves of a blood-red aura emanating from its body and saturating the surroundings.

Visibly, the dark cavern was transformed into a sea of red.

"Roar! Roar!"


A series of emotionless, lifeless roars echoed, emanating from the mounds of earth.

Following the sounds, decayed hands burst through the soil, displacing clumps of earth.

One by one, rotting zombies emerged from the mounds, exhaling swirls of malevolent breath.

"Damn it..."

Qin Fei's face contorted with concern.

The scene before him was more horrifying than he could have ever imagined.

This place was not just a convergence of death; it was a vast tomb of demise.

It was unfathomable to consider the carnage that would ensue if such a multitude of deathly beings were to invade the outside world.


With a thunderous cry from the Blood Parrot, the zombies that had emerged from the sand leapt into action. They lunged at Qin Fei, one after another.

These were not your typical zombies with sluggish movements and rigid gaits; instead, they were akin to wild beasts.

Their eyes were bloodshot, their roars fierce, and their agile bodies leaped forward, charging at Qin Fei with ferocity.

"This Blood Parrot is truly extraordinary. It can not only control the actions of zombies but even alter them..."

Qin Fei was astounded. Zombies were typically rigid, with lifeless, greenish eyes, shambling about aimlessly.

But now, they resembled a pack of wild animals.

"Roar! Roar!"

The horde of zombies surged towards him like a tidal wave.

Qin Fei sprang into action.

"A bunch of insignificant ants!"

He scoffed disdainfully, utterly unimpressed by the advancing zombies.

The zombies' strength was barely at level one or two, but to him, they posed no threat.

"Five thousand kilograms of force, merge with the sword's glow!"

Qin Fei bellowed, lifting his massive sword and striding forward to bear down on the horde of zombies ahead.


The sword, trailing a cascade of shadows, slammed into the earth and detonated.

Zombies were catapulted into the air, hurtling in every direction.

Dust billowed, obscuring the scene.

When the dust settled, a vast sword-shaped crater, three meters wide and over ten meters long, was revealed. More than thirty zombies, some missing arms or legs, lay around it, writhing and howling.


Qin Fei's cry echoed as his sword swept forward like a scythe through wheat, flinging hordes of zombies into the air, sending them crashing violently ahead.

The relentless slaughter turned the zombies' eyes a deeper shade of red as they charged with increased ferocity.

The battlefield became a frenzy of zombies, recklessly swarming.

They encircled Qin Fei, who left a trail of dismembered corpses in his wake, like a War God striding through the fray.


The Blood Parrot sensed the peril. It saw Qin Fei charging towards its perch.

As Qin Fei closed in, fifty meters from the tree, the parrot took to the air.

Its crimson body spun like a fiery cogwheel.

Then, from midair, it began to multiply, creating two, three, and eventually dozens of blood-red cogwheels that descended upon Qin Fei.


Qin Fei gasped in astonishment as he looked up.

Confronted by the multitude of blood-red figures bearing down on him, he sensed an overwhelming, putrid power of blood and decay.

"Not good..."

Qin Fei yelled, hastily retreating backward.

He retreated a full ten meters.


Two blood orbs crashed to the ground in succession, bursting open and sending a tide of blood-red liquid splashing wildly in all directions.


Where the blood-red liquid spread, zombies could be seen collapsing spontaneously.

Legs, torsos, arms, and more crumbled, dissolving into the liquid and vanishing amidst the crimson tide.


Just two orbs had caused this, and now, dozens more hurtled towards Qin Fei from the sky.

"Think you can kill me like that? Not so fast!"

Qin Fei bellowed, slamming his fists into the earth.

The ground trembled, and the surrounding zombies were jolted into the air.

Then, with a flurry of punches, Qin Fei sent the zombies flying like kites, each one hurtling towards the oncoming blood orbs.

"*Boom! Boom!*"

The zombies struck the blood orbs, which exploded midair.

Yet, the blood-red liquid rained down, dooming the zombies below. As it neared them, their bodies instantly dissolved into liquid, their bones corroding away.

But Qin Fei didn't pause. As the blood orbs burst,

he leveraged a rock wall to leap forward, charging towards the Blood Parrot.


Qin Fei was too quick; the Blood Parrot barely had time to react.

He was already beneath the Blood Soldier.


Qin Fei roared, his massive sword cleaving through the air towards the Blood Parrot.


The sword struck the Blood Parrot's body, but it was like hitting stone, sparking on impact.

The Blood Parrot was flung away.


The Blood Parrot swiftly recovered, stabilizing itself before spewing a blood-red beam of light from its mouth towards Qin Fei.


Qin Fei knew that the blood-red beam was as dangerous as the orbs; he couldn't be sure his defenses were stronger than a zombie's.

Sword Spell, Fire.

With a motion of his sword, infused with the force of gravity, he unleashed a colossal fiery blade that clashed with the blood-red beam.


The sky trembled as layers of blood qi unfurled.

The Fire Character of the Sword Spell, infused with Qin Fei's gravity, also harnessed the power of sword light.

Upon detonation, it transformed into a concussive force that struck the Blood Parrot.


As the tidal wave of energy washed over, the Blood Parrot let out another shriek.

Its body soared, darting away at high speed.

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

In the midst of its ascent.

A quiver of light before Qin Fei materialized into a watery orb. A sword of water rippled forth from his form.

It surged towards the Blood Parrot's back with ferocious intent.

The Sword Soul's velocity and ferocity were unmatched.

It struck without giving the Blood Parrot a moment to brace.



The water sword collided with the Blood Parrot's back, dissipating in a blast of air.

A piercing scream of agony escaped the Blood Parrot's beak.

The blood-red cry plummeted from the heavens.


In that instant, the Sword Soul unleashed a fearsome blade of light, engulfing the Blood Parrot in a soul-siphoning grasp.

"Ouch... Ouch..."

Under the Sword Soul's dominion, the Blood Parrot writhed in resistance.

From the sidelines, Qin Fei watched as a spectral blood parrot emerged from the creature's body.

It was then slowly consumed, absorbed into the Sword Soul.


As the parrot's soul was devoured, the Sword Soul quivered in response.

A tide of blood-red energy rolled outwards.

The once crystalline sword body now underwent a transformation, its clarity replaced by a sanguine hue.

Within the blood-stained sword, a crimson parrot could be seen meandering.

This caused the Sword Soul to shudder intensely, its sword light and aura both erupting with volatility.


Suddenly, the Sword Soul stilled.

The quaking ceased, and the blood-red parrot settled on the left side of the Sword Soul, as if etched into it.

Yet, with the Blood Parrot's soul now anchored, the Sword Soul's presence swelled tenfold, its entirety bathed in blood-red, no longer the clear, water-like form but a blade of blood.

It evoked a feeling of decay...

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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