Supreme Swordsmanship/C30 Fusing the Blood Poison Ten Thousand Li
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Supreme Swordsmanship/C30 Fusing the Blood Poison Ten Thousand Li
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C30 Fusing the Blood Poison Ten Thousand Li

When Qin Fei gazed upon the blood-colored Sword Soul, a shiver ran through his heart. The Sword Soul had clearly undergone a significant transformation. The once faint traces had vanished, replaced by what resembled a small dagger drawn from blood, exuding a rich and malevolent scent of bloodshed. Qin Fei could say with certainty that the Sword Soul had increased its soul's strength manifold.

Previously, if the Sword Soul's essence could be likened to that of a tiny ant, it now stood in comparison to a colossal elephant. Even Qin Fei felt a sense of oppression in its presence.

"Such a potent scent of blood. Has the Sword Soul completely assimilated the instincts of the Blood Parrot it devoured?" Qin Fei pondered, a flicker of unease in his thoughts. The blood's aura was overwhelmingly fearsome; it could reduce a zombie to a puddle of liquid in an instant, hinting at its formidable corrosive power.

"Eh..." In that moment, Qin Fei stepped back. The Sword Soul before him burst forth with a blood-red glow, a mist that slowly shrouded the carcass of the Blood Parrot below. Visible to the eye, the Blood Parrot's remains were engulfed by the crimson fog, dissolving into liquid just like the mist itself, encircling Qin Fei.

His skin tightened as if scorched by an intense flame, the heat unbearable. But before he could fully grasp the situation, the blood began to penetrate his body, drop by drop.

"Ah..." A tingling sensation spread across Qin Fei's scalp. The corrosive force of the blood mist was formidable, capable of easily decaying zombies; his own flesh would stand even less of a chance. As the mist enveloped him, a piercing pain shot through his entire body.

It felt as though his skin was peeling away, leaving him bleeding profusely. Yet, that never occurred. Instead, his skin turned a shade of red, burning intensely. His muscles and bones underwent a dramatic transformation.

In just a moment, Qin Fei could distinctly sense the changes throughout his body. His strength grew incrementally, his skin became numb, feeling more like steel than flesh. His bones seemed to be compressed by the surrounding forces, becoming denser and more resilient.


Amidst the agony, Qin Fei let out a muffled groan. His face, once deathly pale, now flushed with a sudden redness.

He slammed his fists into the ground with such force it was as though a mountain bore down upon the earth, causing it to quiver.

This forceful impact brought about a significant change in Qin Fei's demeanor.

"Strengthen my body? Can the flesh of the Blood Parrot actually enhance my physique? In just a few breaths' time, my skin, muscles, and bones have all seen tremendous improvements. Previously, my inherent strength was around five thousand kilograms, but after merging with the flesh of the Blood Parrots, my strength has at least increased to six thousand kilograms. And as for my skin and bones..."

Qin Fei was astounded.

In that moment, he felt a swelling sensation throughout his body.

It was as though power from every part of him had converged.

Then it surged into his muscles, filling him with an urge to burst forth with energy.

Now, with his fist striking the ground, Qin Fei could distinctly sense that his strength had transformed immensely in this short span.

"Who would have thought the Blood Parrot to be so miraculous? What in the world is this creature? Why does it possess such extraordinary properties?"

Whether it was the soul of the Blood Parrot, consumed by the Sword Soul, causing such a transformation in the Sword Soul, or the flesh of the creature that enabled Qin Fei to fortify his body, both were astonishing.

An additional thousand kilograms of strength might seem trivial to those masters beyond the Qi Gathering Stage, but for someone whose bodily strength had already reached five thousand kilograms, adding another thousand was an incredible feat.

Moreover, with the increase in strength, his bones had become more solid, and his skin more resilient.

In terms of defense, his capabilities had multiplied.

"The medicinal effects wore off so quickly. Just moments ago, I was in excruciating pain, and now it has vanished so swiftly. It appears that the fortifying power of the Blood Parrot's flesh and blood has reached its limit."

Qin Fei marveled inwardly. The discomfort and pain that had plagued his skin, flesh, and bones were now fading away.

He felt light and at ease, as if after a long day's toil, he had suddenly laid down on a bed to enjoy a restful sleep.

"Eh! What is this..."

Just as he had managed to regain control of his emotions, Qin Fei's vision brightened as an unusual consciousness burst into his mind.

His inner world instantly turned a deep shade of crimson, as though he had stepped into a realm of blood.

"Blood Poison for Thousands of Miles?"

In this suddenly materialized blood-red world within Qin Fei's mind, four characters imprinted themselves into his thoughts.

"Blood as poison, Qi as motion, transform into action, annihilation precedes, devouring equates to killing..."

Beneath these imposing characters, a series of smaller words began to emerge, one after another.

The further Qin Fei read, the more intense his expression grew.

"What a malevolent demonic art! Is this... could this be the Blood Parrot's Blood Ball technique?"

Qin Fei shivered, a wave of cold washing over him.

He had never imagined that the fusion of the Blood Parrot's flesh and blood with his own would result in the assimilation of such a bizarre demonic art.

"Tsk tsk! This demonic art is truly fearsome, using blood poison to corrode and consume all in its path... It's no surprise that the Blood Parrot could command so many corpses. It turns out those zombies were merely its food supply."

Qin Fei's excitement surged. Possessing such a demonic art, once he mastered it, would mean a monumental leap in his power.

However, it would also mark him as profoundly evil.

Should the champions of justice lay eyes upon him, they would undoubtedly label him a practitioner of the vile Devil Dao.


In that instant, the Sword Soul stirred, ascending above Qin Fei's head.

A thick, blood-colored sword aura radiated outward.

It formed an aura that enveloped him, leaving Qin Fei immobilized, unable to speak, with only his thoughts remaining active.

But in a fleeting moment, the blood-red world in his mind vanished as if it were a torn piece of paper, disintegrating into nothingness.

Yet, as the blood-red world faded away, it coalesced into a sphere of blood that hurtled towards Qin Fei's consciousness with crushing force.


In a reflexive outcry, Qin Fei bellowed.

It felt as though his soul had been tainted, his entire consciousness blurring as a myriad of visions flooded his mind.

Suddenly, a bird flashed into existence. The little bird, inadvertently, found itself being hunted. Then, it stumbled upon a stroke of luck and began to roam the world, surviving through slaughter... Qin Fei felt as if he was living through the bird's experiences; he was the bird, and the bird was him, everything was eerily familiar.

Yet, the more it resonated with him, the more it consumed a part of his consciousness.

Eventually, his mind dissipated, merging into one entity.

A figure emerged, radiating with boundless blood energy in a fit of rage, devouring everything in its path. Trees, people, houses—all collapsed and dissolved into a liquid, vanishing from the world forever...

As his consciousness steadied, Qin Fei took a deep breath.

Gradually, he came back to his senses. When he next opened his eyes, he found himself sitting cross-legged on the ground, overwhelmed by a sense of weakness.

"Did the Sword Soul actually force a fusion between the Blood Parrot's consciousness and my soul?" Qin Fei was astonished. The memories were clearly those of the Blood Parrot, yet it was the Sword Soul that had compelled the merge during his dazed state.

"Wait... This... This blood poison stretches for thousands of miles..."

Abruptly, Qin Fei stood up, his eyes bulging with incredulity.

"How is this possible? Throughout history, whether it be cultivation techniques or Profound Skills, they had to be practiced in accordance with one's own body. But... how could a fusion occur..."

Qin Fei gazed at his hands. With a mere thought, he recited the Blood Poison mantra and channeled his Qi. A cloud of blood-red mist materialized in his palm.

Setting aside the fact that the Sword Soul had forced the Blood Poison into him.

He was merely at the ninth level of the Astral Refinement Stage, not yet having harnessed profound energy. How then, could he possibly gather the Blood Poison?

Was the Ten Thousand Miles Blood Poison not a Profound Skill, but merely an ordinary technique? Qin Fei refused to believe that.

The distinction between an ordinary technique and a Profound Skill lay in the fact that an ordinary technique was simply a method, whereas a Profound Skill required the fusion of profound energy and technique to unleash its formidable power.

Was the Ten Thousand Miles Blood Poison before him anything like an ordinary skill? Qin Fei wiped away a bead of cold sweat, finally coming to an understanding.

The Sword Soul's intention was for him to fully integrate with the Blood Poison. There was no need for cultivation; he simply had to merge it into his consciousness and utilize the Blood Parrot's memory to wield the Blood Poison.

"What a sinister technique!"

Qin Fei managed a wry smile. "But perhaps it's for the best. For something so challenging to master, having the Sword Soul's fusion ability could save me countless hours of training."

Now, aside from the additional memories, Qin Fei found himself lacking nothing.

However, he was somewhat repulsed by the Blood Poison technique.

Based on his memories, he was clueless about the origins of the Ten Thousand Miles Blood Poison.

All he knew was that the Blood Parrot had stumbled upon it while fleeing from a Demonic Beast.

"Well, it's either a blessing or a curse, and if it's a curse, it's unavoidable. Better to have it than not."

Qin Fei's smile was one of fierce excitement as he clenched his fists.

Possessing such a formidable Profound Skill before even reaching the Qi Gathering Stage was quite astounding. Of course, what Qin Fei found truly daunting was not the skill itself, but the Sword Soul's method of skill fusion.

After all, his knowledge of the Sword Soul was minimal, yet the miracles it produced were numerous.


His emotions barely settled, and before the Sword Soul could merge with him, a piercing scream echoed from the cave ahead.

"Huang Rong's voice?"

Qin Fei's brow furrowed. Truth be told, he had no fondness for this girl.

Her fate was of no concern to him, yet Qin Fei couldn't help but wonder.

Why were there so many zombies in Flame Mountain, and what was the story behind that stone coffin that could fly and had such formidable defenses?

All these mysteries had drawn Qin Fei in, and now, having slain the Blood Parrot, his strength had significantly increased.


In that instant, he gripped his massive sword and charged towards the cave ahead with determined strides.

As the Sword Soul stirred, it seamlessly merged into Qin Fei's body.

Qin Fei, following the sound, discovered a passage and swiftly made his way through it.

The passage was recessed, shadowy, and moist, shrouded in darkness and emanating a putrid odor.

Roughly two miles in, Qin Fei's gaze was captured by a blood-red vista.

The air was thick with a crimson glow, but it wasn't simply a cave tinged with blood.

Rather, there lay a vast blood pool, spanning about a hundred square meters. At the head of the pool, two stone dragons had their jaws agape, gushing streams of fresh blood into the pool.

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