Surviving The Doomsday With System/C19 Ke'er's Evolver Special Ability
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Surviving The Doomsday With System/C19 Ke'er's Evolver Special Ability
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C19 Ke'er's Evolver Special Ability

Jiang Loong wasted no time in deploying his sole Rank 3 zombie to engage in battle.

The two zombies instantly became a tangled mass of limbs and snarls.

Jiang Loong's Rank 3 zombie proved to be formidable, relentlessly pushing the mutated zombie back.

Most mutated zombies focused on physical enhancement, hardening their skin and bones and boosting their speed. Typically, they would develop in either strength or agility. A rare few possessed additional abilities, somewhat akin to an Evolver's extraordinary talents.

For now, Jiang Loong's Rank 3 zombie shared the brute force approach of the others, resorting to a straightforward brawl.

Suddenly, another mutated zombie sprang into action.

This one was noticeably quicker and more nimble. Instead of bulldozing through the horde, it opted for a quadrupedal approach. It nimbly darted over the tops of the other zombies' heads, swift as a gust of wind.

And its target was none other than Jiang Loong.

By the time Jiang Loong spotted it, the creature was already less than a meter away.

Mouth agape, revealing a maw of razor-sharp teeth, it lunged at Jiang Loong.

With no time to think, Jiang Loong swung a punch at the attacker.

But before his fist could connect, a fireball whizzed from the side, striking the zombie and catapulting it away.

Jiang Loong's punch hit nothing but air, and he turned around, astonished.

Had Ke'er thrown that fireball?

Jiang Loong vividly recalled the scene outside the second food town, where he had witnessed an Evolver setting the place ablaze. The inferno had consumed much of the town, prompting Jiang Loong to leave.

And that Evolver was Ke'er, wasn't it?

Ke'er's evolved talent had to be linked to fire!

Jiang Loong also remembered how, on the second floor of a building, Ke'er's Flame Blast had sent those three cowards running before she even unleashed it. The mere potential of its power was clearly fearsome.

To Jiang Loong's amazement, Ke'er had retained her extraordinary talent even after becoming a zombie!

Realizing this, he quickly retrieved a stick and a thin sword from his storage space, fused them into one, and tossed it to Ke'er.

"Ke'er, take this! Do you remember what it is?"

Ke'er accepted the slender staff, giving Jiang Loong a glance devoid of any emotion.

Just then, the mutated zombie that had been blasted away lunged at Jiang Loong again.

Despite being struck by a fireball, it hadn't succumbed so easily.

Most zombies might lack extraordinary talents, but the higher their rank, the tougher their skin and bones, and their tenacity was remarkable.

Otherwise, how could they possibly contend with an Evolver?

Ke'er lightly tapped her weapon toward the zombie.

Another fireball burst from her staff, striking the mutated zombie.

Jiang Loong watched Ke'er's staff, his surprise evident. Could this be a mage's wand?

Yet, concealed within the staff was a slender sword. Was that her weapon for close-quarters combat?

Jiang Loong pondered this curiously.

"Snap out of it and keep throwing zombies at us!"

Noticing Ke'er gaining the upper hand, he didn't want to squander precious time. So, Jiang Loong directed the Rank 1 female zombie to get back to work.

The mutant male zombie, now only half a body, had been returned to the Synthetic Space by Jiang Loong, where it could slowly heal.

Minutes later, the fight was drawing to a close, and the two mutated zombies were struggling to keep up.

"They're trying to flee!" Jiang Loong realized.

He halted his actions and drew his large knife, charging at the mutated zombie engaged with his Rank 3 male zombie.

Tongtong was right on his heels. Any zombies that dared approach were swiftly taken down by Tongtong's Sleeve Sword and tossed into the Synthetic Space by Jiang Loong.

"Tongtong, block that mutated zombie!"

Jiang Loong swung his knife at the zombie.

Already outmatched by Jiang Loong's Rank 3 male zombie, the mutated zombie was beaten back. Upon seeing Jiang Loong's knife arc toward it, the creature turned tail and fled.

Jiang Loong smirked slightly.

His frontal assault was a ploy to force the mutated zombie into flight, aiming to give Tongtong the opening she needed.

Sure enough, Tongtong intercepted the fleeing zombie. Her Sleeve Sword swiftly found its mark, piercing the mutated zombie's forehead.

The mutated zombie unleashed a harrowing, ear-piercing screech. Seizing the moment, Jiang Loong's Rank 3 male zombie charged forward, pinning the creature beneath its feet.

Without giving the mutated zombie a chance to fight back, Jiang Loong swiftly captured it in his Synthetic Space. The zombie, wounded by the Sleeve Sword, appeared on the brink of death—Tongtong's assault had been merciless.

As soon as it was secured in Jiang Loong's space, he eagerly checked its level and was thrilled to discover it was a Level 35—a Rank 3 zombie!

"Quick, assist Ke'er. We can't let that zombie get away!" Jiang Loong instructed urgently.

He released the Rank 3 mutated zombie, which immediately regained its full strength upon emerging. The Synthetic Space was truly remarkable. Regardless of the type, once a zombie entered the space and became one of Jiang Loong's, it would instantly rejuvenate to its peak condition.

However, should a zombie sustain injuries after its allegiance to Jiang Loong, returning it to the space wouldn't heal it instantly. Instead, it would require time to recuperate. This explained why the previously wounded Rank 1 male zombie hadn't recovered right away.

Tongtong, two Rank 3 male zombies, a Rank 1 female zombie, and Jiang Loong wove through the horde, pursuing the exceedingly swift mutated zombie. Sensing danger, the zombie attempted to flee.

It was fast, but not faster than Ke'er. She ceased her Flame Blast attacks, instead cutting off its escape route. Trapped with no exit, the zombie was swiftly encircled by Jiang Loong and his team.

Jiang Loong directed his zombies in a coordinated assault. Only when the zombie was on the cusp of death did he secure it within his space.

It was a Rank 2 mutated zombie, its appearance strikingly ghastly and fearsome. To Jiang Loong's surprise, this hideous creature turned out to be a female zombie. He could only wonder what she had endured during her transformation.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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